This is the first in the Theoretical Models of Society series of Posts. Use the category of the same name or the Search Me function on the right-hand sidebar to find all related posts in the series in due course. The precursor to this series as way of introduction is the post immediately before this one.
It is generally helpful to a reader if they are already familiar with some of my other work, in order for this stuff to have the most useful effect on your life. In particular, The Face on Mars and Believe! would be the top reads to have done to have the generic global perspective of reality well in hand. Systema and Reclaiming the Catholic Church would have the most impact on a more personal level. On health/security/self-protection, and on the reality of Catholicism as it was (and remains with Sedevacantists) before Vatican II and why the Novus Ordo Church is not only not Catholic, but Satanic at its core. I will repeat this little paragraph on each new part, as I think it is important to have a general foundation if one is really interested in more than skim-reading before returning to the general slumber we are all being attempted to be forced into.
The Foundation
Before anything of note can be constructed, the thought of it, and the abstract foundations on which it rests need to be clear enough if it is to have any chance of success. Therefore, although this is a little analogous to being able to understand the basics of mathematics before you describe how to build a bridge, it is very important stuff, even if it may appear rather “airy” and removed from the very practical aspect of putting bricks and mortar together to form the columns that will sustain the bridge.
The basic foundation of ANY meaningful social change is, always has been, and always will be, a commonality of purpose.
While this seems obvious, what almost no one realises today is that society in the West has been throughly atomised by use of the double wielding of two edged swords of appealing to greed, materialism, sloth, and pride.
In times of actual war where bombs are dropping on your head, you may well “come together” with people you would normally not associate with, but there are two major problems with that, the first is that such alliances are extremely temporary at best. the second, and more important one is that you do not have a commonality of purpose and ideology in times of peace at all, so the baseline for the initial commonality does not even exist.
There is also a third problem that is that actual war today is no longer anything that resembles any of the WWII films you have seen and read about. Modern warfare is as disjointed, atomised and impersonal as the rest of the atomised West. Drones you will not even see will take you out without you even having ever seen an enemy soldier. Artillery and aircraft will do the same and the infantry movements will tend to be squad-sized and therefore also relatively atomised with at best squad-sized groups looking after for themselves even at the expense of other squads. The days of massive infantry assaults are all essentially charges of the light brigade today and are absolute suicide in any modern conflict.
Because of these issues, the most fundamental thing to have right from the. start is a common purpose, which in essence means a common world view. there are many factors that influence this.
The more obvious and less politically correct (but nevertheless factually true) ones are that race and culture play a massive role in this and the constant DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality) being pushed on Europeans and all caucasians generally (Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, etc etc) is unprecedented in human history. The reality is that you are far more likely to have more things in common with a white person that is a heterosexual and has your same nominal religion than with a black (African), brown (Indian, dot, not feather), yellow (Chinese, Korean Japanese) or red (feather not dot) person that is a homosexual. This is not rocket science, and your feelings about it are irrelevant, it’s simply a generically true fact, and the exceptions to the rule do not change the overall situation.
But even this is not the main issue. For example, even within each of the above-mentioned race-based groups there will be cultural differences that make a difference. A Spaniard, Portuguese or Italian is more likely to get along with a Greek than a German, Austrian or Norwegian, and vice versa.
If you reduce this even further, you get back to almost individual granularity, which is atomised, so again ineffective. And all this is natural. If you are Venetian like me, you don’t even really like other Venetians, or humans in general. Sicilians are also a little similar in that regard. And you thought we were both “Italians”; ha!
So, in order to be effective as a group, since the familial tribe-lines have been broken long ago, by the general same principles that the nuclear family has been destroyed, so have the links to ancestors, the pride in your family name, the knowledge of your ancestral history, and so on. Of course, even just in trying to recapture some of this context and keep your family together, you are likely to consume so much time and energy you have none left for anything else. On top of which, each of these points raised above is a rabbit hole you can spent a lifetime in without getting out of it again in any meaningful or useful fashion.
So, then, what is the answer? The answer is a common ideology, but even there you have a problem, because ideologies in general are always in error to a degree or other and therefore eventually fail over time.
The only form of “ideology” that has in fact stood the test of time is religion. Now, you may be a convinced atheist, or more likely, a general agnostic, or possibly a generic churchian, but the reality is that only religion has banded people from different walks of life together in a very coherent fashion. When I say that, of course, I do not mean that every religion is equivalent, they are not. Absolutely not.
You have to consider them in turn, and in broad strokes they boil down to the few main world religions, in no particular order then:
Buddhism (I include Taoism and Zen Buddhism/philosphy in this)
Eastern Orthodoxy
Novus Ordo (fake) Catholicism (really a subset of Satanism/Freemasonry)
Catholicism (today only found in sedevacantists that recognise there has been no valid Pope since 1958, and all Novus Sordo clergy are invalid and likely Satanists or at best criminally ignorant)
Satanism (it goes by many names: Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Carbonari, etc etc)
Each has issues and very briefly, and necessarily in extremely summarised format then:
Hinduism: Caste system, hasn’t exactly produced the peaks of human ability or culture, as cow and human dung-filled streets, extreme poverty and disease can readily confirm.
Buddhism: For all that it is generally mostly harmless and rather neat and practical, it has not stood up well to the ravages of more predatory ideologies, the last one that did so was Feudal Japan, and they were defeated.
Islam and Judaism: While they can both be said to have a achieved a certain level of “success” (Islam in the overtaking of the native populations of other cultures by reproduction and having secured some oil fields of global importance, and Judaism by having cornered the global financial machine, and global entertainment and news media) both religions are essentially parasitic, paedophilic and Satanic in their activities. Islam is incapable of maintaining, never mind creating 20th Century infrastructure and technology, never mind 21st Century. They literally buy other people to do it for them, while Judaism is essentially in a parasitic and destructive relationship with the gentiles that they see as beasts of burden only fit to be their slave at best. Both religions also permit the rape of children.
Protestantism: Has been incoherent and atomising as well as secularising of actual Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) from the start. With each man essentially being his own “denomination” since each man can interpret at will the scriptures (which have been altered by the very founder of the start of this ridiculous melange of Churchianity, old maid-raping Martin himself) there is no real community other than the same level of superficial “cohesion” you may have at a social club, which is all that Protestant “Churches” are.
Eastern Orthodoxy: is basically a far more insular and slower version of Protestantism, and as such is far more coherent than any of the above mentioned religions. It tends to be a far more practical than theoretical religion, is close to the original Christianity even if it does not bear the same fruits, did not proselytise much at all, tends to be nationalistically specific to each country, and backstabbed the Catholics that came to rescue them in 1095 for about 200 continuous years, meaning they are certainly not the one true church, but compared to the others above they are certainly far better.
Novus Ordo “Catholicism”: Or Novus Orco, as I call them (the new orcs) are simply the impostors that infiltrated the Catholic Church for the last 250 years (documented) that destroyed the lay arm of the Church in Europe (the Royal Houses and Nobility), formed the first Freemasonic country (the USA) and eventually took over the Papacy in 1958 starting with the demonstrated Freemason Angelo Roncalli. All their clergy are not Catholic by dogmatic Canon Law of the Catholic Church and specifically Canon 188.4 of the inviolable and infallible magisterium of the Church that compiled the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which vetted tens of thousands of documents in order to compile all the actual rules of Catholicism in one volume. This means ALL the Novus Ordo clerics are not Catholic and cannot perform valid sacraments and while the laity that are fooled by them are in error, they do not have fault while they remain ignorant of the usurpation that took place during Vatican II, other than the one of sloth, for not educating themselves about their own supposed religion. In short, the leaders of this fake and impostor Church are really Satanists (and you can tell by their fruits, homosexual orgies in the Vatican, rampant pedophilia, massive bank and financial frauds, etc etc) leading an extremely large number of fooled ignorants to perdition.
Satanism: They are the eternal enemy of Catholics first and foremost, and humanity at large, and go by many, many, many names and permutations, as the saying goes, their name is legion. Mainly Freemasonry in today’s world.
Actual Catholicism (1958 Sedevacantists): While this group is in effect the only one that has held on to the actual Catholic religion in its eternal format, and is reflective of how reality actually works better than any other religion or ideology ever found on Earth, and the fruits of Catholicism prove it, since it formed the most human-supportive and kind, just and true societies known in the entire history of mankind, discovering the true scientific method, creating works of unparalleled beauty in art, architecture, and philosophy, the down side is that their numbers are relatively small (probably no more than a million world-wide) and their religion has been overshadowed by the usurpers who are pretending to be the “real Catholics”. The details of these facts require some reading and time to understand, especially if you have no context of Catholicism to begin with. On the positive side their numbers grow daily and their churches are filled to capacity and more and further, it is young people making children that form the majority of it. Lastly, Catholicism has been in such dire straits before, but has inevitably risen again from its embers (see the Arian Heresy, the Persecution by the early Roman Empire, and so on).
Now, you may say the Amish are pretty coherent, and I would agree. However, the Amish are (like most Buddhists) committed pacifists, which means that when the SHTF, they will not be anything to be reckoned with. they will literally be wiped out.
Catholics, on the other hand have a long history of suffering great injustices patiently, but then fighting back with a ferocity that has been unmatched in success in battle by any other people expect possibly the pagan Spartans, whose empire in any case did not last but a small fraction of the time that the Catholic Church has been around, which is now more than two thousand years old if you count from the year 0.
Now, you may also just decide you will create your “cohesion” by having weekly meetings of the Beer Drinkers Association of Appalachian Rednecks, or whatever, and if so, good luck to you, but what I can tell you from experience is that I have NEVER encountered cohesion and loyalty as I have among Sedevacantist (Catholics). These are people that across time, space and any level of financial and personal hardship, simply help each other and soldier on, while they make a bunch of children unrelentingly.
And I used to work as an armed personal protection guy in a team of people in South Africa, and made life-long friends in various Martial arts clubs around the world. But literally none of those other friendships, that at times involved situations of life and death, even come close to the cohesion I have with people from completely different walks of life that however share their Catholicism with me. In fact, it is true to say that within Sedevacantists, the cultural and racial origins, DO take second place, which everyone would like to pretend happens in many aspects of life, but in reality, is actually extremely rare and confined to individual levels. In Catholicism (Sedevacantism) it is widespread. And more importantly, it is almost impossible to fake being a Sedevacantist. Which makes it difficult to be infiltrated by agents of the Enemy (in their many guises).
This whole long post then, is simply to point out two things:
- You absolutely NEED the coherent and cohesive religion if you are going to have any measure of success in time in the founding a more perfect society (the details of which will be forthcoming in subsequent posts on this topic).
- The best one I found, that models reality accurately, is not prone to schism and includes people that will absolutely stand with you in a foxhole, is proper Catholicism, which is today only found in the 1958 Sedevacantists, the one group that Bergoglio and his minions try to stomp out more than any other religion on Earth. incredible as it is.
So that is the foundation of any improvement you may wish to make in any society. You need to begin with the spiritual. And Catholicism is the only religion that is both absolute in its divine edicts, yet extremely subtle and nuanced in its human laws and the charity and understanding provided for the ever-erroneous human position.
You may disagree, in fact, most people will, without even bothering to educate themselves at all on the topic, because after all, as we are told, “the road to hell is wide and well-travelled”, nevertheless, don’t forget that Catholicism began with eleven scared men and four women and went on to become the largest religion in the world. Like it or not, even if today it is a tiny fraction of the size it was at its peak, it’s stood (and is still standing) the test of time, and its fruits are evident throughout the world.
Any objective betting man or neutral alien that had been observing our planet from afar would very likely bet on Sedevacantism. You will, of course, do as you wish, but them’s the facts.