You are either an idiot or completely ignorant on the subject if you believe…

1. That 9/11 was the result of islamic terrorists flying planes into buildings and not done by people linked to Mossad.

2. That mRNA genetic serums are vaccines.

3. That mRNA genetic serums are not going to alter your DNA; and that of any children you may have after it.

4. That Epstein killed himself.

5. That Epstein was not a Mossad asset used to blackmail a bunch of pedophiles into doing whatever Epstein/Israel wanted them to do.

6. That John Podesta just happened to have pedophile/satanic symbols on his hands and similar reference in his emails by coincidence.

7. That Hillary and Bill Clinton are not responsible for multiple Arkanicides.

8. That Barry Sotero (Obama) was born in the USA, is not gay and is not muslim.

9. That the USA was not founded by freemasons with freemasonic principles from the start.

10. That freemasons are not satanists and knowingly so at the higher echelons.

11. That child sacrifice in satanic rituals is not happening at very high levels of government/s and billionaire gatherings.

12. That the Bilderberger group and Skull and Crossbones and the the Carbonari and Freemasonry and the Illuminati and the “freethinkers” and the Rosicrucians and the Novus ordo fake Popes and their fake Bishops, fake Cardinals and fake Priests are not all just different versions of the servants whose names are legion, of the Prince of the Air.

13. That all versions of “Christianity” will bring you salvation.

14. That the American government as well as many (most) others has never done terrible, deadly experiments on ita own citizens.

15. That evil, sadistic, pedophiles cannot possibly exist and be active at all levels of government, the judiciary and especially the entertainment industry, primarily in the USA but also the UK, Belgium, France, and many other countries.

16. That climate change is killing people of “suddenly” instead of it being the result of the mRNA genetic serums.

17. That the damage done by the genetic serums, the whole COVID “pandemic” and the incoming economic collapse was not all pre-planned years in advance.

18. That the intention to depopulate the planet is just a paranoid “conspiracy theory”.

19. That Covid was not studied, created and elements of that research patented in a laboratory.

20. That JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

21. That Hitler died in a bunker in Berlin by suicide.

22. That the destruction and murder of the royal houses of Europe was not an organised, intentional ploy by the same forces that eventually infiltrated the Catholic Church and created Vatican II and placed heretics, non-catholics and Satanists on the Papal throne since 1958.

23. That Joe Biden was legitimately elected by the democratic process of voting in the USA.

24. That the Talmud does not permit sex with little children.

25. That Talmudic Judaism hates the Catholic Church (the real one, not the Novus Ordo fake “Catholics”) and has been behind every attack on it from the time of Jesus to today.

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4 Responses to “You are either an idiot or completely ignorant on the subject if you believe…”

  1. ShadoHand says:

    You forgot:

    Psychiatry is a legitimate scientific discipline and mental illnesses are real biological diseases like any other.

    • G says:

      I didn’t forget anything. I chose to end the list at 25 because I have a life and just wanted to limit the list to the most blatantly obvious…I’m fairly sure I could hit 100 items just off the top of my head and probably over 1000 if I had the time to spend on it.
      But I appreciate your point, though, there are cases of real biological issues in brain formation and some psychological issues are real, things that will be addressed in part on the kurgan.tv series on hypnosis.

  2. william bruce says:

    One of my favorites is the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of American and the “republic for which it stands.” Written by a Communist, it was initially repeated by millions of school children using the formal Nazi salute.

    The eight year Confederacy of thirteen independent federal republics was dissolved in 1787, with the drafting of the first Patriot Act by a Godless masonic cabal, in secret and sold to the public with an ingenious piece of propaganda, kick starting Vox Day’s Empire of Lies. The result being another Tower of Babel crumbling, never to be resuscitated.

  3. […] And they have pretty much succeeded at this point, given how many people already believe at least some of these things I listed before. […]

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