What you think is normal, is not

I have had several rather interesting conversations over the last few days and a recurring theme has been how so much of what is accepted as normal today, really is not.

Some are obvious things, that only the unhinged think are normal:

  • Mutilating children to supposedly give them the sex they “desire” instead of the one they were born with
  • That trans-anything is anything other than mental illness
  • And the consequent nonsense that men can be women or vice-versa
  • That math is somehow “racist”
  • That only white people can be “racist”
  • That there is any such thing as “White Privilege”
  • That Black Lives Matter is actually based on statistically relevant data concerning the incidence of shootings of black males by white police instead of statistically significant on the basis of incidence of violent crime by black males
  • That there is any such thing as the “gender” pay gap
  • That men and women are equal in any way (psychologically, or physically)
  • That diversity is a strength
  • That all cultures/religions are equivalent in civilisational values
  • That different ethnicities are equivalent in terms of IQ, physical performance of various activities, intellectual performance of various activities, and cultural approaches to different concepts

Then there are what I would call “second tier” observations, which really are (or should be) obvious is you realise the obvious issues above and simply extrapolate them a little bit:

  • That anyone on Earth is not somehow “racist” (literally anyone with a brain that works and eyes and ears that function will notice differences in people and will make instantaneous value-judgements on the basis of those differences. In short, you’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind, not to have what are intrinsically “racist” judgment calls. Literally everyone is “racist”. Including you. Deal with it and stop lying about it to yourself and others).
  • That sexual deviance is somehow “normal”. It clearly is not. Anything that does not naturally perpetuate the species is a deviant and unsustainable sexual dysfunction. that’s just a fact. More subtly, anything that is not geared towards a family unit comprised of one husband, one wife and the purpose of their lifelong marriage being to make and raise children is of markedly, objectively, lower civilisational value than any other set-up, even if they could reproduce children (polygamy of Mormons and Muslims for example, Polyamory, swinging, and so on).
  • Since men and women are not equal and since the best civilisational set-up is the one of the family unit as described above, it become objectively obvious that the roles of men and women are different and complementary in that family unit. Pretending otherwise, regardless of technological advancements is a recipe for disaster, since we have some 2 million years of biological wet-ware to over-ride and also a LOT of unchangeable hardware that simply is never going to go away or suddenly stop making us be men or women, no matter how many hormones and puberty blockers and deranged surgeon’s scalpels you go under.
  • In view of all the above and the historical evidence of some 2,000 years, it also becomes obvious that Catholicism has undoubtedly produced the very pinnacle of human civilisation around the world. this needs a little more fine-tuning to realise for a couple of aspects:
    • The Industrial Revolution was primarily a Protestant driven change, and touted as a benefit to mankind, but on deeper reflection, whether the Industrial Revolution really was of benefit to humanity is at best, very questionable, and rationally speaking, almost certainly a turn for the worst.
    • The working systems that came along as a result of the Industrial Revolution, similarly allow people to produce a higher output of work, but this is not rewarded by a correspondingly higher effect on people’s standard of living. In fact, it eventually settles down into a corrosive process that fills every waking hour of ever longer work-days, to fulfil and endless drive for “more”.
    • This “mechanisation” of human beings further corrodes time with family, the very dynamic of how a family works and operates, and consequently the type and level of education that the children in a family unit receive both directly and indirectly.
    • These are less obvious points and not applicable in all cases, but overall, the pattern’s statistics are as described in three above points.

And once you have digested all of the above, you begin to see a whole other level of reality that has been obfuscated by the creeping demonic lies that have been filtering into human life since the start but really took off after 1521 and then got turbo-charged during and after WWII and then started taking steroids in the mid to late 1990s and meth and cocaine from about 2008 on and finally a whole bunch of LSD since about 2016/7.

  • You begin to realise that corporal punishment in general, and the death penalty in particular, is absolutely reasonable and logical for certain level of crimes. No, not the ones that the current zeitgeist would put you to death for if they could, which might be calling Bruce Jenner, Bruce Jenner, or stating unambiguously that there are only two sexes and that homosexuality is a deviant sexuality that is not conducive to a natural continuation of the species, and that adoption by homosexual is in essence, child trafficking.
  • You realise that the desensitising to certain stimuli is beneficial while to others it is detrimental.
  • Given the above two points alone, the whole concept of training people like soldiers, police or other force on force/warrior types would drastically change.
  • As would the education/disciplining of children depending on their aptitudes and interests.
  • And intelligent education would be treasured and asked for by anyone who understood the above principles. And education that follows the baseline principles of things like the Trivium, the study of logic, reason. Basic principles of mathematics like ratios, sets, percentages, trigonometry, statistics, and algebra, taking the time with each not to just learn the formulae off by heart, but understand the principles. Along with a study of history beginning with the classics, explained and recounted at appropriate age level of understanding, starting with the Illiad and the Odyssey as stories and then the gradual introduction of the Greek classics, the study of Sparta and Athens, Rome, and the Roman Empire, and Egypt and its unexplained structures. As well as, of course, the study of dinosaurs, which really every child loves if properly introduced, and astronomy and geography, with a hint of exploration, archaeology and discovery. After which, biology and chemistry and physics can be tackled with a more reasonable background to build upon.
  • The study and use of various weapons and principles of martial disciplines.
  • The learning of basic home economics such as balancing a budget, the basics of cooking and keeping a clean home, and so on. All of these topics could be integrated into equal parts indoor and outdoor activities.

Described as I have above it all sounds like a super expensive classical education, but in reality it is something easily achieved by a group of parents that are willing and able to organise themselves and get this done.

And doing so would probably be considered some radical alt-right, Neo-nazi, eeeeeebil indoctrination of children. When in reality it would simply be giving them the tools to observe and evaluate the objective universe as it exists, instead of the lies it is presented as.

Do not accept the current twisted ideologies of Clown World. Study and re-learn what has been hidden from you and presented under a tsunami of lies and fakery the likes of which no generation before the present ones has seen.

Rebuilt the concept of objectivity and the study of both the physical and natural world as well as the metaphysical one.

4 Responses to “What you think is normal, is not”

  1. Tarcisius says:

    Your remarks on the industrial revolution and the damage it has done to the whole structure of family life is something I feel very deeply and viscerally. I am a husband and father of 3 (soon to be 4 in about 2 days!) and the whole structure of work life separate and away from family life makes me feel like I and my family are being robbed of something precious and essential. I have a deep loathing for it, but I struggle with finding any way to meaningfully change it. Our whole society is set up to operate in this way, and breaking away from it is difficult without enough money. We have dreams and goals for a more self sufficient life away from the zombies and close to the Sacraments, but that seems further and further away with our current global/ political climate.

    • G says:

      First: DO NOT DESPAIR – remember: we are NOT given to a spirit of fear. And realise the multiple levels of meaning in that simple phrase.
      Second: read my four part series here titles how to take on clown world and win (use the search me link on the right)
      Third: plan and work the plan
      The plan may fail. The plan will almost certainly need adapting. Keep your wife and children’s morale up and try to male things as easy for them to help work towards the plan as possible.
      And always pray as correctly as possible. See my youtube video on prayer i think in the 30s number of videos.
      Fourth: spread the word about both this blog, my ideas and so on to find like minded people. You don’t need to take the heat, just say something like: what do you think of this? And go off their reaction since I assume you’re not antifragile

  2. JSCFORCE says:

    Dinosaurs are complete fiction. made up out of whole cloth.

    Other than that I enjoyed this post.

    God bless.

    • G says:

      The only reason you didn’t go to the gamma grave without warning, yet, is because you might end up being my next experiment in blogging as substitute for placing retards in woodchippers.

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