Why Russia has Nukes near Florida

Primarily because the American people, despite their bravado of having guns to revolt against a potentially tyrannical government, have yet not done so.

So let me translate what should have been obvious long ago, what I stated before and what now, probably just as tired of having to spell it out, even the master diplomat Lavrov is reduced to put into language even the neocons running America can begin to understand:

Here is Lavrov

And here is my translation:

“Americans: this time the war will not be limited to Europe. We will nuke America too.”

And in case you still think ‘murica! will “win” consider that they can’t presently even FIND the sub that is somewhere near Cuba. And yes it is a nuclear submarine. With hypersonic nukes that NOTHING ON EARTH can stop. Or in space either for that matter.

So… yeah… if world war three kicks off, in the tac-nuke department, then my prediction is as follows:

Americans will be tac-nuked or maybe even nuke-nuked, and many countries in Europe will have a sudden, massive, violent revolution that will see the entire political class that are the puppets if the (((Americans))) swinging from lampposts.

I don’t think that will happen in the USA though. I think the people there are too docile and addicted to hyperbole and fantasy to actually do much of anything anymore. They are effectively neutered I think.

I hope that is plain enough for the idiot pedos in charge to understand.

Oh… and Israel will disappear from the map.

Because as soon as the big boys start trading nukes the entire Arab world will simply curb stomp Israel. And given current American Aircraft carriers are running away from Yemeni sand people, it does not bode too well for the puppet-masters on the global scene.

2 Responses to “Why Russia has Nukes near Florida”

  1. Chris says:

    Sorry , I forgot to add that I understand this “exercise” was planned over a year ago?
    Chris (CIII)

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