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TMOS – Part 3 – addendum – True Religion Supersedes or Changes Culture and/or Race Sufficiently to Make at Least Some Co-operation Realistically Possible

In parts 1-3 I have covered the fundamental abstract aspect of what sustains any kind of social movement, and in broad terms this boils down to how accurate your foundational spiritual model is with respect to objective reality. The closer to it it is, the more likely your social changes or your Theoretical Model of Society is to take hold in the real, physical world.

I have already shown —and history does it for me better than any argument— that Catholicism has been the absolute best at this, precisely because it models objective reality, including all the metaphysical and underlying spiritual and non-tangibles that the modern man is stupefyingly unaware of for the most part, better than any other religion or philosophy that humans have ever come up with. Historically this is simply undeniable. However, there is a subtle but important point to clarify, one that Vox in his recent post expressed rather well (as he has done for a long time):

A Germany full of Germans is an economic powerhouse. An area of 357,022 square kilometers in the middle of Europe populated primarily by German-speaking Turks, Arabs, and Africans will be neither German nor an economic powerhouse. This is not rocket science.

He refers here to the obvious replacement taking place of native Germans, which is simply a factual and mathematical reality

The dirt is not magic. The ideas are not material. People will always live according to their own natural preferences. The transplantation of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants to the New World is what made America what it was in the place of the American Indian societies that preceded it. Neither geography nor ideology nor language nor even religion are determinant in the end, as genetics ultimately and always dictates the destinies of nations.

That last sentence is the main point I want to cover “nor even religion”.

He is right… up to a point.

It is true that a Venetian Catholic is different from a Japanese or Zimbabwean or even just Spanish Catholic, HOWEVER, if the Zimbabwean is in Zimbabwe surrounded by his brother and sister Zimbabweans, and ditto the others, the coalition of Catholics around the world, at the level of nation to nation, is valid, helpful and good.

This is why Catholicism has been relatively unique amongst the religions of the world. While maintaining the national identity, sovereignty, culture, and ethnicity of each people, it also managed to have an over-arching belief system that conquered their souls enough to bring them into positive co-operation with each other. In real terms. Not in the usual, cynical, controlling lever that the elites invariably grasp for and use to try and make cattle of us and lords and masters of themselves and their offspring.

It is why until 1958, the Holy Mass could be said in any country around the world and it would be identical, regardless of the local customs or language. As soon as the impostors took over, and the Catholic Church was almost entirely subverted to the new orc cult (Novus Orco, as I call them) dedicated to Paedophelia, Homosexuality, fraud and Satanism, one of the very first things they did was to change the Mass and make it just like any Protestant quasi-ritual re-enactment of some theatre production of lunch. The solemnity, respect and truth of it was reduced to localised absolute parodies of it in a cacophony of languages and complete with dancing dervishes in colourful costumes. The true and holy mass was (and is) unchangeable by infallible decree and dogma embodied in the Papal encyclical Quo Primum, the fact the impostors pretending to be Catholics changed it was just further evidence of the fact they were absolute enemies of the Church.

This is an important aspect to also keep in mind.

I will expose the enemy in more detail in part 4 and why ultimately, Catholicism, the real deal, not the pedophile infested Novus Ordo impostors pretending to be Catholics since 1958, is not only unique, but historically, the only force that has resisted the predators that try to lay claim over every aspect of our lives.

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