We’re all Red Indians now

I have a new theory concerning covid/flu/colds.

And when I say new, I mean I had it for months but, as usual, I tend to not mention my ideas until they have formed enough for me to have at least a decent probability of being correct. Even then, as I am a synergist, most people assume it’s absurd “conspiracy theory” even when I have tons of data and multiple separate indicators, so this may seem “out there” to many, but here it is anyway. I’d appreciate your views if you have any on it, so feel free to comment; the 3 or 4 people left who have not been spammed yet.

Here it is in logical syllogism format:

  • We know covid was a bioengineered virus (no, I am not going to provide you with all the links to the Fauci emails etc. if you don’t know these bullet points yet it’s arguable whether you can read and/or have been living in a cave off grid somewhere).
  • There is at least some evidence that the so-called normal flu/cold has actually disappeared. No, I am NOT assuming this data point is real or even likely, as we know full well, that the $cience on this topic is completely corrupt, but there are other, more subtle, indicators, as well as some actual science theories on it, as well as personal experiences I have had over the last year and a half at least that lead me to believe this is a real possibility.
  • Coronaviruses mutate. A lot.
  • I believe that the main target of the bioweapon is people with DNA of European descent and in particular with some genetic traits that I would associate with lineages that we could call Normans or Franks that were predisposed to being efficient physical fighting men (this is a BIT of a stretch because my data point here is mostly anecdotal, however the hard push in the Caucasoid countries of the deadly genetic serum is also a separate (if mild) indicator).

On this basis then, it makes sense to me that the original bioweapon (which we also know was the weaker of at least 2 versions) has mutated and in the process assimilated, mutated or overrun the common cold too, meaning that we now have a new “common cold” that has at least parts of its make-up that are designed to mess up Viking types prone to doing massive justified violence (eg the crusades).

So the type of “flu” people like me, my son, and others with that genetic make-up are more prone to getting will be a vicious one that is hard on the system and difficult to get rid of. Just as some new types of flues in the past would be at their first or second iteration.

Furthermore, even if you heal from it, the bio-engineered component of it may be quite resistant to (but not entirely) mutation, meaning it will affect you again and again with little to none reduction in symptoms even after two or three times you catch it.

This has certainly been my experience and that of my children, but also of others around us and of people we know overseas.

The upshot is that it may be a while before we purebloods develop natural immunity to this genetically-boosted version of the flu. Somewhat like the red Indians supposedly had to, when they encountered the germs prevalent amongst the invading white people.

There are other factors, such as the continuing chemtrails and so on, which probably contribute to the issue in multiple ways, so this is by no means a complete theory, but I think it is certainly at least a viable hypothesis.

As I said, I’d welcome your input in order to gain a vague impression of more data points from around the world.

16 Responses to “We’re all Red Indians now”

  1. […] The Kurgan puts a new spin on one of my past observations that Europeans are the Indians now: […]

  2. Holz says:

    I had whatever covid was once, during a week in the Colorado mountains in summer of 2021. That was the last cold/flu with actual symptoms. Nothing worse than a hangover since. Ancestry wise, I’m entirely German with the exception of 1/16th Jewish ancestry.

    Does the mountain environment change what the covid thing did? Are certain DNA groups exempted, even if minimally present? I don’t know.

    • Kentucky Gent says:

      “Does the mountain environment change what the covid thing did? ”

      Yes it does. The mountain environment is, by definition, a higher elevation than “non-mountain environment”

      The thinner air of the higher altitude allows you to get more UV radiation from the sun onto your skin. So what? Well, “so what” is that your body can make more vitamin D3, which is a crucial vitamin for the immune system (actually, it’s considered a hormone, but the part it plays in your immune system doesn’t care what name we give it.)

      Secondly, UV is a microbe killer. And considered a virus killer. So in mountain air, microbes get more exposure to UV, which is decidedly unhealthy for these little things.

      In summary, the mountain air weakens or even kills the virus, and boosts your imunity, changing materially “what the covid thing did”, to quote you. Now permit me to change the topic:

      In closing, Hello GF/Kurgan! I look forward to your character assassinations. I pick up my cross daily.

      • Kentucky Gent says:

        Oops, I forgot to include my conclusion paragraph to HOLZ:

        In short, it sounds as if HOLZ got a natural alternative to a vaccine: In high elevation he got an immune boost from UV stimulating D3 production in his body, while at the same time contracting a virus that was possibly weakened by the more intense UV at the higher elevation. Thus leaving him with boosted immunity to the virus.

    • G says:

      See the comment from Rhodok above. That 1/16th might be protecting you.

  3. Thomas says:

    Yes; except the colds and flu are cleansing processes for the body and you can’t ‘catch’ them but you can influence someone into the cleanse; which is where we get flu from; i.e. influenza.

  4. Kordell says:

    Im at least 50 percent English and some ensamble of just based on how blond haired my mom is. When myself, my siblings, and my parents all got sick with Covid it laid us up for a week to 3 days. After that there was an annoying minor cough stuffy nose that stuck around for a month or more and that was it. No one in our family has taken the vaxx except for my brother in law and maybe my half sister. Neither of them got real sick either and didnt take the boosters. The month long minor cough thing did come back this year minus the being laid up part. I dont know if that would contradict your anti-fighting men theory but, will say my English half of the genetic line sided with England during the American Revolution and the Northern European half mustve ran away to the US for my mom to be here now.

  5. Todd says:

    Thanks for the analysis.
    It’s very likely.
    Here is my personal experience, then some analysis:
    I seem to have gotten ill from the C once, when I went through the awful Chicago Midway airport in Oct 2021. Until then, people who had allegedly had it had breathed on my while ill, to no effect.

    Perhaps when you are in an enclosed space like an airport, you just get overloaded with viral particles.
    Regardlless, it was a real illness. It felt like all my energy was being drained. Very odd. No respiratory symptoms.
    My son then got it from me, and his mother. My elderly mother did not, though perhaps I was over the contagious stage when I exposed her.

    I did have a change to my sense of taste.
    I did take Ivermectin, which seemed to help.

    I do take high quallity multi-vitamin, D, C etc. I believe these help – a LOT. My elderly mother hasnn’t had a sniffle in years, through the pandemic even, and I just make sure she gets D, C, Zinc, and a good multi.

    I believe that if we focus on health, diet, exercise, and wellness, that most of us will be fine.

    I have mainly viking blood, but do have about 50% Finnish blood. The Finnish part may be more resistant, perhaps. Not sure.

    I don’t think that “they” have as much power over nature as they would like to pretend.
    We will be fine, if we focus on health, prayer, diet, exercise, etc.

  6. Todd says:

    I should add that my elderly mother, unvaccinated, has bee fine, while who two brothers, who got vaccinated, had these outcomes:

    1) Brother #1, vaccinated, died of heart attack within a year of vax.
    2) Brother #2: I thought I had convinced him to not get the vax, but my normie brother convinced him to get it. Within a month or two, he was not able or willing to eat, because of some kind of digestive issue. His lower gums also got swollen, and a denture my dentist-father had made him in the 70’s (beautiful piece of work) ceased to fit. Some kind of inflammation. We had to bring him to hospital for IVs and rehydration, and force feed him for a while.

    So, the vax seems to be an important part of the eugenics plan.

  7. Rhodok says:

    Both the virus and the vaxx seem to do their damage via ACE-2 receptor binding.
    ACE-2 receptors have the highest binding energy for Asian and European populations. The least for ashkenzi jews.

  8. […] I wasn’t just guessing when I wrote this post, and neither are the Chinese or the […]

  9. […] labs to sequence the human genetics, with no explanation as to why this is important or needed. But I posited why many months ago. And it is now obvious that is the […]

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