I’m going for a walk with my wife and children to hunt down exactly where the plum tree on our property is that my friend found while he was using the tractor to clear the whole lower part of the property from grass, weeds, and assorted shrubbery and brambles.
Of course, the work I still need to do is endless:
fix the automatic gate, find a spot for a well, clear the dry brook path of shrubs so it may flow again in winter, clear each individual olive tree (there are a few hundred of them), finish the cover for the second book in the Inferos Vortex series, finish reading all the paperwork I need to be aware of for the first shipment of olive oil to the USA as the test run for the export of it, fill in the paperwork, and ship the package, and about 30 other bits of bureaucratic crap I need to do.
Set up the chicken coop, finish chopping ten tons of wood for winter, finish clearing the rest if the property, build an outside gym and also table and benches for a place to have a drink in the forest I have been planning to do for a year, finish painting the inside of the house upstairs, sort out the waterproofing in the inside of the corridor and the two parts of the roof that still leak despite having attempted it three times, finish waterproofing the tool sheds properly, sell the pellet stove, get rid of the random bits of crap around the property (or rather, pile them up in some sort of order because it will all end up being used at some point), clear out at least the one chalet to make it into a proper workshop, clear out the other chalet to make it into a proper and comfortable chalet for guests.
Find a tiller I can afford, till the Earth where the bamboo was, to try and reduce it, fix the battery connector on the tractor, replace the greasing nub that got lost on the joint of the cardano, place the large net over the fig tree to protect the figs from birds and bugs, clear the dead wood from inside the forest, update the boards stating the truffle zone is private property, and pay some of the bills I just got for basic stuff that they keep getting wrong, like ignoring our water meter readings.
And that’s just off the top of my head. There are at least 20-30 other things that I also need to do that relate to other stuff and maybe an equal amount that I am forgetting.
So… I really don’t care if Trump wins, what new turbofaggotry the French are trying to scandalise the world with, or what new policy to impoverish and murder their own native citizens my government or any other is trying to impose.
I mostly just need to get the automatic gate fixed and if it gets bad, put the blade back on the tractor and build those earth berms to position men behind.
The world can carry on burning. Me and mine will still be here after and we’ll use the ashes to grow new crops.
I hope you’re doing the same.
They girls all ate a bunch of blackberries, the boy spat the two he tasted out as if it was Arsenic. The girls also tasted a couple of wild pears and the boy caught a few bugs and a grasshopper that they all let crawl all over their arms.
At least until one of the weirder bugs flew off, at which point piglet let out her sonic squeal of fear, followed shorty after by her bubbly laughter after I told her it had flown off far from her.
turbofaggotry….fucking gold
This is the way life ought to be, and these are the concerns a man ought to have for his household. Not stress and worry about some pointless 9-5 job that will suck away time with your family and home, and eat away at your life and strength. I thank God that you are so blessed by the work you have done to get to this point. A bit envious, too; but I and mine are doing what we can with what we have at the moment.
“The world can carry on burning. Me and mine will still be here after and we’ll use the ashes to grow new crops.”
And may those crops be bountiful.
Thank you, but please don’t think it’s a bed of roses. It’s hard, the income is non-existent and the expenses high, but I would not trade these challenges for the life I had before where the money was plentyful.