So 2 days ago i once more broke the joint to the trincia, although in a brand new way, so… yeah not a silver lining exactly, just a new way to screw up I hope to not repeat.
I also had the chainsaw die on me. Looks like a bolt snapped and the carburettor now has an air leak. The wife’s phone died, and so did her computer.
And the paperwork for the export of oil has been sorted but now the oil mill guys are worried about it all being correct (which it is, but they don’t read English so it’s very understandable).
Then there was the arguing with the kids, then the wife. And the electric company decided to reduce our power to a level where we could not run the washing machine or the oven. All because of an unpaid bill from 2022 when during covid they QUINTUPLED the rates for four months in a row. I paid one of those, bills (bimonthly) not the other. Because it turns out there was absolutely no reason for the increase. Something that came out in national papers too. And they did it without any warning or any answer as to why the increase took place.
And the water company over-bills us every month.
And my car has something not right with the petrol pump.
On days like that, if you’re a lukewarm heretic, you will question why God is punishing you, pray for deliverance from your misery, and so on.
If you are an actual Catholic, instead of a pretend one, you will pray that God helps you become better for your family by whatever means He deems best, realise trials are a way to train you to become stronger and better and work your ass off to do what you can.
The tractor part and chainsaw are still broken, and the car issue is not getting resolved any time soon, but the power company figured getting their name in the papers for the wrong reason was not a great idea. So the power is back to normal. We’ll see how it plays out in time.
The argument led to a better way of doing things from both the wife and I, and we think the kids too in due course can benefit from a few changes we are making.
Her phone is kaput, but we went to an Apple store and her laptop is now better than before. I’ll take the chainsaw apart in the next day or two and hopefully I can fix it. The tractor joint may cost more this time round, which I hope not, because I am counting every penny these days.
The point is: life is not that different from martial arts and endeavours. You gotta keep observing, learning from every mistake you make, and getting back up every time you get knocked down.
And don’t worry too much. No problem is permanent. Give it enough time and absolutely everything will pass. If not now, for sure when you do. So you may as well keep going.
[…] just gotta clear out the drains, including the shower one that has been blocked because you have a wife and 4 daughters that have […]