While recording the downfall of Western civilisation is important, if for no other reason than to note that it is a directly proportional progression with the departure from true Catholicism, and hence, one hopes, at least somewhat educational.***
It is far more important to present a solution. A way out if you will.
Now, make no mistake, the way out is long, hard, narrow, filled with danger and infinite possibilities of failure, but what did you want to star in? A chick-flick romcom? Come on, get with the spirit of things!
Here is the setting:
You are a sleeper agent. So deeply embedded behind enemy lines, and so trained, that you have literally forgotten you are a soldier in the army of the One True King.
Various subliminal messages activate different agents, and in this dark time of ferociously increased demonic activity, many agents are getting activated. A general “all hands on deck” situation is fast approaching.
But there is a problem.
The Enemy, vastly superior in number and extent throughout our planet, has managed to infiltrate deeply even into the metaphysical subroutines of the telepath-induced awakenings.
The result is that many sleeper agents are awakening with only partial memories, and worse, corrupted truth. The result is an ineffective, fractured and schizophrenic resistance that is easily diverted by the Enemy agents posing as officers of our side.
The Enemy has posted “recruiters” passing themselves off as our own, throughout the planet, but the sole purpose of these impostors is to accumulate as many of the partially activated agents of our side as possible, while also pulling in any potential non-combatants that would have joined our side. They are nothing more than fly-traps for our imperfectly activated sleeper agents.
In as brief a format as possible then, please read and assimilate the following information, as per protocol N99.
* You are a sleeper agent
* In order to preserve your full psycho-emotional and mental integrity, the activation protocol has been reduced as follows:
– You may have no memory of your alegiance
– Your ability to do logic, reason and evaluate objective reality has had to be regressed to a state prior to your entry into the sleeper agent programme. This almost certainly means you may need to re-visit the logical evidence that supports the Truth of our position. Regrettable as this is, the alternative was to risk you awakening with a corrupted ideology
– You may have an affinity with the ancient aspects of our Lord’s Redemptor action, and subsequent historical events that included your brothers in arms who went before you. The men and women martyred in the ancient Roman arena as entertainment for their Pagan citizens; the Crusaders of the Outremer from about Anno Domini 1095 to nearly Anno Domini 1300; the Knight defenders of Malta in 1565, and so on. Nevertheless, some of the false injections of the Enemy into our activation program may still remain as shadows. You may believe those noble actions yet divorce them from the Faith of those immortal Saints. You may be “convinced” of alternate and twisted ideologies related to the True Holy Communion, Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction. In short, you may also be returned to a state prior to your acceptance of the True Faith. In such cases, the only remedy is for you to do your own research starting from the earliest sources available to you
– Any efforts you make towards returning to fully activated status are likely to attract attention of the Enemy or at least his minions. These will mostly present as worldly difficulties
– Awareness of this state of affairs is all we can do to support your mission. The remainder of this message is simply a list of factual data you can examine so as to verify the Truth for yourself and return to full active duty.
* The Catholic Church is the One, True, Holy and Apostolic, Church and its truth and message are eternally embodied in its infallible Magisterium, which is wholly and best contained in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. If you can find a copy and read it, you will gradually realise the truth of this statement.
* Everything and anyone espousing any part of Vatican II as legitimate, or any of its “Popes” or “Clergy” as legitimate os at best in error, and if in a position of fame or authority, most likely a knowing collaborator of the Enemy. The last valid Pope in the current era died on the 9th October 1958. He was Pius XII.
* Protestantism is a Satanic twisting of Christianity designed to gradually secularise the Immortal Truth, reducing it to personal, human, emotion-based, flawed concepts of Christianity.
* Once you start on this path, you will be attacked. Do not despair, and do not lose Faith. In fact, all that will happen will go to strengthening you and your Faith, and you will become naturally attracted to the True Sacraments of the True Church. As you partake of them, you will grow stronger and more impervious to the Enemy. Eventually you will realise the old saying is true: The best defence is a good offence. So for every attack you receive, spread the Truth and the Way even more.
* Marriage is the union of one man and one woman, only, and nothing else, for the main purpose of making and raising children into the One True Church, so as to spread His Word as well as His Kingdom here on Earth, for all of Humanity to partake.
* Catholicism has been the most positive force on the Human race of any other religion or belief system, surpassing all others in matters of reason (Catholic monks invented the Scientific Method), Logic (you only need read doctors of the Church like Aquinas to verify it), Humanity (it allowed the appreciation of women as more than chattel and recognised their virtues as mothers and wives, while never falsifying the patriarchal need for order, it placed the needs of human beings above all, yet subject to God’s will), and Justice (the Death penalty is absolutely appropriate for certain crimes and defence of yourself or innocents is a duty for a Catholic man).
* Contraception is a net evil that has directly led to the destruction of the sanctity of the family and marriage, fostering sex outside of marriage, leading to divorce as being acceptable, and ultimately to the murder of babies as being normal (abortion). It was the introduction of it in the 1920s, accepted in the first place by various of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism, to the point it is considered “normal” today.
* Children are a blessing and your duty as a parent is to protect and teach them to the best of your ability.
* You don’t have to read my books or my blog to find your way, but it almost certainly will save you years of time, because I reference all I say, so you don’t have to take my word for any of it, and having travelled this path in real darkness, I can attest that without a guide, the Way really is very hard, and very narrow.
May God grant you His Grace, protect you, and show you the Way.
That’s it. Now off you go to make trouble for the Enemy.
* ** For the last half-dozen humans or so that may be left that can still change their minds based on objective facts instead of emotions whipped into a frenzy by their controllers.
This is Your Activation Protocol: Awake-N99
While recording the downfall of Western civilisation is important, if for no other reason than to note that it is a directly proportional progression with the departure from true Catholicism, and hence, one hopes, at least somewhat educational.***
It is far more important to present a solution. A way out if you will.
Now, make no mistake, the way out is long, hard, narrow, filled with danger and infinite possibilities of failure, but what did you want to star in? A chick-flick romcom? Come on, get with the spirit of things!
Here is the setting:
You are a sleeper agent. So deeply embedded behind enemy lines, and so trained, that you have literally forgotten you are a soldier in the army of the One True King.
Various subliminal messages activate different agents, and in this dark time of ferociously increased demonic activity, many agents are getting activated. A general “all hands on deck” situation is fast approaching.
But there is a problem.
The Enemy, vastly superior in number and extent throughout our planet, has managed to infiltrate deeply even into the metaphysical subroutines of the telepath-induced awakenings.
The result is that many sleeper agents are awakening with only partial memories, and worse, corrupted truth. The result is an ineffective, fractured and schizophrenic resistance that is easily diverted by the Enemy agents posing as officers of our side.
The Enemy has posted “recruiters” passing themselves off as our own, throughout the planet, but the sole purpose of these impostors is to accumulate as many of the partially activated agents of our side as possible, while also pulling in any potential non-combatants that would have joined our side. They are nothing more than fly-traps for our imperfectly activated sleeper agents.
In as brief a format as possible then, please read and assimilate the following information, as per protocol N99.
* You are a sleeper agent
* In order to preserve your full psycho-emotional and mental integrity, the activation protocol has been reduced as follows:
– You may have no memory of your alegiance
– Your ability to do logic, reason and evaluate objective reality has had to be regressed to a state prior to your entry into the sleeper agent programme. This almost certainly means you may need to re-visit the logical evidence that supports the Truth of our position. Regrettable as this is, the alternative was to risk you awakening with a corrupted ideology
– You may have an affinity with the ancient aspects of our Lord’s Redemptor action, and subsequent historical events that included your brothers in arms who went before you. The men and women martyred in the ancient Roman arena as entertainment for their Pagan citizens; the Crusaders of the Outremer from about Anno Domini 1095 to nearly Anno Domini 1300; the Knight defenders of Malta in 1565, and so on. Nevertheless, some of the false injections of the Enemy into our activation program may still remain as shadows. You may believe those noble actions yet divorce them from the Faith of those immortal Saints. You may be “convinced” of alternate and twisted ideologies related to the True Holy Communion, Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction. In short, you may also be returned to a state prior to your acceptance of the True Faith. In such cases, the only remedy is for you to do your own research starting from the earliest sources available to you
– Any efforts you make towards returning to fully activated status are likely to attract attention of the Enemy or at least his minions. These will mostly present as worldly difficulties
– Awareness of this state of affairs is all we can do to support your mission. The remainder of this message is simply a list of factual data you can examine so as to verify the Truth for yourself and return to full active duty.
* The Catholic Church is the One, True, Holy and Apostolic, Church and its truth and message are eternally embodied in its infallible Magisterium, which is wholly and best contained in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. If you can find a copy and read it, you will gradually realise the truth of this statement.
* Everything and anyone espousing any part of Vatican II as legitimate, or any of its “Popes” or “Clergy” as legitimate os at best in error, and if in a position of fame or authority, most likely a knowing collaborator of the Enemy. The last valid Pope in the current era died on the 9th October 1958. He was Pius XII.
* Protestantism is a Satanic twisting of Christianity designed to gradually secularise the Immortal Truth, reducing it to personal, human, emotion-based, flawed concepts of Christianity.
* Once you start on this path, you will be attacked. Do not despair, and do not lose Faith. In fact, all that will happen will go to strengthening you and your Faith, and you will become naturally attracted to the True Sacraments of the True Church. As you partake of them, you will grow stronger and more impervious to the Enemy. Eventually you will realise the old saying is true: The best defence is a good offence. So for every attack you receive, spread the Truth and the Way even more.
* Marriage is the union of one man and one woman, only, and nothing else, for the main purpose of making and raising children into the One True Church, so as to spread His Word as well as His Kingdom here on Earth, for all of Humanity to partake.
* Catholicism has been the most positive force on the Human race of any other religion or belief system, surpassing all others in matters of reason (Catholic monks invented the Scientific Method), Logic (you only need read doctors of the Church like Aquinas to verify it), Humanity (it allowed the appreciation of women as more than chattel and recognised their virtues as mothers and wives, while never falsifying the patriarchal need for order, it placed the needs of human beings above all, yet subject to God’s will), and Justice (the Death penalty is absolutely appropriate for certain crimes and defence of yourself or innocents is a duty for a Catholic man).
* Contraception is a net evil that has directly led to the destruction of the sanctity of the family and marriage, fostering sex outside of marriage, leading to divorce as being acceptable, and ultimately to the murder of babies as being normal (abortion). It was the introduction of it in the 1920s, accepted in the first place by various of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism, to the point it is considered “normal” today.
* Children are a blessing and your duty as a parent is to protect and teach them to the best of your ability.
* You don’t have to read my books or my blog to find your way, but it almost certainly will save you years of time, because I reference all I say, so you don’t have to take my word for any of it, and having travelled this path in real darkness, I can attest that without a guide, the Way really is very hard, and very narrow.
May God grant you His Grace, protect you, and show you the Way.
That’s it. Now off you go to make trouble for the Enemy.
* ** For the last half-dozen humans or so that may be left that can still change their minds based on objective facts instead of emotions whipped into a frenzy by their controllers.
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