Looks like we are starting to enter the test run for it.
Locals described the ‘extraterrestrials’ as having large heads and yellowish eyes, and said the mysterious figures are immune to their hunting weapons.
They claim they have attacked them every night for nearly a month since July 11.
Latina Noticias, a Peruvian news outlet, quoted Dávila as saying he had come face-to-face with one of the so-called aliens.
‘We have met almost face to face. His face is hardly visible. I have seen his whole body floating at a height of one meter,’ he said, suggesting the being was hovering.
The group have now requested a military presence from the authorities, however it reportedly takes a 10-hour river trip to reach the community from Iquitos City.
‘We need support for our community. The children do not sleep and the mothers stay up all night,’ Dávila said. ‘They appear to be armoured. I shot one of them twice and he wasn’t injured, he rose and disappeared.
‘We’re very frightened about what’s happening here in our community.’
He added: ‘Their shoes are round-shaped, which they use to float… Their heads are long, they wear a mask and their eyes are yellowish. They are experts at escaping.’
This would suggest personal anti-gravity devices that may also double as armour.
If you have read my SF novels you would understand how gravity-field generation can perform as armour as well as several other functions.
If you recall, the stages that were described by Von Braun to Carol Rosin (who testified to this before congress) have all actually happened with exception of the last two:
Asteroid collisions and finally, a false flag alien invasion. Yes, none of this is science fiction.
The ex-Nazi, ex-director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and ex-de facto leader of the Apollo space programme, in the 1970s explained how it was all false flags and deception, from the cold war to the “nations of concern (axis of evil of the 9/11, George Bush era) and all geared to fund a secret space programme of antigravity technology and slow subsequent leak of the technology into public consciousness.
If you are wondering why the subterfuge, then I suggest you read my Face on Mars for the non-fiction realities of antigravity technology, and my Overlords of Mars Series for the speculative (but realistic) possibilities.
At any rate, I see no reason to doubt that:
- Either, the entire “news item” is a fake, designed to test public reaction in general.
- Is legitimate and this is a test run of various technologies and tactics on a very remote, difficult to access and hence easy to dismiss group of people that can also be dismissed as “superstitious” and “primitive” poor “indigenous people” of questionable intellect.
I am inclined to lean far more towards the latter hypothesis. Because the idea that actual aliens, from a far-flung, technologically advanced civilisation, come here to physically assault (and fail to win), some random child and villagers in a remote Peruvian jungle, reads like a super-low-budget spoof of the film Predator. Seriously, the usual morons who thought this long-con decades ago, really were not your smartest and best. Then again, given what the last three years has shown concerning the average human IQ… they didn’t need to be.
If I didn’t have a lot of children and a farm to look after and so on… I would very much be inclined to find a way to travel to that remote village and get a large caliber few weapons when there, and if I could fund it, also a portable EMP device.
As little as 9 or 8 years ago, I would probably have actually taken a couple or three weeks break from work and tried to do this.
I was single then and financing such a trip would not have been a big deal.
Today, even if I had the resources to spare to make the trip well-funded and viable (which means as safe as possible for me, which means more expensive for the relevant weapon-acquisition/regulations of it), I would not be able to justify the risk of it, given my children.
At least not until they are a lot older. But I admit, my curiosity dial is red-lining.
And I’m fairly sure a portable EMP “bomb” device triggering, quickly followed by a high caliber rifle round, would produce at least an injured, if not dead, costumed-up, probably originally US-stock, very normal human, like you and me.
You’d have to peel his costumed face off him first, of course, but hey, turnabout is fair play. After all, I am on record more than two decades ago, as saying we should hunt down the Greys that were supposedly abducting and anal probing lots of people back then, and then implant cheap Chinese radios in their heads. Playing elevator music.
Anyway… if any of you encounter 7 foot tall, floating aliens intent on assaulting you and terrifying you, I suggest you aim a well-placed knee to the groin area. Then run. Unless you happen to be strapped. Then empty every round in its face. Then run. Unless it’s dead. Then peel its face back and take pictures. Then… well… then run, but also change your name, go off grid forever, never use a smartphone or digital device ever again and live as far from civilisation as possible and never spend any time away from a weapon again. And bide your time. If the alien invasion farce becomes a big deal you might become the leader of the resistance. Also… maybe war h the original TV series V. You know, for moral support.
I was actually up late last night thinking about this.
Its possible they could use holographic effects to fool people. The hologram tech is pretty insane nowadays and who knows what kinds of tricks they have..
I can see it now:
* holograms to trick eye witness who swear up and down what they saw with own eyes
* governments claim they have been communication with advanced aliens
* aliens tell us: there is no god, they created us 1000s of years ago, we should all eat bugs and setup one-world communist government.
* if we comply, they will return with advanced tech to give us which give us extended lifespans and free energy
* if we dont comply, they take over the planet.
* majority of sheep earthlings believe it
I wonder how normies will react to the few that won’t buy it, will it be the same vicious animosity they displayed during covid, or paternal condesention.
Would you still be open to finding Atlantis?