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Why Italy just shut down major cities – Coronavirus update

The video below is all in Italian but in essence it states what I had already confirmed separately and individually via various sites including an advert for a geneticist for this level 4 bio-warfare/design facility in Wuhan that zerohedge had reported on. But they go much further.

Basically at Wuhan there is a level 4 bioweapon/research facility that was opened 6 years ago jointly by France and China but is not actually controlled solely by the Chinese government but also has a research facility run by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

It would be the height of simplicity of course for some western powers to infiltrate this facility in other words. But here is the kicker, as far back as 2015 a version of the infectious and genengineered coronavirus was registered and patented. Yes you read that right. The thing that’s killing people is actually patented and is the “mild” form with the reported mortality of only 2-3%. The non-mild form is much worse.

So as of 2018 the current form was deployable.

Who patented it? The Pirbright Institute which is a UK government body sponsored by the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the EU among others.

In March 2019, several months before the first reported case of coronavirus, which was in November 2019, Canada, from its National Microbiology Laboratory, send a few vials of the lethal version to the laboratory in Wuhan.

This was done as a secret operation, and we know about it only because in typical globohomo “efficiency” they got caught red handed by the Chinese government which basically said “WTF?!”.

The response was along the lines of “Oh but we sent that packet of deadly viruses only because we’re just trying to help you study super virulent man-made killer viruses for your own safety” which makes one wonder why you’d do that secretly of course.

Remember, whatever your beliefs about Q, there is absolute certainty that he does get at least one thing right when referring to the swamp critters:

“These people are stupid.”

Yes they are also evil and disgusting, but never forget they are stupid and get away with so much because of secrecy and the general unwillingness of the population to put their heads on pikes forthwith.

And finally:

On 18th October 2019, a mere 2 weeks before the first reported case, (2nd November 2019) the John Hopkins World Health Security Forum, The WHO and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, held a meeting of some 15 world leading figures (unspecified governments, industry leaders and business people, among which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to SIMULATE a global pandemic of coronavirus that would kill some 60 million people and this was called event 201. In the simulation the virus started out in Brazil.

Keep in mind also that on the 15th October 2019 so 16 days before the first reported case of coronavirus (which has a 2 week incubation period) 300 US soldiers were deployed to Wuhan for some military world games. To Wuhan. Specifically.

Wuhan happens to be a main train nexus for transport throughout China and is in fact the central hub for all internal travel and the 2nd November falls in Chinese New Year, the only time where nationwide there is a holiday and large masses of people move around all of mainland China.

And finally remember that the geneingeeenring is done to be far more deadly to Asians.

Oh, and coincidentally, I have also seen it widely rumoured that as nationalism increases in Europe, large numbers of the Jewish diaspora mean to relocate to China. China however apparently wasn’t playing ball very much. This last piece is rumour admittedly but it’s one that was rather prevalent many months before the coronavirus appeared.

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