Why you REALLY need to understand math

Specifically, you really need to understand at least the basics of statistics and probability.

It is not a coincidence that these two aspects of mathematics, along with ratios and set theory are possibly the most neglected aspects of mathematics.

Having a functional grasp of them allows you to put the lie to almost everything the mass media puts out. And it totally wrecks the globohomo clown world narrative.

Now on a totally unrelated news item, of course, we find this. An ex-mayor buddy with Pete Buttiegieg of East Palestine fame:

Democrat Mayor Arrested For Possession of Child Pornography Was Previously Mentored By Pete Buttigieg and Invited To White House

By Anthony Scott Mar. 2, 2023 6:20 pm

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier on Thursday, Patrick Wojahn, the Democrat Mayor of College Park, Maryland, resigned just one day before being arrested on 56 counts of possession and distribution of child pornography.The Prince George’s County police department arrested Wojahn soon after they discovered he was allegedly operating a social media account distributing pornography.Before his arrest, Wojahn had friendships with high-profile Democrats such as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.The Washington Blade in 2019 reported, “Pete Buttigieg has mentored Patrick Wojahn over the years.”

I wonder if anyone has done a study or two correlating certain lifestyle choices with sexual child abuse. Oh. Wait… they have.

Oh and what about those who are sexually abused as children going on to become of a particular sexual orientation? Oh well… yes… they have. In various ways.

And… what is the incidence of sexual abuse in boys? Of those that we know, anyway, because reported, which we all know is a fraction of the real total.

According to wikipedia, child sexual abuse globally has been estimated at 7.9% for males.

We know wikipedia is not the most reliable source, given their politics, but let’s run with that.

And just for fun, let’s summarise, using math, a hypothetical situation using the numbers above.

Let’s assume a guy called Petey Buttplug, in a homosexual relationship with some other gay guy we’ll call Chasey Glazethem buy a baby for playing at pretend-family with two “dads”.

We’ll call the baby Pur Childe.

What are the chances Pur will be sexually abused by at least one of his “dads”?

Let’s do this the right way and show our working out.

Things we know from the studies above:

Chance of being sexually abused as a boy: 7.9%

Chance a homosexual may abuse a child: about 11 times the chance a non homosexual does it.

So… all things being equal, that 7.9% for a child that might be raised by (on average) overwhelmingly straight parents, jumps to:

7.9% x 11 = 86.9%.

Which means he’s only got 13.1% chance to NOT get molested. Statistically speaking.

He’s got to dodge the sexual molestation twice though, given the “dads”.

Which means 13.1% x 13.1% = 1.7% overall.

Let’s be optimistic then, and say 2%.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the statistical, global chance that a child adopted by two gay men is NOT sexually molested before reaching his 18th birthday.

And keep in mind that is using the reported data of sexual abuse of boys, which is a fraction of the total. Meaning the real number, statistically, approaches zero.

Do you understand why math is important now?

3 Responses to “Why you REALLY need to understand math”

  1. Rich says:

    Whenever this topic comes up, I toss out Stonetoss’ brutal rhetoric:


  2. […] fashioned” (normal, proper and correct) way, by procreating them with each other. Never mind the statistical reality of what child sexual abuse in homosexual “couples” looks like. Because after all, math […]

  3. […] in that spirit, I encourage you to re-read this earlier post of mine. It has it all and will also teach you a fun new way of sharing math skills with your friends and […]

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