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They are the Enemy Within

A YouTube commenter starts to understand:

Gabriel Garcìa Moreno

As I’m sure you’ve realized by now, Tay Tay Marshall is no intellectual behemoth. When he saw your superchat I’m almost certain he understood that he couldn’t properly answer it. I’ve come to the conclusion that Tay Tay is an intellectual lightweight and quite likely a grifter. Man, I want to like Vigano. I pay attention to his publications and videos and have noticed that he often calls out Freemasonry and Bergoglio’s shenanigans but you’re right, at this point he must put down his foot and declare every so called Pope from John XXIII to Bergoglio a heretic and an anti-pope. God bless you. Christus Vincit! Christus Regnant! Christus Imperat!

Adam Piggott, recently wrote a blog post about the fake “priest”, the Satan-worshipping Ripperger.

Adam’s piece is a very polite and well-written one, filled with human charity and honesty. He ended it thusly:

Fr Ripperger is wrong. So I will pray for him as I continue to pray for all of the clergy who have eyes but cannot see, who have ears but cannot hear.

And of course, this makes me want to smack Adam upside the head repeatedly. “Bad Catholic! Bad!” I want to say to him, with each blow.

And I may get to do it, as I think he will come to visit soon.

Yes, yes, I know, I am the “EEEEBBILL” Kurgan, without mercy, et-cetera, et-cetera…

But let me repeat what I have been saying now for about 5 years:

  1. That fake “priest” is not to be addressed as “Father”, as that is an honorific to be used for Catholic Priests. Ripperger is not Catholic, and certainly not a priest (except perhaps of Moloch, but that’s neither here nor there). He is a knowing Satanist, yes, he is, because he is perfectly aware that Vatican II is heretical, that Roncalli was a Freemason and that the Vatican is currently filled with Freemason pedophiles, homosexual and so on. Freemasons are Satan-worshippers, and in essence, so is anyone trying to destroy the Catholic Church; which EVERY fake “cleric” of the Novus Orco is doing, directly and openly, or implicitly and subterfugeously, but in any case, they are.
  2. At BEST, he is a heretic, because in my opinion he is a never-was-catholic. He certainly was never validly ordained, nor has he ever done anything other than perform unholy sacrilegious, blasphemous, fake masses that mock our Lord. So in my opinion, he is actually an active Satanist and outright enemy of the Church, and hence God; as are ALL the fake “clergy” of the Novus Orco.

Now, if he is a Heretic, remember, as a Catholic, the correct way to behave towards him is as defined, in the infallible, ex-cathedra, on faith and morals pronouncement (which means it will remain true for all eternity) of Pope Paul the IV in his Papal Bull of the 15th of February 1559, Cum Ex Apostolato Officio, which states:

(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess.


So no.

The impostor, fake “priest” Satanic-inspired Ripperger is not “wrong”. He is intentionally trying to send souls to Hell. It’s not a mistake, and no Catholic is to act towards him as if it was, nor give him “the benefit of the doubt”. Because AT BEST, he is a heretic. And that is the RULE of how you treat a heretic.

Personally I think he is an active Satanist and he is intentionally trying to send souls to Hell, so I’m gonna have even less sympathy or kindness for him than I do a heretic. As far as I am concerned he is an active mass-murderer of souls. And that is what EVERY Novus Orco fake “priest” or “Bishop” is.

And the only prayers I would have for such creatures, would be that his master comes to claim him as soon as possible and rids us of his presence on this Earth.

A bit intense, Kurgan!

You say what? Well, no. Not at all. Not if you actually BELIEVE in Catholicism. Not if you are actually Catholic, and follow the Catholic rules.

What most decent human beings REALLY struggle with is to even begin to understand the level of deception and evil of the impostors. Just like they are unable to conceive of the kind of mentality that forces little children, along with their parents, to take a genetic serum that will destroy their health and kill them in a few years.

They KNOW what they are doing. They RELY on your good nature, while they pretend to be “on your side” whether that is, be it “traditionalism”, or “anti-woke”, or “republican”, or “conservative”, or whatever, but they are in reality worse than an enemy charging your home with a uniform on and a machine pistol. That guy is OBVIOUSLY your enemy. You can SEE him coming!

But the snake in your own trench, that is the real vicious enemy, that’s a far more dangerous creature. The gatekeepers are NOT your friends.

Besides, if you have read my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, you would know, that this is precisely the modus operandi of the Carbonari/Freemasons/illuminati. The permanent instruction to the Alta Vendita (Carbonari) were found and the Pope at the time promulgated these documents to warn Catholics, and Christianity in general. And they specifically state that they are to always play both sides of the coin. They are to infiltrate the deepest and most cherished places by PRETENDING to be good men of kind and pious natures. While all the while secretly subverting, degrading, and all while gaining trust and influence. They are, remember always, servants of the Prince of Lies!

What do you think they are going to do? Play fair?

Now, I get it, you think it’s hard to be as “jaded” as I am, but you know what, it’s not true. The hardest part about seeing the truth of this situation is merely that most people are simply too good to believe how corrupt, underhanded and downright evil the impostors and gatekeepers are.

Now, I do struggle with the idea that Adam, an Australian, could ever be a decent guy, I mean… he’s Australian, come on. So that couldn’t possibly be it. That an Australian is too nice to see things as they are… absurd; obviously.

I put it down to his being too dim.

It’s true, I have a lot of dim friends. It gives me an excuse to smack them upside the head, you see. Look. We all need a hobby, don’t judge me. Besides, Kurgan head-smackings have been clinically proven to increase IQ by at least 10 to 15 points. And sometimes all the way up to 30 points, that’s 2 whole standard deviations. Sometimes they improves your looks too. At least if you have a face like Adam’s anyway.

So learn, people: ANY Novus Orco is NOT a Catholic, NOT your friend, and NOT doing or saying ANYTHING GOOD.

It’s all an act, or at best criminal negligence. Do you care which? Does it matter? Sure, it might… to God! Who is the ONLY one that can ever truly know the difference in a man’s heart. But to you and me? No. No it does not matter at all. If it walks like a heretic, talks like a heretic, preaches like a heretic, and acts like a heretic… well… guess what:

It’s your duty to treat him like a heretic!

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