There are only two types of people

Those who love the Truth and pursue it regardless of where it leads or if it agrees with their preconceived ideas or not, and the ones who lie.

2 Responses to “There are only two types of people”

  1. A says:

    I’m reminded of two throwaway sentences I read yesterday in a hiking book about the Basque region and how beautiful it is:

    1) they were terrorized by the Inquisition. (Really? Sounds more like Anglo Black Legend nonsense to me.)

    2) Charlemagne was defeated by the Basques at Roncevaux , but the Song of Roland memorializes it as fighting the Saracens. (I’m not so sharp on this period but given the first lie, I’m skeptical of the same person’s comment here).

    We are surrounded by liars and those too lazy to see through the lies. Even in books you would not think need to propagate further the said lies. But the fight back is worth it.

  2. Ron Tomlinson says:

    Interesting. We recently watched his 1991 Christmas Lectures at the Royal Institution:


    …and although I do recommend them for the subject material, it’s clear to me that the speaker is not the sort of person who could have made any of the relevant discoveries. Rather he’s busy *telling* his audience *what* to think. He’s a modern-day Pharisee!

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