I just finished reading Agent 13’s last post on the Uvalde shooting. It’s a massive series, but the harassment he received alone is worth noting.
I have encountered something similar shortly after I wrote The Face on Mars, and periodically get some digital psyops, so it’s nothing new for me, but most people are not aware of the levels these creatures will go to to silence the truth.
When you realise that the world is run by Satanic pedophiles, however, things start to make sense. Here is tiny extract from Agent 13’s post:
My story: On August 10th, Targeted Justice (Substack) published a post called Silent Hit:
This post is about law enforcement admitting, on video, that a “target” (the driver who he pulled over, a “non-investigative subject”) was labeled “Silent Hit” on the cops end, meaning, “don’t tell this citizen”. This made me feel a little vindicated because it proves it is possible for police to be secretly doing sh*t to innocent people who have no idea it is happening. Around this same time I received an email from a reader who was dealing with harassment on the same level as mine and even worse in many ways. This person had their neighborhood covered in fliers featuring terrible, dishonest materials written about them. They are not a journalist, but they too crossed an invisible line.
Then, on August 12th, SGT Report published Shadow State Wet Works which was about the government secretly installing child sexual material onto whistleblowers computers so they could imprison them. All three of these instances further reiterated that we really are dealing with people who are so set on keeping their secrets that they will stop at nothing, and they can’t kill everyone, so they force silence, through harassment or jail.
And they DO kill the more troublesome ones, of course. The recent plane crash in Brazil that had 7 or 8 doctors that had vowed to expose the contents of the COVID genetic serums, or the death of the Italian Doctor that had a cure and explanation of the entire COVID scamdemic are just two cases amongst many.
But pay attention to two important points:
One – They can, will and do upload child rape image sand videos into innocent people’s computers so as to make them completely irredeemable in the eyes of most normies. This also has the added benefit (for them) that any actual pedophiles can then claim they are merely innocent truthers too, blurring the reality between good an evil yet further. And they don’t care at all about legal process, as even one of their own will tell you.
Two – there was a mini series on Amazon called The Capture which essentially made it absolutely clear that they can fake any kind of video now, and in fact even create it out of thin air of you doing crimes you never did. Including, potentially, children rape. It is absolutely worth watching. I have known this for a while because more than a decade ago, when I finished writing the second book in the Overlords of Mars Series (Stasis) I had a friend I trained with do the cover for me. He is now a very big guy in the special effects industry in the USA and back in 2013 he showed me how with one mouse click, an EXTREMELY high resolution image of a woman could be filtered to make her look absolutely perfect, blending in any tiny skin blemish so seamlessly it looked like the original. When I expressed surprise a the speed of this, he looked at me as if I was some caveman that had just discovered fire, and in his French-accented English he told me that this was nothing, they could do it on video in real time, with live feeds.
“You think what you see on TV even when it’s live is real? This is why everyone looks beautiful.”
There were even primitive versions of this in the early 1990s which they tried to use to blame the poor guy they “arrested” for the mass shooting of Port Alfred. It was a poor job of the video of the actual shooter with a still photo of Bryant glued to the face of the individual. Bryant was the supposed “perpetrator”, a man with an 85 IQ that had never held a gun in his hands except a couple months prior when two “new friends” took him to the range, who somehow managed to kill I think it was 31 people with 29 shots and stop 2 vehicles with a Mossad trained drill of 3 round each.
The conclusion is that we have now reached a point where you can’t really believe anything you don’t see with your own eyes. And even then, if you have been vaxxed, you could be susceptible to brain manipulation, by remote EM waves, which could be the real reason all those 5G antennas are up. To say nothing of project bluebeam and a few advanced technologies like antigravity that can be used to create all sorts of situations, and so on.
So what can you do?
Same as always:
- Vote – Not because it changes things, but because it makes it harder for them and because here and there some of the not completely sold out people at lower rungs of the Satanic agenda may actually be half-decent humans and now and then if you get a few of them near each other, we can re-infiltrate their Satanism with Catholic Crusaders. This is easier in local, and smaller councils, so get in there now.
- Get away from cities and try and be as self-sustaining as possible (see this 4 part series).
- Prepare to be able to survive a complete economic meltdown where all the money you have turns to dust.
- Have weapons to defend yourself and your property.
- Bide your time, but work as hard as you can to build your position from frightened and ignorant, to educated and fearless.
And above all: Never, ever, EVER, Trust the Government.
What kind of food you recommend to be stockpiled in the the long term as a means of preparing for the post-apocalyptic world?
Whatever you can get. Tinned food lasts a long time so does pasta and rice if properly sealed and stored. But if you’re thinking food security, you’d better also think about security security. I.e. Guns. Cameras, early warning systems, radios, ammo, bullet proof locations and even bomb-shelters.