Update on the Mutants

Vox commiserates on the Vaxx, here.

People have turned out to be even more retarded, and even more in denial, than I had hitherto believed possible.

Welcome to my world friend. You were ahead of me in realising most people, including the ones we thought were not complete idiots, turned out to actually be idiots. Having swallowed that bitter pill, I have since realised that there will never be a revolt of the vaxxed.

Their children, friends, relatives, and doctors, will continue to drop dead all around them, and even when the mass media eventually owns up to the truth (only in order to mock them, not for any servitude to truth), they will continue in their sheep-like subdued behaviour. If sheep had their brains hijacked by a fungus, that is.

However, we do still share a question that remains utterly mysterious to both of us:

How do people this blind manage to successfully cross the street without getting run over?

That, and how do they manage to tie their shoe-laces? Are there AI robots we are unaware of doing it for them?

2 Responses to “Update on the Mutants”

  1. Charlie says:

    One of the things “the powers that be” seem to like doing is pushing the people as far as they possibly can. It’s a win-win for sadistic rulers…they can abuse, mock, grind down, etc., until eventually they provoke a violent reaction that creates the opportunity for even more oppression.

    I assume that the powers that be WANT Europeans to eventually shed the blood of the Muslim immigrant invaders (revealing the Europeans to be the hateful Nazis their rulers accuse them of being. I assume that the powers that be WANT a vicious backlash from duped vaccinees, a backlash that will destroy institutions. But they keep on pushing….and never get any pushback. The sheep will literally accept any indignity. No abuse is too much.

    • G says:

      The only pushback that would count would be one that strikes at the head of the snake in appropriate fashion. I see no evidence that this is forthcoming in any way.

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