Let me start with an extreme example to focus your brain.
Say a vice principal of a school has had intimate knowledge that the principal, and most of the teachers in the school are actually sexually abusing the children in it with abandon. He doesn’t participate in it himself but he keep quiet about it. For almost 60 years. he has plenty of evidence, including cctv video from the school grounds, emails, whatever, but he just keeps quiet about it. In fact, he has a PhD in child rearing for teachers, a guid elf how things should be in order for a child to develop in the best way possible. Yet he remains silent.
Then one day, he talks! After 60 years of silence FINALLY, he admits that the Principal of the school and pretty much all the teachers that ever taught there were actually child predators. Let’s go a step further and say he even calls them out by name and provides evidence to have them all arrested for their crimes.
Now imagine this scenario happens in a really large city and this is the largest school on the planet.
And now imagine that you live in that city and find that the other people of that city all praise and glorify this Vice Principal as the best thing that has ever come along for educators and the school. Many call for him to become the new principal.
Here are my questions for you based on that hypothetical:
- How do you feel about your fellow citizens who are praising this VP?
- How do you feel about the VP?
- What should happen to the VP, if anything, in our current more or less global/western legal system, let’s say that of London or New York?
- What should happen, if anything, to the VP in a theoretical planet on which you are absolute emperor and can make all the laws and rules you want?
Once you are done answering, now consider the concept of the fake, heretical “Archbishop” Vigano, which everyone from supposed “Sedevacantists” to Protestants that have no love nor even understanding of the Catholic Church are fêteing as if he was not just a valid Catholic (he is not) but the answer to the infiltration and usurpation of the Catholic Church by Freemasons and Satanists.
When you consider that:
- Vigano has a PhD in Canon Law (the real, valid one, of 1917, not the fake, Satanist created version of 1983),
- He has kept silent on the heresies of Vatican II for 60 years,
- He still has to name the fake Popes individually as what they are, fake and invalid Catholics, never mind Popes,
- He has failed to admit that even if his repentance were genuine, it is his duty to recluse himself in a monastery in perpetual penance for the rest of his days, as per the infallible, permanent and still absolutely valid Cum Ex Apostolate Officio, which is referenced in it summarised canon of 188.4 precisely because it remains in force, and always will.
Is there really any difference between the hypothetical VP at pedi-school and Vigano?
And here are my answers to the questions I posed you, dear reader:
- They are retarded, ignorant, and lazy.
- And 3. That he should pay for his crime of silence and by it, collusion, as per Roman Law of silent assent. As such he should be barred from ever holding a position in anything to do with the Catholic Church. IF it can be determined that his ordination as a priest was valid then he MAY serve as monk in some monastery who shall remain faceless, nameless, unknown, not permitted to publish anything not perform any sacraments to or for anyone, in, as per the law, in perpetual penance and some labour so his maintenance is not provided at the expense of others for free. All after any secular charges he may be subject to for his silence in the face of the crimes committed by his fellow non-Catholics, heretics and Satanists pretending to be Catholic clergy. A for n. 4. it’s pretty much like n. 3.
So… realise this is NOT about being harsh, or tough, or a zealot. It’s about reality, truth and justice.
Vigano is still a scumbag and his “mea culpa” is not even a mea culpa, it’s more of a sua culpa. (It’s everyone else’s fault I’m the good guy).
No Vigano, no. You are a liar and a coward and have been that for 60 years and that’s best case scenario, because from your behaviour and the movements of the fake “Catholic” Church and their fooled ignorant “believers” it looks increasingly likely that you are just the usual other side of the coin, that pretends to be on “our” side, just to stave off the rightful tide of righteous outrage and consequence that every fake “Catholic” Clergy in that hive of pederasts that has become the Vatican would incur.
So… keep that in mind people.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here