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What now Ann, and all the Ratzi followers?

So… blind, deaf-mutes amongst lost tribes of the Amazon are now aware that Bergie the Oleous is not Catholic at all, never was, and clearly is only a mockery of the very idea he could be Catholic clergy of any sort, never mind Pope.

But my question will be to the NEW, just 2022 Sedevacantists, like Ann Barnhardt, and all the people she has helped deceive into believing as she does that Ratzi-the-Nazi was an actual Pope, when he was an even more dangerous Satanist than Bergie, because Bergie, you see, is a blasphemous moron and plays his hand so heavy that like I said, those poor handicapped Amazonians are aware of it. Ratzi pretended to be a conservative, no less, which is hilarious since he was a principal architect of Vatican II and blessed a masonic fake Church, just like Wojytla did.

And my question is this: Ann, where, exactly, is your Catholicism? Every single “priest” and every single “bishop” or “cardinal” of your Novus Orco, fake Church goes along with everything Bergie does. So where are the Catholic clergy in YOUR Church, Ann?

Wait… what’s that? There aren’t any? Not a single one in the Novus Orc? Yeah. We know. We been telling you since 1958.

I know, I know, it’s a shock. Go on, take a load of, sit down. I ran out of tequila, Ann, so shots are out, but you can partake of this rather fine brandy, almost a cognac really. Take a seat. What’s that? Leave the bottle? Sure. No problem. I’ll leave a proper cognac snifter too. Decorum and dignity and all that.

We can talk about proper non-una cum masses in the morning. What’s that? Late afternoon you say? Yes, yes, of course. Probably best to have some food and string coffee first too, I understand.

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