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To Idiot Protestants – Learn the Lesson

I have stated the rules for commenting quite clearly. I have explained the stupidity, ignorance, and complete lack of any logic of the Protestant position many, many, many times. With never a single valid point in response. It’s like talking to stones. I’d say monkeys, but monkeys can learn. Protestants, apparently, with few exceptions, can only rely on God possibly having mercy on them only because of truly invincible ignorance. That’s when you are literally too stupid to learn. So, stones. Monkeys have more applicable reason and free will.

Below is the umpteenth retarded comment, which I add links and commentary to only as the usual (vain) attempt at being a teaching moment pour encourager les autres.

From Gen.Patton [who Protestant though he might have been, would likely be spinning in his grave at this moron using his name]

Constantine “legalized” Christianity in 313 a.d.

In this act, he shrewdly blended Pagan Romanism with the Christian movement that was threatening to destroy Rome.

This is the origin of Catholicism. Orthodoxy, and Sedevacantist Catholicism by default are off-shoots of the same root.

They are all False Gospel.

This is easily proven, [No it’s not. It never has been and never will be, because the opposite is true and historically demonstrable. And only a complete idiot would make such historically, logically, and objectively incoherent statements.]

although lengthy books have been written on the many departures Catholicism has taken away from True Christianity. [Lengthy books of lies have been written about many things. They don’t change facts]

Here are 5 examples: [Here we go. Retardation incoming…]

5 fundamentals of Christianity: 1. Deity of Christ 2. Triune God 3. Virgin Birth 4. Christ’s Resurrection

5. Justification by Faith Alone in Christ Alone. [Nope, stupid. That was pencilled in by Martin. The drunkard, glutton, rapist with a penchant for banging nuns. Read James, which was part of the Bible until the same fat, Jewish, spiritual hit man ripped it and other books out of the Bible]

Or the 5 Solas if you prefer:

[Ah yes, the 5 brands of indelible idiocy all true morons wear proudly on their foreheads]

Here is a link to an entertaining deconstruction of pretty much all your retarded Protestant positions: The Idiocy

Scripture alone

Faith alone

Grace alone

Christ alone

To the glory of God alone

These people are literally too stupid to understand that it was CATHOLICISM that literally put the bible together as a book, using TRADITION to do it. Some 300 years after Jesus ascended.

And secondly, that since they have ZERO written rules, the only rule they have is “Interpreth as thou will” which is 100% Satanic. 

“Oh but my denomination number 42,391 HAS written rules…” sure, and next week, one of the “congregants” there can write his own set and be just as “valid”. It’s idiotic on its face. A child gets how retarded this is.

Thirdly, if some fat, rapey, gluttonous, foul mouthed, Jewish spiritual hit-man can come along some 1500 years later and you all ass-u-me that his changes to a grabbled Bible that’s been perverted by pharisees for 700 years to begin with, are all “God-Breathed” instead of “Martin-Farted” what in the HELL can possibly prevent say Bruce Jenner, from coming along and re-writing a few chapters himself, in the name of strong fake “women” everywhere, and THAT being just as “God-Breathed” instead of just as “Bruce-Farted”? I’ll tell you, because if you believe that nonsense, you’re too stupid to figure it out: Nothing. Absolutely nothing is preventing that from happening. because the only standard protestants have for being a Christian is to recognise that Jesus is Lord. Well. Guess what. Demons know that too.

The standard for being a Protestant is literally the same as that of Demons.

Obviously, the idiotic “Gen. Patton” has now joined the mass graves of spammed commenters and I will never again see any of his idiotic statements, and henceforth, any Protestant that even HINTS at any of the above, idiotic, debunked by centuries of proof that even honest protestants like Rodney Stark recognise, will summarily be spammed. No warning of any kind will ever be given henceforth. Not that I gave them before. 

Get it through your head: I don’t CARE about your retarded Protestant nonsense. You are wrong, stupid and you will not waste any of my time at all other than what I chose to spend, like here, to make an example of you for others.

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