You might be a complete idiot if you believe…

NB: I am hoping this list will diminish the number of retards I need to spam permanently. I know, I know, but one can hope…

  • The official story about 9/11
  • The official story NASA says about:
    • The Moon landing/s
    • The Face on Mars
    • Losing the technology to go to the Moon
    • Taping over the original Moon landing videos
    • What Mars is like on about all levels, and why
    • The nature of the Asteroid Belt
    • The nature of Venus
    • Pretty much all they said about all the Mars missions
    • The Clementine Moon Mission
    • In general, almost anything they say
  • That Lee Harvey Oswald Killed JFK
  • That Antigravity Technology does not exist
  • That far more efficient ways to create electricity don’t exist
  • That cold fusion was a total scam
  • That Edison was the inventor of the Lightbulb
  • That the Talmudic religion of the Jews is NOT officially, admitted to be by both notable Rabbis and their Talmud, a tyrannical pedophile one whose aim is to rule over all non-Jews, making them slaves
  • That airships are inherently dangerous
  • That space travel is wasteful or impossible
  • What I refer to as Psychotronic Healing Chambers in my SF are not a reality (if not quite exactly as I presented them)
  • That the Great Pyramid in Giza was build as the official Egyptologists say
  • That the Sphinx is what the official story says
  • That both the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx were built:
    • When the Egyptologists tell us they were
    • How they tell us they were built
    • By whom they were built
    • Why they were built
  • That the history of Humanity does not include advanced civilisations in our past
  • That Hitler died in his bunker from suicide
  • That the Crusaders were “the bad guys”
  • That the Eastern “Orthodox” were the “good guys” despite betraying the Catholics who came to help them for three crusades in a row and forever after
  • That Martin Luther improved anything for Christianity
  • That Henry the VIII improved anything for Christianity
  • That the KJV “Bible” is the best one (despite it being ordered by a flaming homosexual who literally created the Freemason Temples as we have them today and having over 33,000 “mistranslations” including in the Ten Commandments, and being translated from a version of the Bible that was edited by Pharisees for 700 years and had books ripped out of it by the Luther followers)
  • That there are anything other than two sexes
  • That we should use the word “gender” —which is properly to be used for discussing the grammar of the romantic languages, which have feminine and masculine words— to describe what should be referred to as the sex of human beings
  • That “transitioning” children is anything than an utterly perverse form of both sexual, emotional, intellectual and demonic physical abuse
  • That there is no link between homosexuality and child sexual abuse in both directions, that is at the level of both the causation of homosexuality as well as the resultant effects of it
  • That very highly placed people in especially the US, but also most Western governments, legislature and law enforcement are not active pedophiles, blackmailable on multiple front and/or covering for various colleagues of theirs who are pedophiles
  • That the naked mask-wearing dancing ritual that happen at places like Bohemian grove are perfectly innocent “games” and not demonic rituals performed by highly wealthy and powerful individuals
  • That the Brandenburg Group is benign
  • That the Covid Genetic Serums are in any way, shape or form actual Vaccines
  • That the Covid Genetic Serums are in any way benign
  • That the entire Covid scam was not a planned depopulation agenda years in the making and well co-ordinated
  • That the videos of Fauci and his colleagues essentially admitting to wanting to bypass all standards of due process for these fake “vaccines” are not real
  • That event 201 was just a coincidence
  • That the Green Pass was put in place for our benefit and not to regulate every aspect of our life, Chinese style as is already happening in China
  • That 5G is for our own good and poses no health risks for humans whatsoever
  • That the Port Alfred Massacre official story is the truth and Bryant is guilty of anything other than being mentally handicapped and a patsy
  • That brain-controlling weaponry on both individual and mass scale doesn’t already exist and has existed since at least the 1990s
  • That democracy is the best system of government
  • That violence is never the answer
  • That there ever has been, or ever will be, anything such as “free speech”
  • That America was ever intended to be “the land of the free”
  • That America was not conceived of, funded by, and created by Freemasons as a Freemasons country with Freemason rules which have gradually become more and more obviously Freemason over time
  • That the “Catholic Church” after Vatican II is the same Catholic Church as before it and teaches the same things
  • That the Catholic Church was not intentionally infiltrated by Freemasons, Carbonari, Illuminati (all variations of Satanists) and Communists for at least 250 years until the invalid election of “Roncalli” in 1958 finally meant they had taken over the structure of the Catholic Church almost entirely
  • That Catholicism lasted almost 2000 years (and continues to exist today if much reduced) and created the best civilisations humanity has ever seen as well as the best real advances in human conditions by “chance”
  • That Einstein was a great guy, not a sexual pervert and a plagiarist
  • That Bill Gates is a great guy, not a pervert and depopulationist that was never any good even at his supposed original work and that Paul Allen was wrong when he let it be known Bill just masturbated to porn almost constantly and didn’t do any of the work attributed to him
  • That the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other ridiculously wealthy individuals that had a hand in WW1, WW2, The Federal Reserve and so on are perfectly nice people without a conspiratorial, mass-murdering bone in their body
  • That Epstein killed himself
  • That Bill and Hillary Clinton did not have a bunch of people killed over the years
  • That only the government and its operatives should have a monopoly on the use of force
  • That government is efficient at anything other than protecting government against justice from its citizens
  • That Anglo-saxon or American “common-law” is superior to Roman Law
  • That Truth is relative and not objective
  • That your emotions should take precedence over logic that is based in principles of Roman Law and Catholic Justice
  • That the death penalty is wrong or inhumane
  • That Church and State should be separate in one nation
  • That diversity in a nation is a positive
  • That Feminism is good or has achieved anything good when compared overall to the patriarchal way civilisation was achieved
  • That men and women are in any way equal
  • That all religions, ideologies and beliefs have equal value or are deserving of equal respect
  • That evil people do not exist or that evil itself does not exist
  • That spiritual beings or entities with nefarious intent towards us do not exist
  • That the Universe is just a random accident even if it is absolutely obvious to anyone who bothers to look that the math simply does not, in any way, stack up
  • That a billion monkeys on a billion typewriters, for ten billion years could write just one of the plays of Shakespeare, never mind all his works. Seriously. Do the math. Actually do the math.
  • That “faith” doesn’t involve or shouldn’t involve reason
  • That a higher IQ automatically means a higher moral code
  • That (as Martin Luther did, explicitly) reason (logic, objectivity and so on) is “the whore of the devil”
  • That “once saved always saved” makes any sense or is how Christianity works

This is by no means a complete list. It’s not even a decent partial list. It’s just what popped into my head without any interruption for the few minutes it took me to write it. And I could probably continue for several hours without pause, but it will do for the normies, for now.

I am certain almost no-one will agree with he whole list, but if such a person does exist, do let me know and leave a comment, I’m curious.

7 Responses to “You might be a complete idiot if you believe…”

  1. Cooper Chauvin says:

    I’m unfamiliar with cold fusion and port alfred, so I couldn’t speak to them, but otherwise this is spot on. I might add that evolution by natuaral selection is demonstrable or even mathematically consistent. I’m considering sharing this with normies, although that might increase the flow of retards here, so I won’t unless you give me permission to do so.

  2. Dane says:

    You´d be interested in this, he claims that there are “Natural causes” for the isotopes and compounds on Mars but it is quite interesting if you disregards his conclusions of the facts.

    • G says:

      I don’t give a crap about “isotopes”. I care about 400m tall FACES and giant pyramids near it. And the Viking tests done that proved biological life was likely to have existed that to date no one has explained adequately.

  3. Joseph says:

    This is an interesting list, however I’m working my way through to gain knowledge in these topics(my general knowledge is abysmal). I used to read, but I am now a quasi- illiterate zoomer, so if this comment seems unhinged, that’s why. I’m trying to learn electrical engineering at the moment in order to piece together what the greats originally envisioned electricity to be. It’s so bizarre to me that something non-physical can actually produce work.

    Regarding evolution I think the way you framed the problem is interesting, because I think about it in a similar but different way. I stopped believing in it when I was 16, as a result of my teacher’s remark about how particle collisions are random “ like genetic mutations”. The thing that doesn’t sit well with me is that nothing that humans talk about can actually be random, because randomness presupposes that elements in a system have no relation to each other. If we then have a random event, the current state in the chain of causation would have no relation to that antecedent, which then means there would be no causal chain; there’s no reason for any certain state to succeed another, as that would preclude determinacy, which randomness by definition cannot be. This would mean the event is indeterminate and therefore you wouldn’t be able to witness or comment on it as it does not possess any qualities that would distinguish it as extant. It’s a kind of meta analysis; by talking about it you have disproved it, because whatever is talked about in question must be represented in the framework of language… which has a pattern. It’s like saying that counting is random, even though the way the numbers are assorted is what enables calculation itself to be possible.
    I also considered the unlikelihood of genetic mutations being favourable consistently over periods of millions of years in such a way that they are also concomitant with the development of all other organisms on the planet to produce stable ecosystems which depend on each other and overlap. Not to mention that the expression of the phenotype has to be supported by proper nutrition, so the environment need must coincidentally provide the nutrients needed for the adaptation to be properly integrated in the living organism. We haven’t even talked about the mating, and the speed of genetic mutation necessary, or that the mutation needs to be such that it does not severely interfere with the whole system of the organism, as every part of the living being works in concert and a slight miscalculation would be catastrophic- but since evolution must be random, such a case seems incredible. It is possible with natural selection that in the short run a beneficial adaptation may compromise the organism in the long term as the environment changes further or there is an issue which is augmented over generations.

    The standard doctrine of evolution is tantamount to me having a muscle spasm and consequently drawing a perfect circle with that selfsame spasmodic movement. However, if you say any of this people just call you stupid.

    • G says:

      Not unhinged at all. Regarding the electrical engineering, your very point here is pivotal. It looks to me like neither Maxwell nor anyone else at his time thought magnetism and electricity were “non-physical”. That was the whole point of the concept of the aether. A medium through which things that are INVISIBLE TO US, but that definitely exist, have an effect on their surroundings. Read the posts on Maxwell and the linked papers and I think you’ll find that is the case. Furthermore, do not be discouraged, your “ignorance” in the field is a benefit, as it may allow you to look into areas that others have been taught are dead ends when in reality they may well hold the secrets that people like Tesla obviously had understood.
      Nor is your discussion of evolution “stupid”.
      Carry on. You may well end up doing great things.

  4. […] Some time ago, I made a really brief and far from conclusive or exhaustive list of things that if you believe pretty much any of them, it’s a good sign you really haven’t looked into it at all and/or may not be the brightest bulb in the box. Of course, it had my usual, signature kind and flattering title… […]

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