I really don’t care much either way, and Adam Piggott has a very interesting take on the US elections, but as things stand now, and by my understanding of basic math, Trump is basically guaranteed to win. See the map below.

I am really just posting that for posterity, in case there is yet another attempot at a steal. I don’t mean the one in 2020. I mean that even this time around, in the early hours of the morning, there was yet again an attempt at the steal again, but this time it went like this (so far):

Nothing says they won’t pretend to flip a bunch of states over the next 3-4 weeks of course, but if either PA or GA come in for Trump before then, then the game is up. And even if BOTH of those flip back to Democrat, Kameltoe Harridan still doesn’t have 270, so they would still need to flip some of the red states that have not yet closed polling.
That all said, I think Adam had a valid point, which is that while Trump is undoubtedly better for Americans than Kameltoe, for the rest of the world this may not be the case. A more stable America means that the Satanism that is exported from the (((diaspora))) that runs the USA will continue for longer. The Harridan-PedoWaltz combination is of course a nuclear fire of incompetence, fraud, blackmail and deep state trash, and could potentially start WWIII with nukes as opposed to the limited genetic serums, bureaucracy and taxes to death and limited wars we have experienced for the last 4 years, but, it would certainly destroy America a lot faster and once it gets so bad internally, the rest of the world could more easily shrug off the tentacles that the First Freemasonic Country on Earth has spread throughout the globe as per direction of its middle-Eastern master.
US military bases in Europe may actually get sent back to the US, which would be awesome.
Of course, the average American is mostly innocent of the things their vicious and foreign ruled government does, and them turning out en masse for Trump is what I too would do is I were American. It’s not going to save the USA because Donald is not the kind of guy to actually properly clean house, that takes a guy like Putin, who has no qualms about taking out enemies, but even if he did that, Trump has certainly signalled his utmost support for Israel. Whether that is a ploy to get in and then flip the script, remains to be seen, and it would be awesome if it were, but I’m not holding my breath.
Anyway… if maths is a thing, Trump has won.
If blatant skulduggery done in broad daylight has the upper hand, Kameltoe Harridan will win.
Either way, I got a tractor to ride and brambles to churn.
Have a nice day, fellow humans.
UPDATE: Seconds after I posted this another state (WI) flipped, so Trump has already won… if math is a thing. But if the Demonrats find another 10 million votes over the next week or so I would not be very surprised either, so we really need to wait until all voting is stopped in all the states.
UPDATE II: I forgot to say, you must still be very impressed with the level of fraud the Kameltoe Harridan “campaign” has achieved. In my view, they have managed to fake and produce millions of votes for someone that probably didn’t get even 10% of the actual votes. Then again, I am a wild optimist and I keep forgetting Professor Cipolla’s first law of human stupidity, so maybe it’s more than 10%, but I would seriously doubt she actually got more than 30-40% of the votes, at the very most, that they say she got. That’s some considerable way north of 30 million fake votes they must have “snuck in”. Even so, it shows that while we may be on the cusp, if enough actual human bodies show up, we can still make some kind of difference.
I really hope humans across the globe are learning this and learning to ignore the mainstream media and taking a view to making the laws change so that burning pedophiles at the stake is the way to deal with them once again.
And this time around, no lukewarm Inquisition like Torquemada did.
Make me Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Catholic Church and give me a few thousand good men to lead, and I will cleanse the pedos from their thrones of power with a passion that would make Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan envious. And I’ll start right in the Vatican first.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here