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Well, I agree…

The writer at Les Femmes —an unfortunate name for a blog about Catholicism if ever there was one, since it’s author apparently is unfamiliar with the New Testament, specifically 1 Timothy 2:12; Corinthians 14:34 and perhaps most of all, Titus 2:5— has made a long list of bleatings about how the SSPX is NOT, NOT you hear, NOT in Schism with Rome.

Well, I agree. Seeing as the SSPX recognise Bergoglio as a Pope, meaning they are heretics, even if they state one should resist and not obey him, which is schismatic if you actually believe Bergoglio is a valid Pope (which he is not, and I doubt he has ever been even remotely Catholic).

Whichever way you look at it, what they absolutely are not, is logical, coherent, or validly Catholic. You can’t both Recognise and Resist a valid Pope. And in any case, anyone that recognises a Heretic and his Heresies as though he were Catholic, becomes a heretic too, as per Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio.

No doubt, her bleatings will continue, and continue to be wrong. Oh well, c’est la vie des femmes! More often than not anyway.

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