WWI was essentially engineered by the (((usual suspects))) and freemason/communist/Christ haters as essentially designed to destroy class hierarchy, and royal families since as long as they existed —thanks to Charlemagne several centuries earlier, when he essentially pushed the idea forward— royalty were deemed to have a mandate from heaven to be the leaders of nations. This, the lay strong arm of the Catholic world, along with the Catholic Church and clergy that ran it, formed a truly remarkable civilisation.
The hierarchical structure was strong, both in the Church as well as the laity, and everyone knew their place, yet was not completely inflexible, allowing for a certain mobility of rank for truly meritorious actions or ability. My own family is testament to this, having pacified a 200 year old feud they were given noble titles by the king of Sicily. All first born sons of the original gold line being marquises. And later, the splintered silver branch of the family, which had left such accolades behind to go North to Venice, distinguished themselves again in the war of Candia and were made patricians (the lowest of the noble ranks) in perpetuity.
Well, as long as such a system existed, it civilised and improved the lot of mankind.
WWI was the first massive culling of fighting age men, and designed to pit noble against commoner, in pursuit of the communist ideals (which are ultimately satanic).
The Second World War finished the job, while subjugating the entire world to the Freemasonic country that is the USA.
Before this, nations were nations, after it, every nation of Europe (and most of the rest of the world too) effectively became subsidiary companies of the USA. Don’t take my word for it. Look up what the Universal Commercial Code is for each ex-nation.
Most Americans have no idea about the roots of their country, and have been brainwashed into believing it’s all about freedom and courage and so on, even as they become increasingly unable to shift their corpulent, GMO bodies off the couch.
The reality is that not only was the USA founded on Freemasonic principles, it was done so by financing from France largely, and in such a way as to also undermine French royalty. Luis and Marie-Antoinette literally lost their heads over it. And this carried on for the next centuries too. The assassination of President Garfield being a bit of infighting between various Freemasonic factions, while that of JFK being because despite his severely degenerate lifestyle, JFK still harboured a few Catholic principles of actually trying to male the world a better, more peaceful place.
The men who fought in WWII were true believers in large part. They either fought for their homeland and way of life, or to defeat what they saw as true evil. Not all were fooled of course, but many were, and the feats of heroism on all sides were plentiful. And having such men die in large numbers was in fact one of the aims.
(((The usual suspects))) hate with a passion any man that espouses the classic virtues of Catholicism. They move through life as sneaks and deceivers and liars and fraudsters; so it’s only natural they can’t stand the types of people who are their diametric opposite.
WWIII on the other hand is being fought either by retarded as well as brainwashed ideologues (Ukrainians), deceivers with all their deception (Israel) or a mixture (pretty much everyone else) and even the brave may be brainwashed for the most part (Palestinians), though that at least is not new.
And the whole façade of war itself has greatly fallen. Pretty much everyone that can read and write and has access to the internet is aware that war is hell, and no matter whose side you are on, no one really wants war.
If this Third World War proceeds to become a hot one that really goes global, it will be the result of one of two things:
1. Nuclear detonations going off.
These would be set off by the few insane ideologues to begin with, but given that no one likes having whole cities, especially capital ones, wiped off the map, the response would also be nuclear, even if the other side was not being run by desperate pedophiles trying to cling on to the last vestiges of power. The one saving grace in this is that as a result, quite possibly, every single strand of DNA of the Satanists in charge could be wiped out in a very short time. Not only as a direct result of nuclear impacts on the geographical areas responsible for the initial launches, but later too, by the literal hunting down of every banker, politician, influencer and so on that was even remotely pro-war by the survivors. I truly do not think the Davos crowd would survive their own security details past the first few mushroom clouds, and certainly not after the last ones.
Of course, depending on the size of the conflagration, Europe as a whole might become mostly non viable, as well as large areas of Russia and the USA. Smaller countries like Japan or North Korea might disappear entirely. Large sections of Africa and some relatively large ones of South America would survive quite untouched, though the total lack of global logistics and general food production would cause further damage and starvation and death.
No one can really predict what a future after such a war might look like, but it is highly likely that the entire middle east would be a level plane of glowing glass, and that Jews as an ethnicity and religion would simply disappear entirely from the Earth. Islam would survive in some form or other due to sheer numbers, even if Mecca might have returned partially to space.
Protestantism (including the Novus Orco version of “Catholicism”) would remain in some forms as a kind of cultural mythology, and thus, be similar to what Islam might look like without Mecca.
Actual Catholics (Sedes) will continue to exist, few as they may be, and in fact, their ranks will increase fast. That, ultimately has to be the case if Catholicism is true, as I believe. And in fact the various prophecies state Catholicism would recommence and eventually take over the globe, before the final corruption and end times.
Or, of course, we might already be in the end times, in which case, the Sedes are literally the last remnant mentioned in revelation.
2. Some series of territorial disputes
The current squabbles in Gaza can and will create “opportunities” by other power hungry cretins around the globe, and it is quite likely that if the current conflict there escalates, it drags in most of the Arab world, and if America interferes with that then Russia and the satrapies of the USA (in Europe) will be dragged in too, which of course, increases the chance that it all becomes nuclear again.
If it does not, however, there will be much border shiftings. New countries that did not exist before are likely to be formed and some that do may disappear. Chaos has a way of resolving tensions one way or the other. Personally I hope it would result in the mass exodus of American military bases and their personnel from Europe and the return of those nations to actual nations. I can’t see that happening bloodlessly, but who knows, in such times miracles can occur.
Possibly those very same American bases might become centres of power of one or more of the factions that the USA is increasingly likely to split into. How that will go with the local populace will largely depend on what happens to the WEF and globohomo puppets that currently are considered the “government” of the European states. In some cases, I think revolutions may well happen. Possibly merely popular and not involving piano wire, rope and lampposts. In that case, however, it is quite likely that in such cases the new rulers are merely a different shade of American deep state butt puppet. And in the violent replacement case, it is quite likely the new rulers are power-hungry tyrants with few scruples.
Honourable men able to do massive violence were always a rarity, in all ages, and are generally remembered for it even millennia later. In general these were noble heathens (samurai come to mind) Pagans (Vikings, Spartans, Romans, but calm down, there are no pagans left) or Catholic warriors. Individuals with such qualities exist, but as an ideology, the few left are the Sedevacantist Catholics, in theory anyway, it’s not as if they have been tested in battle, and many would probably choose martyrdom. Some enclave of samurai idolising Japanese, which again, would be untested, and after that probably tribal and large familial bonds. Some rednecks in the Appalachians, a tribe of criminal gypsies somewhere or other, some Russian mobsters/oligarchs/military generals that have enough loyal men to take over and control areas they are in.
These attempts at independence will fail in many cases and be re-assimilated once the situation stabilises (assuming nuclear war is averted) but in at least a few cases, where the opportunity is seized at the correct time and pressed and consolidated in the right manner and at the right speed (usually lightning quick), as well as a replacement system introduced that serves the needs of the majority better than whatever was there before, they will succeed. And if they then take the time and effort to shore up their defences to be able to resist the forceful takeover by whatever systems of government become prominent near them, they will have effectively created a new country.
Though, as I predicted way back in 2014, I think for the most part these will begin as smallish city-states.
You need not fear the current warmongers. They are rat-like parasites on the back of humanity, as they have always been, and their narrative is failing all around them. And yes, they may start nuclear armageddon, but if you are under one of those mushroom clouds your problems are over, and if you are a believer you will be finally home. And if you are not, you get to possibly hunt down the perpetrators and/or found/help create an independent nation.
So be of good cheer and go spread the good news.
[…] Guest Post by Giuseppe Filotto […]
Love your work. We see things in quite a similar fashion. No one aside from a few maniacs want nuclear war. However that list grows quite a bit larger when we include those who know their power is coming to an end. So that is quite worrisome. America’s last best option is to submit to the coming multi-polar world taking shape and play by the rules. In order for that to have a chance in hell we are going to need a complete change of leadership. That’s coming one way or another. It’s a conundrum for some of us conservative minded types. Act too soon while the system is still setup to pound your ass and you will be in a steel cage through all of the excitement. Act too late and we find ourselves with not much left in needing saved.
God Bless!
The Second Coming,
W. B. Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Crazy Earl says golden times await.
Keep calm and safety off.
Unfortunately there likely won’t be a rebuilding from scratch. There has never been a madmax collapse in recorded history. Instead what happens is those that had some form of power before leveraged that position to become a major power afterwards. For example, most Euro titles of nobility are vestiges of Roman administrative titles. So unless you are currently a governor, general commanding troops, sheriff, or mayor or police chief of a major city, you likely won’t have much say in what the aftermath looks like.
Generally speaking, yes, you are correct. If you read my four part series of blog posts about how to take on clown world and win (use the “search me” button on the right sidebar) you will see that I advocate precisely that, to take over prior to collapse, as many local political positions as possible.