The World According to Me

I may be wrong on some of these but this is pretty much my take so far.

Click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the legend and countries in more detail. Feel free to post your suggestions/corrections in comments (assuming you haven’t been previously relegated to spam permanently, in which case, your comment will simply never be seen by anyone).

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2 Responses to “The World According to Me”

  1. Georgi Dobrev says:

    The map pretty much sums it up. The only thing I would suggest is that Poland’s motivations are solely territorial. There is no love lost between Poland and Globohomo, but the Poles have claims in Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, and they might think that GH will back them up if they press those claims.

    As for Bulgaria and Romania, our corrupt political class will continue to gobble up EU money until Russia either comes up with a better deal, or makes them an offer they can’t refuse.

    • G says:

      Whatever your reasons are, as far as I’m concerned, when you are the front shill for globohomo, you are pink. Thanks on the view for Romania and Bulgaria.

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