On this page you will find links to dedicated posts, experiments, and research of a scientific nature that follows the actual, original, objective, and impartial scientific method, and not the political propaganda, fake “peer reviewed” articles, and $cience that tries to pass itself off as actual science today. The idea is also for anyone that wishes to do so to contribute any such work that meets our standards, in line with our generally irreverent, but methodologically serious, process as described in our Special Operations & Exploration concept of how all real science should be done, and for the most part was done, back in the late 1800s, when scientists were still scientists, men still men, women still women, and all was well in the world. The links below are organised alphabetically by title. Articles (A/An/The) are ignored for alphabetical listing purposes.

Without further ado then, I present to you, Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Adventure Science Library

Ancient Original (?) Inscription on the Great Pyramid

Ancient Radios

Curing Eyesight with Hypnosis

Electronic Voice Phenomena (external site, not all good info but it’s a start)

The Gasifier for Off-Grid Living (negative results)

The Human Mind (Part I – An Overview for Practical Purposes)

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
Website maintained by IT monks