Told you. You’re gonna be controllable

I have been aware of the technological ability to control people by various forms of technology that directly affects the brain for almost 3 decades. And I have posted before on this as well as to a post that had recovered the video that was from 1995 of a French doctor who had also managed to get on TV to warn people of this technology.

More recently due to the Covid scam, I posited that there are reasons to believe the stuff they wanted to inject people with was also possibly an experiment in direct mind control Syndicate style.

Well… guess what… it was that too.

I’d say the evidence is now conclusive, as is the fact that ALL vaccines are harmful. Yes. All of them.

6 Responses to “Told you. You’re gonna be controllable”

  1. A says:

    1) A desire to vaccinate, after the COVID stuff, should be a red flag to any sane man or woman. I am still on the fence about the polio vaccine, but people like that Chemtrails substack guy have convincingly demonstrated that part of the war against anyone of good will has been medicine itself, and that war had a turning point sometime in the late 1800s/early 1900s.

    Much like in the US there was the central banking issue. And the income tax introduction. And the eugenics movement. And so on.

    In short, even the polio vaccine should be suspect under that rubric.

    2) Anecdotally, once I read the Chemtrails guy’s Vitamin D post and saw how much microcrystalline cellulose was in any supplement I take, I stopped. And I have not noticed a change for the worse in my health.

    And again, that’s another part of the war – wear your sunscreen to not get skin cancer! Everyone I know does this. I’m looked upon as weird for preferring to get sunburned if I lack common sense to get in the shade or wear a hat if I’m out too long. So be it, I’ve been a social outlier long enough to not care.

    3) I recall mentioning that stat on autism to someone I thought had enough of an ability to reason. Or at least to try to break her out of her lefty bubble. There is no way over two orders of magnitude of a change in the autism rate is purely due to diagnosis. And yet that is exactly the line she parroted. MPAI I suppose, but you still have to plant the seeds and leave the rest to God.

    Related to IQ, the autism rate is apparently worse by race. I think it is also spun as worse based on proximity to pollution or poverty – I.e. Newark NJ where the rate is 1 in 20 and where I think that is attributable to blacks and Latinos. There has to be an IQ component though.

    4) And finally, enstupidation. For now, the Google AI is showing that autism differential by race when I search it. How long before that gets scrubbed?

  2. Bob Hawke says:

    All vaccines eh? I trust you will not allow your kids, wife or good self to receive a rabies vaccine course if they or you were unlucky enough to be scratched or bitten by a rabid bat, dog, cat etc. Of course it’s supremely unlikely event but I question your logic.

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