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Urban Warfare Concepts

World War Three is clearly beginning its hot phase after 3 years of “soft” biowarfare in the form of genetic serums under cover of “vaccines”, 5G electromagnetic manipulation, information overload and gigantic psyops going on in turbo mode since 2016.

As such, in the keeping with the idea of constant education, this post will posit a few potential scenarios concerning various degrees of urban warfare and the best weapons for each of these scenarios.

The point is to give at least a general level of tactical understanding of urban warfare, starting with low-level riots/home intrusions and going all the way up to Gaza strip level of warfare.

As mentioned, the purpose is merely educational and not a suggestion to break laws or become a criminal. The idea is to inform people, on the basis of historical and/or actual/current conflicts, what one can expect in urban warfare and what the best approaches to self-defence of you and your lived ones might be in each instance.

In each case, it is assumed that the normal processes of law and order and just policing have been either completely lost or at best sporadic, unreliable and quite possibly hostile, depending on variables too numerous to mention.

Level 1 – low level rioting/home invasions

Do not be fooled into thinking that a home invasion, especially by an armed intruder is anything less than attempted murder.

I Jewish law (and anyone logical too) a man that enters your home, by force and armed, is logically assumed to be someone meaning you harm and at the very least willing to murder you in order to get away unscathed. Hence his being armed. That’s assuming his intent isn’t rape and murder to begin with anyway. So, in all instances of then hypothetical scenarios presented here, priority is given to your immediate survival, with zero thought of the aftermath and consequences that can arise from killing men intent of doing you harm.

In many countries, even legitimate self defence will still land you in a lot of legal trouble and quite possibly jail. So, keep that in mind, but for the purposes of this post, the idea is that, as my father says, better be judged by 12 than carried by 6. And as always: only YOU are responsible for your actions or inactions, son’t blame me or my blog or anyone else.

Regarding riots, the advice is simple: don’t be in one. If you find yourself in a sudden one, get away from it as fast as possible.

Regarding home invasions, many factors come into it, since the law is very different from place to place, however, since in thy is instance we are considering a scenario of catastrophic economic and societal collapse, with little to no police presence and/or most police being essentially just strangers already possessing guns, the legality side of things will be totally ignored here.

In such a lawless instance where someone enters your home with criminal intent, you are on your own, no police is going to help you while it happens, and as such, it is up to you to protect yourself. Obviously guns are best for home defence, especially since in the “apocalypse start” scenario, looters and home invaders will be in groups and seldom alone.

Your advantage is you know the layout and they do not. Faced with multiple armed attackers the policy must be shoot first and ask nothing. In such situations, a short shotgun with buckshot is hard to beat. My preferred item is an 8 shot pump action Winchester, because they are cheap, short, and reliable. You may have your own preferred and more expensive brand, Mossberg, or Benelli, but I would stick with pump action, because a bit like revolvers, you don’t need to worry about jams, which can happen in semi-automatic models. You should know the areas in your home that are bullet resistant. In the USA, where they build with wood and gypsum board, you’re in a lot more danger than in homes built with concrete and bricks, so know exactly what areas, if any, are actually bulletproof. What corners of your home you might take reasonable cover behind.

All else failing wait in your bedroom or wherever you are with your shotgun, pointing at the door and (assuming all your loved ones are with you and you are actually being home invaded, so you don’t accidentally shoot a family member because your cat made a noise in the night) blast away when bad guy opens it. And keep blasting until he and friends are appropriately neutralised.

Do not go outside or even start to creep around your home to search for intruders. Let them come to you. At least in the first place. But in most cases even after.

Level 2 – Anarchy: Early stages

This is the bit where in ex Yugoslavia, when it hit, people suddenly realised a cop was just a man with a gun. Which more often than not meant he could kill you and take your things, wife, children, car, and so on. And at the time, this realisation was a rude shock for normal people. This is the consolidation stage where families find the safest place to hole up and secure the area. If this is limited to your immediate family and just one house you are far from secure, because the immediate next step is gangs of armed men “foraging”. If you are in an apartment block, you’d best figure out which of your neighbours will fall into ally, liability or enemy category, fast. Depending on layout, shotguns will still ne the preferred interior weapon if you live in either apartment blocks or houses made with bullet resistant walls. I say resistant because most modern houses will not actually stop a standard NATO round with a single wall of cement blocks or bricks, much less an actual machine gun round (.50 BMG).

At this stage though, you also want to establish a perimeter and for that, the standard AK-47, AK-74, and various AR-15 and clones of a variety of civilian semi-automatic and military fully automatic weapons become more useful. While not as instantly deadly at interior of a home ranges as a shotgun, they more easily can shoot through interior walls, which can be an advantage or a liability, depending on the situation, but at this stage can be considered an advantage as your immediate family should already know how to act and where to be in case of an assault on your primary shelter/home location. If you’re in a rural area you should have had a little more time to organise yourself and possibly your neighbours, and depending on layout you might be relatively safe, but as this is about urban areas, this is where you try and get any extended family or really good friends to pull together and all inhabit the same place. A recounting of the Yugoslavian war explained how two families had pooled resources and people and places all the women and children in the middle of a giant open plan room, where the cooking and mending of clothes or other things happened, how the men remained armed at all times taking shifts to guard the perimeter and how only men armed to the teeth ever roamed away from the main home to forage for stuff. In fact they had knocked down a wall between their houses to form the central common area. This is smart thinking and the larger numbers make it easier to defend a position from competing tribes/gangs. The important thing to realise here is that your own neighbours and city block inhabitants are most likely your immediate enemy, competing for whatever limited resources you have. Water for drinking and cooking will be the primary resource everyone needs, so stock up, even if only by the immediate means of filling a bathtub with it before the mains are cut off or contaminated. Ammunition, weapons and numbers, will determine who ultimately can have what. Plan accordingly.

Level 3 – Anarchy: entrenched or early military actions

After the immediate shock of societal collapse, a certain level of “stable chaos” arises relatively quickly. If you take Gaza as a current example, after the initial events of October 7th, there was an immediate large scale chaos on both sides of the conflict, which could be thought of as Level 1 in the more secure and unaffected areas inside Gaza or the ones bordering the action inside Israel, and level 2 in the affected areas, but after a day or two, even the affected areas became this level 3, where there were some incursions from either side, but more a skirmish level of stuff which was the calm before the storm, and in the Gaza example this lasted some twenty days or so, roughly three weeks, which is about a ballpark figure for how long it takes a full military force to organise itself before a full assault or entrenched position. This is a period where most normal people will consolidate their situation (as explained above, level 2) but if there are scouts in the group, is actually the time to try to understand where and what will be the safest option. Figuring that out however, especially if your communications is cut off or non existent is far from easy and even supposed military experts have totally screwed that up in recent conflicts. The safest option of all of course is to never be in a conflict area. The early stages of collapse is potentially the easiest time to get out of the area, but this is also totally chaotic and unpredictable. Roads may be barricaded by the military, access to routes out of the conflict area may be blocked and so on, making escape difficult, but in all likelihood, easier earlier than at any other time. If I were trapped in London, say, at the start of a conflict, I would certainly take my chances to get my family out and rural as fast as possible. While almost all main routes out might well be blockaded either by armed forces or worse (initially at least) rioting looters, it is almost impossible to completely lock down the whole city in every respect. Even with small children, I would probably opt to try and get out by aide roads and if that fails I would still consider hiking it out on foot at night to get past road closures if there was a rural area I had relatives or potential shelter away from the city. But once again, this assumes urban warfare, so, assuming you are now in the entrenched anarchy or early stages of conflict, it is a time to seriously consolidate and fortify your position and/or relocate it if you realise it is in a bad area that will become the focal point of full on warfare. Creating some kind of bomb-shelter would be a priority for me, and given I’d prefer to be shot dead than buried alive, it would have to be a really secure one for me to opt for it instead of just taking my chances outside of it.

In a full on war, high-rise buildings do not fare well. Aside from the fact that water gets cut off first in such instances and getting it up there becomes a tiring and dangerous chore, since electricity and elevators are out, they are essentially vulnerable to bombing and structurally death-traps, so, my personal position would be to get out of any such structure and far away from it. Whatever your urban situation in this third stage, you are now dealing with area protection and area denial issues as well as firepower issues.

Making your perimeter non-obvious and yet extremely difficult to traverse is the main objective. If you can use vehicles and/or wreck them and/or set them on fire so they become permanent blockades is a quick solution to at least making certain roads or routes impassable to civilian vehicles and things smaller than military trucks or tanks. The ideal solution is not a giant wall around your home (though it can’t hurt if you have one) but rather a labyrinth of narrow accesses and rubble/blockades to get to them. Guarding the access routes being easier than guarding the whole perimeter, though you should guard the whole perimeter too, of course. The idea is to create zones that are too hard or unpleasant for most raiders to go through, leading them naturally to the easier routes which become your own kill zones or check points, depending on if enemy or friendly comes through it. This set up can be limited to the perimeter of your garden, or extended to include a few city blocks depending on the cohesion and number of people involved. Standard issue military weapons here are the preferred option, including some sniper rifle type set-up if you have vantage points from which to protect or oversee an area. In which case, the local bell tower is NOT a good idea. The obvious locations for snipers tend to attract not just high volumes of enemy fire, but also tank main weapon shells, drones and even airstrikes, so, if you fancy yourself a sexy sniper, think again. These are the guys who will crawl through a side road open sewer for two days then lie in it for three days just to keep observing enemy movements and then crawl all the way back without having fired a shot, because the information is more precious than a single dead enemy soldier.

Defending against enemy military is dangerous and difficult, but not impossible. The people of Donetsk and Luhansk did it for some 8 years. And it was a civilian resistance composed mainly of fathers and grandfathers. Again, knowing your terrain, creating kill zones and confusing blockades or fake ambush points, overwhelming firepower from multiple directions and scouting of enemy movements all become very important. Modern militaries will make extensive use of drones for reconnaissance, area denial and frontal assaults. The technology in these things is such they can literally see through walls in some cases, so, often, hiding from them is limited to being deep underground or at least buried enough by rubble or other materials to make their IR and UV sensors less effective. Against a determined military opponent armed with all the latest gadgetry, a civilian rabble force is at a distinct disadvantage, however, that said, look at Iraq or Afghanistan. The most powerful military in the world got routed by a bunch of sheep herders in Afghanistan. There is much to be said for area denial by improvised traps, explosive devices and so on. The danger being your own side and people can be subject to them too, including your own booby traps if you forget where they are exactly or are not aware of them having been added to. Any enemy military that is killed or captured would also obviously be a source of more or better weapons if it is possible to retrieve them.

In this level of conflict you will soon find out if you are on the front line or not, and with a little scouting you should be able to figure out when or if your position will become the front line.

Paper maps, binoculars, civilian drones, batteries, walkie-talkies, and securing better shelter/protection/area denial areas become important in this stage, as well ambush areas, coalition or ally making with nearby areas or factions. It is easy to get “comfortable” in this stage, especially if you are not in the front lines where the military conflict/action takes place and are not likely to be anytime soon. However, it is important to recognise when and how the war moves so that you have some warning of enemy troop movement and intentions, so that you have a chance of avoiding remaining in a level 4 zone later.

This level 3 time can still support weak non-combatants like children, the elderly, certain women, and so on, if you had the luck or foresight to prepare and be in a suitable area and have enough people to secure it as best as possible. Level 4 zones are essentially killing fields and active war zones, where military men die regularly and civilians are little more than dead bodies, so you want to avoid being in one at all costs, and that often is the result of good information, good scouting and correct use of such information. And, as always, luck or divine providence. Ideal weapons for level 3 are mostly assault rifles and long arms. In active war-zones handguns are what they always have been, secondary emergency weapons. And knives are merely field tools for the most part. Even shotguns will be of limited use depending on the layout of the city. If you are in Venice, and assuming no carpet bombing, even a hammer can be very useful given some of the tiny calles where you can only walk down in single file and have multiple brick and concrete doorways in them, but in a metropolis like London or San Francisco, a shotgun would be mostly useless between city blocks. So assault rifles would be the go to weapon in most cases. With the occasional sniper weapon by people trained in scouting or sniping, if such exist in your midst.

Level 4 – Active War Zone

Your best bet here is to not be in one. Full military force activity. Including active groups of enemy infantry, artillery, aerial bombardment by airstrikes and drones, including guided kamikaze drones, and attack helicopters, tanks and other military vehicles.

Your chances of survival here in a direct confrontation approach nil. Your best bet is to escape the area if possible or hide as deep underground as possible in a location you hope will not be struck by repeated bombardment.

Entirely collapsed buildings that have already been struck by aerial or artillery fire, preferably at least twice, may make ideal hiding spots. Usually rubble is not worth bombing repeatedly, unless live fire comes out of it again. And if you go deep enough in it, most drones will not easily pick you out and if they do and you don’t have obvious weaponry on you they may assume you’re a survivor of the original bombing and possibly not waste a drone or artillery round on you. Of course, rubble is dangerous anyway and you might end up buried alive by sheer bad luck without any enemy fire at all.

Unless you are part of the actual military force yourself, your survival here hinges mostly on becoming invisible or getting out of the area, and your weapons would be used mostly to keep you invisible or getting rid of other factions preventing your escape from the area. Even as active military, depending on circumstances, your survival here is precarious at best.


Other than the initial stages, which might be relatively “easy” to survive if they do not escalate, the worst place to be in a war is an urban zone. But if you are stuck in one, then the above general concepts are your most likely survivable scenario.

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