I have been thinking of doing this for a long time. Actually I plan to extend it to 100 books that I think are a good foundation for anyone to read in order to have a more rounded, more able, and most of all a more independent way of thinking than just unconsciously going along with the greater reactive biomass that is carefully being shaped by TV and other mass media, including this here Internet. Just to be clear then, my criteria for whether a book makes it into my top 100 is primarily based on the practical, real effect it has on you awakening from the dreary, matrix-like slumber induced by the almost homogeneous mass media effect.
If you want to read a little bit about how I chose it first, then read on.
By reading these books, it is my hope that your world-view will change quite radically, and if you are not already at it, that you will hopefully join me into a new era of renaissance, where each individual man and woman can be counted on to achieve much on their own. Be a force for good to be reckoned with even if only acting as lone individuals. But if enough of us with a 19th Century “Lost World” sense of adventure and “can do!” begin to co-operate, we truly have the potential of totally overhauling how many aspects of this planet are (dys)functioning. But first, we need to awaken, see reality as it is, not as it has been presented to us. It is then much easier to realise the possibilities for massive change into a vastly improved world situation are not as impossible as we have been led to believe.
Choosing a list of 100 books is a more arduous task in a way as it entails trying to also evaluate the relationships between various books, overlaps of knowledge and so on. A list of ten books (plus one simple reference book on etymology because trust me, it’s one you will page through often over the years) is easier because each book becomes merely a jumping off point, a good start into a whole topic, field, or avenue of thought that is itself fascinating, interesting and relevant. In fact, in some cases the fields they lead into are spectacularly large, so I have actually chosen up to three books to point you in a useful direction, since, otherwise, literally years can pass before you begin to see a thread of causality between certain topics.
In this first approach (the first tranche of 10 let’s call it, because others will follow in due course), I have covered three basic topics but with one overall theme. The three basic topics are loosely divided into the following categories:
Human abilities, which also overlaps with scientific discoveries, scientific work and research and lost (or sometimes suppressed) scientific knowledge. The point here is to make you aware of a vastly different reality from the one most of us are indoctrinated into by the time we have left high-school.
Science. As opposed to “science”. Real science investigates facts, events, phenomena, in short: reality, and makes observations. Sometimes the observations and facts lead one to make experiments or draw up theories to explain the observed phenomena. Science never, ever, ever, tries to fit the facts to the theory. Ever. There is not as much science being done as there is “science”, which is really just a more modern form of religious dogma in many respects. I try to indicate some books that are jumping off points for science as opposed to “science”. There is also an overlap with human abilities as you can use science to investigate these, and similarly, you can use human abilities to do some science.
World History. This covers broadly speaking two widely separated periods of human history. The first covers the supposedly “mythical” Trojan war, written about (or at least attributed to) Homer, the supposedly blind poet of ancient Greece. Apart from being the oldest history of the Western World, this story is far from just myth. It is based in real events and aside from the level of truth involved in it, the story itself is an amazingly accurate, beautiful and humane portrait of human beings at both their best and worst, and often both sides of this coin being shown in the same character at different times. The Illiad is a seminal text, it is an amazing read in its own right in any case, but taken as a context for real history it also begins to show, when read alongside the more modern companion of the Trojan War, that the line between myth, symbolism, ego, reality and atrophied or extravagant human imagination does not exist anywhere near as clearly as we may have thought. There is both more and less fundamental reality in many myths than you might suppose and delving into the truth of this matter is a far more useful pursuit than might at first appear. It is one of the best ways to allow you to awaken from what is effectively a collective slumber/brainwashing that tells you that all is already known and understood, and there is nothing interesting to see here. Quite the contrary. There is plenty to see here, and all of it is interesting.
If you have not figured it out by now, the overall theme is basically one of exploration. Of realising that the reality you take for granted around you is far more interesting, hidden and curious than most of us suppose. As well as that it is NOT as complicated to unravel and discover as you have been led to believe. Objective truth, with a capital T exists, despite what journalists, politicians and other orcs will try to make you believe. There is no such thing as “relative truth”. Relative truth is properly defined as either a lie or a mistake. You might “believe” your view is right. It might even make you feel better and thus make you lead a “better” life. But if your belief is just plain untrue or wrong, then it remains untrue and wrong, regardless of any “benefits” it may have on your life.
Furthermore, it is my position, that an ability to be able to see the highest, most objective truth about any specific thing, concept or theory, is always a more useful, and ultimately better way to see. A higher understanding of an issue leads one to not have anywhere near as many conflicts, both internal and external and this applies both in the individual as well as between groups and nations throughout the globe.
I hope you find these books an interesting and useful start to your reading pleasure.
Below each book title appear two links, where the title is available in Amazon the top link is for Amazon US and the bottom one for Amazon UK but of course you can also usually find these books in your own country’s version of Amazon if you are not in the US or UK. I just wanted to cover the two largest areas of English speakers. Where the title is available for free download or not available on Amazon alternative links will be provided. Enjoy.
A reference work giving the etymology of many common words. Useful as a subtle and general beginning into language origins and thus the very start of being human.
Practical book that provides simple exercise you can do to see the auras of plants, animals and people. Though covering unusual or scientifically not often discussed phenomena (but see the ESP enigma above) this book’s approach is practical and scientific in nature, allowing you to test for yourself the reality presented by the author.
Still the best book about Tesla. Later works are often mere derivatives of this work and O’Neill was a contemporary of Tesla, having interviewed him personally several times.
The oldest story of Western Civilisation, the siege of Troy. A masterpiece of humanity, showing the best and worst of us cohabiting in each individual as well as being myth, legend and real history all rolled into one mist of timelessness.
One of the best summaries of the reality of Troy. Reading it after the Illiad will give you a better sense that what is so often brushed over as “myth” is actually rooted in reality far more solid than almost anyone ever suspects even in their wildest speculations. Recent discoveries also finally proved that the small citadel that is commonly referred to as Troy today was really only the Imperial redoubt within a much larger city, further supporting Homer’s Illiad as being perhaps romanticised, but far more historical than mythical, and certainly not fictional.
A compendium of amazing and often “lost” and sometimes suppressed scientific discoveries that bring into question many of the accepted rigid belief systems that “science” continues to try to dogmatically hold on to even as the evidence for the “correctness” of these outmoded models continues to crumble at an ever increasing pace.
A reply to Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, written by brilliant avant-garde scientist Rupert Sheldrake, who is no stranger to scientific dogma, given that his book A New Science of Life was put forward for “burning” by the wider scientific community because his discovery of morphic resonance did not fit with their entrenched paradigms. Many tests since then have proved Sheldrake right. In case you are wondering, you do not need to have read Dawkins’ book to be able to fully appreciate and enjoy this one, it stands on its own merits perfectly.
Despite the criticism that this book contained some errors, or even outright lies, (the specifics of which however I am not as clear on) unless you are already familiar with it, it remains, to my mind one of the best explanations of what really happened in the Second World War and why. The author was a commando and an escaped POW, he would not, on the surface of it, seem to me to necessarily be intentionally dishonest, and in any event, his overall theme remains essentially correct. Others may have refined, corrected and researched deeper and in more detail, but as far as I know, Ravenscroft was the first to expose the intrinsic connection between Nazism and the Occult. A thread that is still very much swept under the carpet even today, because delving in it invariably leads you to the discovery of the mindblowingly advanced technologies the Nazis had. The most important of which remain classified to this day with the most extreme prejudice. Following on from the above books, this is perhaps the best blend of reality, myth, deeper truth, fable and symbolism of the modern era. Take a look at how the story of Troy encompasses all of these aspects too and see them compressed here with regard to an event much closer to us in time. If nothing else, this book would certainly be useful to study as a way to appreciate how reality can both be distorted as well as preserved by wrapping it in the mythological, supernatural, occult and divine.
Mainstream and very readable version of a book that details the escape of Hitler from Germany before the war’s end. Contains new information too, including the location of houses Hitler lived in in Argentina, although much of the work is based on previous work already done by an Argentine author in the seventies. It is very interesting to compare this with the commonly accepted history we are all taught regarding Hitler’s suicide, and then begin to ask yourself, if a lie of that magnitude can be passed off as true, what is the real reality of our current events? “Conspiracy theorists” is a term used to ridicule some admittedly rather outlandish claims, but it is also used to ridicule perfectly reasonable, honest and sane people, simply because they are telling an uncomfortable truth. The litmus test for most people in the 60s was the JFK assassination, today it is usually 9/11, but what most don’t realise is that there is a common thread to all of these events and you have to go back to the Second World War to find it.
Nazi International
The Nazi’s postwar plan to control finance, conflict, physics and space
A well researched tome from the quite well-known Dr. Farrell that details some of the money trail of post-war Nazism. The recent revelations from a 2006 Russian documentary about Nazi UFOs makes even the revelations of Dr. Farrell seem quite tame when compared to what very likely really happened. If you want my science fiction version of it, pick up the Overlords of Mars series, starting with book one: Inception. (US Version or UK Version)
Top 10 Books to Un-Borg
I have been thinking of doing this for a long time. Actually I plan to extend it to 100 books that I think are a good foundation for anyone to read in order to have a more rounded, more able, and most of all a more independent way of thinking than just unconsciously going along with the greater reactive biomass that is carefully being shaped by TV and other mass media, including this here Internet. Just to be clear then, my criteria for whether a book makes it into my top 100 is primarily based on the practical, real effect it has on you awakening from the dreary, matrix-like slumber induced by the almost homogeneous mass media effect.
If you just want to skip to the list CLICK HERE.
If you want to read a little bit about how I chose it first, then read on.
By reading these books, it is my hope that your world-view will change quite radically, and if you are not already at it, that you will hopefully join me into a new era of renaissance, where each individual man and woman can be counted on to achieve much on their own. Be a force for good to be reckoned with even if only acting as lone individuals.
But if enough of us with a 19th Century “Lost World” sense of adventure and “can do!” begin to co-operate, we truly have the potential of totally overhauling how many aspects of this planet are (dys)functioning. But first, we need to awaken, see reality as it is, not as it has been presented to us. It is then much easier to realise the possibilities for massive change into a vastly improved world situation are not as impossible as we have been led to believe.
Choosing a list of 100 books is a more arduous task in a way as it entails trying to also evaluate the relationships between various books, overlaps of knowledge and so on. A list of ten books (plus one simple reference book on etymology because trust me, it’s one you will page through often over the years) is easier because each book becomes merely a jumping off point, a good start into a whole topic, field, or avenue of thought that is itself fascinating, interesting and relevant. In fact, in some cases the fields they lead into are spectacularly large, so I have actually chosen up to three books to point you in a useful direction, since, otherwise, literally years can pass before you begin to see a thread of causality between certain topics.
In this first approach (the first tranche of 10 let’s call it, because others will follow in due course), I have covered three basic topics but with one overall theme. The three basic topics are loosely divided into the following categories:
If you have not figured it out by now, the overall theme is basically one of exploration. Of realising that the reality you take for granted around you is far more interesting, hidden and curious than most of us suppose. As well as that it is NOT as complicated to unravel and discover as you have been led to believe. Objective truth, with a capital T exists, despite what journalists, politicians and other orcs will try to make you believe. There is no such thing as “relative truth”. Relative truth is properly defined as either a lie or a mistake. You might “believe” your view is right. It might even make you feel better and thus make you lead a “better” life. But if your belief is just plain untrue or wrong, then it remains untrue and wrong, regardless of any “benefits” it may have on your life.
Furthermore, it is my position, that an ability to be able to see the highest, most objective truth about any specific thing, concept or theory, is always a more useful, and ultimately better way to see. A higher understanding of an issue leads one to not have anywhere near as many conflicts, both internal and external and this applies both in the individual as well as between groups and nations throughout the globe.
I hope you find these books an interesting and useful start to your reading pleasure.
Below each book title appear two links, where the title is available in Amazon the top link is for Amazon US and the bottom one for Amazon UK but of course you can also usually find these books in your own country’s version of Amazon if you are not in the US or UK. I just wanted to cover the two largest areas of English speakers. Where the title is available for free download or not available on Amazon alternative links will be provided. Enjoy.
Dictionary of Word Origins
US Version
UK Version
The ESP Enigma
US Version
UK Version
Hands of Light
US Version
UK Version
Prodigal Genius – The Life of Nikola Tesla
US Version
UK Version
The Illiad
US Version
UK Version
The Trojan War
US Version
UK Version
Lost Science
US Version
UK Version
The Science Delusion
US Version
UK Version
The Spear of Destiny
US Version
UK Version
Grey Wolf – The Escape of Adolf Hitler
US Version
UK Version
Nazi International
The Nazi’s postwar plan to control finance, conflict, physics and space
US Version
UK Version
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Tags: adolf hitler, farrell, grey wolf, homer, illiad, joseph farrell, joseph p farrell, lost science, nazi international, spear of destiny, tesla, top 10 books, top books, trojan war, troy
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