Andrew Torba has written his regular newsletter, which you can see as a blog post here.
In it he laments the various issues that are ensuring the American population, along with the European one, are falling (and have been for a long time) below replacement value.
He does this by mentioning the issues, while apparently being totally oblivious of how any of these issues became issues in the first place, and what the root cause of all of them was and is.
It’s really quite astonishing. But I think it can be useful to look at this peculiar blindness of his as a starting point to show with a certain level of clarity and obviousness what the baseline issues are originating from, and how, specifically, in each case, this can be demonstrated to have massive evidence for the fact that, at root, all of these issues have the starting point of the Protestant rebellion against the Catholic Church.
Now, if you are a Protestant, irritating as you may find me and my perspectives, I sincerely hope you settle down, muster as much objective consideration for the rest of this post as you can, and consider it calmly and objectively. And if some of my rhetoric infuriates you, pay attention to that, and notice which bits do so the most (these are where your biggest logical hurdles and fallacies are going to be found), then let them go and try, for the sake of argument at least, to imagine they are true and correct anyway (they are, my rhetoric is so unpleasant for people because it invariably is laced with painful truth).
And then see if you can’t understand my points from a bird’s eye view, instead of taking it personally against you as a person, the people who taught you to be a Protestant that you care about, and so on.
Being as Torba is a Protestant himself, and being that Protestants, like solipsistic women, only backwards rationalise any reality in the past that factually makes them responsible for anything, instead of facing the facts squarely on, he seems to think this situation is totally divorced from anything to do with Protestantism. In fact he blindly points out the issues while completely oblivious to the reasons of why, how and when these things became issues.
It really is a kind of perspective of extreme selfishness or self-centeredness to the point of being oblivious of the destruction one leaves in one’s wake. Any damage done is just some magical thing that just happens on its own and is always fully justifiable in just such a way (by some magic) that means it is never, ever, ever, that person’s fault.
What a selfish, stupid, spoilt brat, or a woman (men too, but they generally are more consciously aware than women in this regard) would do on an individual level, Protestants do on a massive social level that covers the last five centuries.
So allow me now to quote Torba from his post and comment on each point in some detail. If you are able to divorce your personal feelings on each issue, and note the broad historical facts in each case, I think you will see that what I say about Protestantism is not just true, but that on some level, you have always known it, because the plastic, veneer feel of the disconnect between the entire Protestant mish-mash chaos non-structure of it, has never married properly to the deep sense of culture, tradition, history and ancestors that created and protected Christendom from the time of Jesus, to:
- The formation of Benedictine monasteries,
- The crusades, and the 200 years they held the Outremer while being attacked by both Muslims and the Eastern schismatics they came to the aid of (after they had already split themselves off from the One True Church),
- The rebellion against God’s Church, under the guise of it being a Protestation against the corrupt men within it, which have always been there, but who never changed the truth of the Church,
- The siege of Malta and the Catholic knights that defended it from the consequent destruction of Christendom as a whole if Malta had fallen,
- The gradual, intentional and devastating infiltration of the Church by freemasons (illuminati, satanists, carbonari, etc their name is legion), communists, homosexuals and pedophiles, starting in earnest in the late 1770, alongside the planned and executed destruction of every European royal house; because since the time of Charlemagne, the nobility had been associated with being the protectors of the Church, that is, the physical and worldly protectors of the Church (the guys who fight, as all nobles who took part in the crusades did) and they had to be broken before the Church could be damaged meaningfully from within,
- The noticing of this by various Popes, culminating in Pope Pious X who started the putting together of the code of canon law of 1917, an amazing document that reviewed tens of thousands of documents written over the last two millennia, in order to ensure there was no conflict, contradiction or logical fallacy among them all, so they could be summarised as the essence of Catholic dogma in one volume, which was completed and promulgated by Pope Benedict the XV in 1917 and stood the test of time from then, through to the death of the last valid Pope, Pious XII, and even beyond it, as the Satanists finally took the throne of Peter in 1958, and have held it since, yet the True Church remains, as does the impenetrable fortress of the Code of 1917, and the last remnant of faithful Bishops and Priests that retain Catholicism as their faith, and not the false, Satanic version of “Catholicism” espoused by the promulgators of Vatican II and its manifest heresies in the form of the deceitful Novus Ordo fake “Church”.
The simple fact is that on some level, every protestant senses that deep down, no matter how genuine their wish to be one with God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the entire history of their supposed religion is littered with disconnects and logical fallacies that simply cannot be reconciled. And deep down, they sense too, that one cannot simply be united with Christ by merely saying he is. There are rules. There always were from the start, and they do not change. But I have mentioned the historical perspective starting from the beginning, many times before, and few are willing to take that journey. So today, we will do something different. We will take Torba’s newsletter and dissect the issues he mentions and see how and where they came from in the first place.
You Need To Be Babymaxxing: A Call to Action for Christians A disturbing trend has been emerging over the past few decades: the birth rate of every US state, along with the birth rate in most western nations, has dipped below the replacement population level. This has sparked widespread concern and fear, as this demographic shift could have catastrophic consequences for the long-term survival of some of the world’s most prosperous and influential societies and people groups.
And what might have led to that catastrophic drop in birth rate, when third world Africans, Indians and others keep producing children despite conditions most Westerners can’t even imagine, much less are able to take on in their own lives? Let’s ponder it a bit, shall we?
The root causes of this demographic decline are complex and multifaceted, but there are a few key factors that stand out. First and foremost: the rise of secularism and individualism has led to a decreased emphasis on traditional family values and a growing number of people choosing not to have children. Our culture of atomized individualism in the West has transformed so many into self-centered and selfish monsters.
So… the increase of secularism, individualism and atomisation of society. Where, O WHERE might such an idea come from? Could it possibly have ANYTHING at all to do with going from a global religion that was prevalent throughout the entire West and even much of the East (though slightly perverted and erroneous there) to CHANGING that religion to be… what was it oh yeah…
- Individualistic (every man interprets the Bible (which was changed from the original used for 1200 years) as he sees fit.)
- Schismatic at its very root. We now have over 40,000 versions of Protestantism, but even then each of these is really only a shadowy illusion of coherence, because in truth EVERY Protestant feels entitled to be his own Pope, Bishop and Priest and interpret the Bible, and Christianity as a whole, (including the ancient traditions he is usually abysmally ignorant of) as he sees fit, which is why Protestants will change Church like normal people change socks. They are not Churches at all, just lose coalitions where you pick and choose the bits that suit you. What do you think the effect of that is on society as a whole? Might be just a tad atomising? Just a smidge of secularisation creeping in? You think? How would that play out over 500 years?
Additionally, the increasing cost of living and the pressure to pursue higher education and career success have made it more difficult for many couples to afford to have large families. It’s tough, but not impossible, to have a large family when the economy is so rigged against you doing so. Making it happen requires a lot of self-sacrifice and a reevaluation of your priorities.
No lie there, but where does this incessant need to have a “career” and prioritising work come from? Well, let’s see, historically where can we trace this sudden absolute importance of WORK over LIFE? What’s that, I hear? The Industrial Revolution? Right. I agree. Which was taught to me in school as a young boy as this marvel of British Engineering and know-how and just an overall great thing for the advancement of humanity. Except… no one mentioned the social consequences. They all presented the creation of trains and railways and machinery as all positive technological advancements while completely ignoring whether:
- They actually were positive overall for humanity, or
- Regardless of that, what social conditions did the much vaunted “Protestant Work Ethic” actually entail in day-to-day activities and family dynamics?
- What priorities do you think you need to have to come up with the Industrial Revolution in terms of valuing your family time and your work time? What effects on general human interactions do you think are going to be more prevalent? Would a general disconnect from other human beings being seen as other human beings you necessarily relate to, regardless of personal differences, purely on the basis of the reality in front of you that they too are human beings, be useful to foster a general perception of other people being seen more as potential cogs in the machinery of “society” than actual human beings? The deeper implication of this are manifold and absolutely fundamental. A perfect example of this, which is an extreme case, in order to highlight the difference, is that if a Protestant mind were to say, be forced into a war of strife against invading foreigners, he would execute it more or less in cold blood for the most part as a negative but necessary thing. A Catholic would execute it with quite a different frame of mind. Alongside the same practical need, the Catholic would further be driven in his righteous rage that such an event has become necessary as a result of the other side refusing to act like reasonable human beings. So their extermination is not just a necessity for practical purposes, but also a necessity from an educational and spiritual perspective. A Protestant cuts a tree down because it’s in the way. A Catholic evaluates if the tree is noxious, in which case he will dig it up from the roots and burn it, or merely in the way, in which case he will endeavour to dig it up from the roots and replant it somewhere appropriate. It is a MASSIVE psychological difference and affects every aspect of your attitude towards life and all its challenges.
Finally, the widespread availability of birth control and abortion has enabled people to easily prevent pregnancies and terminate them when they do occur, further exacerbating the problem. We are making great strides on banning abortion in many states across the nation, but decades of damage has already been done.
And where did that magical birth control come from? Oh wait, the pill was invented by a Jewish guy. Just a coincidence I am sure, regardless of the fact that Jews (Talmudic Pharisees) have hated the Catholic Church from the start and have tried to destroy it at every turn including their deep infiltration of it over centuries and the Protestantisation of it with Vatican II in which they were instrumental in forming.
But what about the adoption of it? Which kind of people adopted birth control in this form? Not Catholics. Even today, some 66 years after the throne of Peter was usurped by Satanists, the momentum of the real Catholicism that still exists (though crumbling rapidly in the Novus Ordo fake Church) makes it nigh on impossible for the fake Pope Bergoglio to say it’s ok to use. It was Protestants in their legion of denominations that began to accept socially the concept of divorce in the first place. An event that was forbidden by the Catholic Church and only permitted in the sense of an annulment, which has very specific rules to be granted.
But if divorce becomes acceptable, then the entire concept of marriage becomes a store-bought idea, no longer a sacrament for life. And once you accept marriage as a kind of diploma you can buy in a store, well, you should be able to switch diplomas at will if one loses its lustre. And since it might go wrong, it only makes sense to take it for a test run first. Which means sex before marriage. Which could end up with babies with a person you’re just taking out for a test ride! I mean they have a nice body, or maybe are rich, or whatever, so you want to see if you’re “compatible” in terms of orgasms per month, you know, like miles per gallon and so on. So of course you need some baby making prevention thing!
And then it’s a short step from treating sex as a test run for marriage to making it just for fun. I mean sex is really a LOT of fun. Like a lot, lot. Like it messes with you brain and body chemistry level of great fun. So why wouldn’t you want to get addicted to this natural rush that doesn’t even require drugs, and is better than all the rushes you get from a drug anyway, if you practice it enough to really get good at it? Well, of course sex would go from being a test ride for marriage to a sport. And once sex is for fun, the last thing you want is a baby with someone you can’t even have a decent conversation with, but oh my God are they awesome at the orgasms per mile, or whatever the measure was, right?
So, “naturally” the next thing that happens if a baby does come into the equation… and marriage is not a sacrament anymore as a dedication to bringing in new life (that is what marriage is for, making children, I know, it’s a shock, but seriously, look it up historically, sport-fucking doesn’t feature at all. Not even a little bit), well, what else are you gonna do, other than kill that baby, since it’s a nuisance. And so we have gone in a few short steps from allowing divorce –> sex before marriage –> sex for fun –> contraception –> baby killing.
And remind yourself, which secularisation of Christianity movement did that? You can’t blame Catholicism for it. Even the fake “Catholic” Church to date at least can’t advocate for contraception (they will in due course, no doubt, because Satanists are gonna Satanist).
While there is undoubtedly a lot of fear-mongering surrounding this issue, it is not without merit. If the current trend continues it could lead to a significant decline in the population of some of the world’s most prosperous and influential nations, which would have far-reaching consequences for global stability and economic growth.
Note that Torba’s first concern is global stability and economic growth. The ever present and Jewish –> Protestant belief in their true God, the almighty dollar. Profit, wealth. An amorphous “stability” of people and lands so far removed from us you will never see them even once in your life. There is a reason why America is called the great Satan by the Arab world, and while their religion is demonic too, they are not entirely wrong, which is what I tried to explain as gently as possible here.
More importantly it would also represent a tragic loss for the unique cultures, traditions, and values that have been cultivated by these societies over centuries.
Again, while he is not wrong, the point is not that any one specific culture or tradition is really all that relevant in the scheme of things, UNLESS, that tradition and culture also happens to be the best, surest, most tried and tested true and real approximation of how reality actually works as God intended. Then it’s kinda like… ALL IMPORTANT. So, despite your specific and particular distaste for Catholicism, which is based on nothing but lies about what it is, perpetrated down the centuries that you never bothered to look up yourself and the same sense of things passed on to you by your relatives and people you loved, who were just as ignorant of the truth (or more) as you are and they too believed the lies and inaccuracies, you should really make an effort to educate yourself on these things and figure them out by yourself.
Christians are called to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). We need to be babymaxxing. This commandment is not just a suggestion or a personal preference, but an essential part of our mission to spread the Gospel and disciple the nations. By having large families and raising our children to be faithful, God-fearing people we can ensure the continued growth and prosperity of our communities and the preservation of our shared values and traditions.
Sounds good? Sure. But it’s a plastic American commercial. “Buy this product, it looks good, it makes you look cool and it’s needed!”
Tell me Andrew, with SPECIFICITY:
- Continued growth and prosperity for your communities. Exactly WHAT and HOW do you mean this? What do you think will happen if people have a lot of children with only a vague sense of community brought on by a generic, amorphous, non-specific, “belief in X” that has no set rules, no set tradition, no set reality.
- What “community” are you referring to, PRECISELY. Are the Methodists gonna get along with the Mormons, and the Mormons with the Seventh Day Adventists, and they with the Amish, and they with the Anabaptists, and they with the Baptists, and they with the Lutherans, and they with the Calvinists, and they with the lesbian “bishops” of whatever “Church” that is, and they with the transgender “bishop” that was in the news of another faction and they with…(repeat for 40,000 iterations). Is that the “community” you refer to? Those people all gonna band together under the banner of “Christ” are they? I think not. I think the entire history of America, and all Protestant nations, has shown such people will band together only under the banner of the (previously) might dollar, or German mark, or Pound Stirling. And then only until it profits them. And any true believers in the mix will get stampeded in the overall melee. It’s hard enough to have a community when they actually ARE all Catholics, but it does work and it has for many centuries. It has never worked in any protestant country other than to create more government, more regulation, and a perpetual chase for profit.
Moreover, by focusing on our own households and prioritizing the growth of our families, we can counteract the destructive influence of our enemies, most of whom do not have children of their own. As their ideas and ideologies die with them, our faith and values will continue to thrive, passed down from generation to generation through the strong bonds of family and community.
What faith and values and traditions would those be? The ones that did not manage to survive other than as a thinly veiled veneer of false honesty, respectability and dignity to cover over the perpetual search for profit, worldly fame and fortune? The one that has not managed to keep trannies from claiming the “right” to get “married” in your protestant “Churches” and have “pregnant men” as part of the “accepted reality”?
And before you say “Oh but that doesn’t happen in MY denomination number 38,792!” Stop and think for 5 seconds, what the Hell you’re actually saying and how you are missing the ENTIRE point of what Christianity and being part of the ACTUAL “body of Christ” means and how and where your illogical, historical clown-world “religion”, came to be.
So, what can we do to address this crisis and fulfill our divine calling as Christians?
Well, you can start by actually becoming actual Christians, to begin with, which means the ONLY denomination of Christianity that has always been there from the start: Catholicism. And which today exists ONLY in Sedevacantist Catholicism, aka Catholicism, since the buildings, property, wealth and outer garments of Catholicism have all been usurped, infiltrated and corrupted by the Satanists pretending to be “Catholics” that now infest the Vatican and everyone remotely connected with Novus Ordo heresies.
Here are a few practical steps we can take:
Embrace the concept of “babymaxxing”: This means prioritizing the growth of our families and actively seeking to have as many children as possible. It may require making sacrifices and reevaluating our priorities, but the rewards will be immeasurable.
Support and encourage other Christian families in their efforts to have children: This can take many forms, from offering emotional support and guidance to providing material assistance, such as helping with childcare or contributing to the financial costs of raising a large family.
Advocate for policies that support large families: This can include lobbying for tax breaks and other financial incentives for families with multiple children, as well as pushing for educational and healthcare policies that make it easier for parents to raise large families.
Promote a culture of life: This means working to end the scourge of abortion and advocating for the sanctity of human life at all stages, from conception to natural death.
These are all good suggestions, but completely doomed to fail is they are not founded on a solid bedrock of being connected to truth and reality, and that means, a religion that is itself based in truth and reality. Anything that is a watered down version of the original, with literally tens of thousands of roads down false paths, simply cannot stand the test of time. It has never worked in ANY human endeavour, much less in the experience of mankind other than by the enforcing of it by brutal methods and force, be it Islam or communism. The ONLY philosophy that has thrived and done so entirely voluntarily, is Catholicism, which imposes force ONLY on its declared enemies, and even then, usually only after patiently trying to dissuade them from their evil paths of attack.
Educate and disciple our children: It is not enough to simply have many children; we must also ensure that they are raised in the fear and knowledge of the Lord, instilling in them the values and principles that will enable them to carry on our faith and traditions for generations to come.
Name me ONE Protestant denomination that has lasted unchanged and retained anything even resembling a constant tradition and heritage without multiple schisms for even just 100 years. It doesn’t exist. Not a single one. The Catholic Church has remained steadfast and its rules and dogma unchanged for almost precisely 2000 years.
The demographic crisis facing the world today is a serious and urgent challenge that demands our immediate attention and action. Christians have a unique responsibility to confront this issue head-on and work tirelessly to ensure the continued growth and prosperity of our communities and the preservation of our shared values and traditions. By embracing the concept of “babymaxxing” and focusing on our own households, we can secure the future of our faith and our people and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.
Not really. Doing so within the context of a properly Catholic community (that is, sedevacantist) has a chance of succeeding because historically Catholicism has risen from the ashes many times, as it will continue to do, because it IS the real Christianity and Jesus promised us He will be with us to the End. Pretending or play-acting that role in a fake “Christian” denomination will only last barely the duration of one human lifetime IF the parties in question happen to have a real personal affinity, that is obviously totally absent from any group of people beyond a couple of families that get on with each other. Catholic communities are not held together by the ephemeral characters of any of its constituents, but by a shared absolute belief in God that transcends petty personal and human failings, of which we are ALL riddled with.
Babymaxxing is not just a personal decision, but a collective responsibility that requires the support and encouragement of the entire Christian community. It may involve making sacrifices and reevaluating our priorities, but the rewards will be worth it.
No group that is not tied together by a bond of religious belief that goes far deeper than mere words and appearances will ever give anything even remotely resembling the kind of helping hand they will inevitably secure for their own family above others. Even among Catholic families this is still an issue, though one that is absolutely muted to a huge extent. I have absolute certainty that if I or any other of the Catholic families we know suddenly won a billion dollars at the lotto, or even just a few million, ALL the Catholic families near them would benefit too. I for one would literally buy houses and land in other people’s names to have them and their children as neighbours, but I am NOT the only one by far. Any one of the people in our Sedevacantist community would act the same, I am certain of it, and this was never the case in any other “community” I was ever a part of, be it people I trained for decades in martial arts with, people I worked as an armed security professional with, and literally risked my life alongside theirs, nor even childhood friends. The bond created by a true religion is of a quality and nature you simply have no experience of until you are in it. And it does not happen as a result of any of the 40,000 Protestant denominations. It might happens between a few families and even then will not last beyond the second generation, but it has been demonstrated to exist and work and remain in Catholic communities even some 100 years after the basic infiltration of the Church was already complete.
All of the chips are on the table with this issue. Those who take it seriously will inherit the future by default as their continued growth and reproduction will ensure the long-term survival and prosperity of their communities, cultures, and values. While the rest of the world struggles with declining birth rates and the threat of extinction-level events, Christians can take comfort in the knowledge that our faith and values will continue to thrive, passed down from generation to generation through the strong bonds of family and community.
No Andrew. The reality is that all groups that are not homogeneously coherent, that is, all the varied Protestant denominations, will gradually be chewed down by the wolves at their edges, and continue to degrade and become diluted generation after generation until they are assimilated by the globular mass that is the entire plan of those who have been putting it in place for literally millennia.
Get married. Babymax. Get to Church. We are going to win.
The advice is sound, but not just any pretend, clown-costumed, “Church” will do. Only the real one will make a difference, as it always has throughout history. And while ULTIMATE victory is assured, no one, not even Jesus knows that day or hour of when that will come, only God the Father. So, the concept of you seeing this victory in YOUR lifetime is iffy at best, so best to not worry about it and get busy building the impregnable, un-infiltratable, ready to throw out anyone not part of it, community that is the only one to have overcome everything from the Roman Empire to the Arian heresy, and who, in time, will also triumph over the present desolation of the real Church, were only Sedevacantists are left to carry the faith.
Andrew Torba
Christ is King
[…] ones, i.e. Sedevacantists) are the only ones reproducing at well over replacement numbers (see my previous post on this […]