To all the squealing of those hurt and offended by my zealotry, all I have for you, is the silence of assent.
Of course their squeals are silent too, because they go directly to the permanent spam grave and I will never see one of their idiotic comments again, nor will anyone else, but the point is really not difficult.
There are only two kinds of people:
Those who love the truth, and those who do not.
While people can be in error and indeed we all are at some point on many things, those who are intellectually honest can and do correct their error when presented with objective facts that disprove their theories, beliefs and ideas. Of course, in areas where personal opinions of individuals, can sway large sections of the uneducated population, errors abound and many of these are fostered on the less knowing by those wishing to control them.
And wishing to control others for personal gain, makes you fall into the side of those people who do not love the truth.
There really is no other more meaningful distinction between human beings than this. Either you love the truth and prefer it to any lie, or you do not. And if you do not, I don’t really care about you, your feelings, and frankly, whether you continue to breathe oxygen or not.
I am not talking about people in error here, we all are to some degree or other. I am talking about people who knowingly chose a falsehood for personal gain over a truth that will benefit others but not gain them any advantage. Those people are my enemy. Directly, indirectly and perennially. There is no middle ground. I do not care for liars and their hatred for truth. I do not want them near me. I do not want to work with them, for them or have them work for me.
In fact, I don’t even understand how anyone can have anything to do with a knowing deceiver. Why would you even want that anywhere near you?
So, while I can stomach the deceived protestant that simply states that Church history, the patristic fathers and all the other evidence against protestantism being valid is not important to him and he just believes in a generic good God that loves us and the important thing is to do good and be good and treat people well, I will have nothing to do with a liar that states flatly that Popes did not exist in the year 900 AD and/or that the whole of Christendom was in fact Catholic up until 1050 or so.
One can be thought of as a simpleton, but a friend, the other as a flat out, knowing liar and deceiver and as such, nothing but an enemy.
With respect to people such as Bruce Charlton, as I explained, I do not think he is necessarily an intentional deceiver per se, in the sense that he’s financed by Soros to spread lies, or anything analogous to that. I think he is simply someone so invested in his own intellectual ego that he comes up with fancy —and perhaps superficially attractive to some— heresy.
Charitably, I do not ascribe to him the intent of wanting to lead souls to Hell, only the effect of it. He’s more drunk driver than intentional van-into-a-crowd driver.
And as such he requires calling out and exposing. Especially since quiet correction did not work and in these dire times, clarity of faith is the most important aspect of our existence, whether you realise it or not.
So yes.
I am an absolute zealot for truth. I will go to the wall for two plus two being four, now and forever. There has never been any question of that in my entire life. The real question here is:
Are you?
Tags: bruce charlton, the kurgan