Before I begin to explain the WHY, it is assumed you have read the previous two posts related to this one, the one on pornography as political brainwashing and the WHO is consciously doing this .
Further, you need to know that most of you reading this will resist this post far more than the other two.
The reason is explained here in the next few sentences.
The feedback I had is that the post on Pornography as Political Brainwashing was apparently received a far better than the one on WHO is doing this.
This is not a surprise. Allow me to explain why, as this too is necessary to be understood before we can even approach the WHY.
The human mind is reductive as a default modality. It is the rare mind that can perceive and be interested by the many subtle and non-obvious elements of life. Applied to the previous two posts then they average reader is likely to reduce them in a simplified sense to:
- Pornography is a tool to control people and achieve a general reduction and destruction of society so as to more easily control them and reduce their numbers.
- It’s the Jews. And they do a whole other lot of noxious stuff besides the pornography.
The first point is easier to accept, because it is not as widely discussed, and the evidence for it is pretty conclusive. In fact it was already discovered to be conclusive almost 100 years ago . 1 But this information has not been widely explained in any detail so my presenting it is novel, logical, and interesting, and you can see it prevalent and active in your life. So it’s easier to digest.
The second point on the other hand has been guarded against by some 70 years of propaganda on literally every channel, be it entertainment, politically, socially, in education, and in finance. And the guarding has been vicious, sustained and merciless. Going right up to murder to prevent the truth from coming out on the one hand and preying on your virtues of fairness, honesty and charity on the other. The fact that the “poor victims” are also simultaneously mass murdering innocents, and have done so throughout their history, is swept under the carpet of the relentless hysteria of their victimhood on the one hand and the mute silence of their atrocities on the other, thanks to their mastery and control of most of the mass media.
Add to this that obviously not EVERY jew is secretly plotting your demise and that a few of the puppet masters appear to not be jews at all (though some actually are while pretending not to be), and the reductive idea that the Jewish tribe is somehow complicit and mostly responsible for many of the evils of Clown World, becomes instantly unpalatable to the average reader.
The factual evidence is in fact overwhelming but as we already know, the majority of humanity acts not based on reason and logic but only on the emotions that they have been trained to respond to. And that includes the majority of you reading this, even if almost none of you would admit it even to themselves.
So, of course the second point is less “palatable” and in fact may colour your perception of anything else I might write. From rational guy that writes interesting stuff based on facts, in the mind of many I may now be “some kind of antisemitic bigot”, quite regardless of the truth concerning such a concept.
Nevertheless, if you are able to let go of whatever preconceived ideas you may have, at least for the purpose of the intellectual exercise, and observe all the available facts, the conclusions are almost inescapable and indeed in line with what I wrote so far.
This third point, the WHY, anyone —regardless of their ethnicity— might behave in the ways that we have seen aim to control, kill, and degrade us, would seem to be nonsensical to most people.
Yet… again, if you are willing to simply look at the evidence you will find that the reason is pretty clear, regardless of how insane it may appear to you or even to most nominally normal people.
It would also be good, before you read the rest of this, if you first appreciate the fact that every aspect of reality is actually founded on a plane of existence that is non physical, but no less real than the material universe you interact with. In fact, if anything, it is more real, because it is the underlying foundation of the physical reality you are most familiar with.
The Ideology and Religion of the Tribe
Since we have broadly identified the group of people that push the various murderous, crippling, dysgenic, evil agendas of communism, the destruction of the nuclear family, feminism, abortion, diversity, homosexuality, transgenderism, inclusivity and equality (each of which terms is used in the toxic ideology the tribe applies to these terms), it would make sense that we should at least take a look at any specific belief system they might have that might shed a bit of light on WHY they might behave that way.
Once again, if you do this, especially if you first spend some time investigating why these people seem to have pissed off every people and culture on the planet at some point, and done so to a level that resulted in their physical expulsion from various territories and nations over a thousand times, you will soon learn that while they superficially state they believe in the old testament, this is in fact a lie.
The old testament is essentially little more than a stack of prophecies heralding the arrival of Jesus Christ and the book of Isaiah specifically is very problematic for modern day Jews as it pretty much points to Jesus as the Messiah.
But the modern Jewish religion is only a continuation of the Pharisaical rejection and hatred of our Lord, and their real religion is the Talmud. The Talmud is basically commentary on the Torah (Old Testament) and was not translated into other languages for many years. When it was, it was often not translated honestly, and it took a long while for any true translations to see the light of day, not without troubles for the translators it needs to be said.
If you bother to read the Talmud, or can find many of the statements made by extremely famous Rabbis in the past that have now been rather extensively disappeared and memory holed even on archive servers, it will become VERY clear, VERY quickly that the modern pharisaical religion known as Judaism today, broadly speaking entails:
- Dominating the Goym (non-Jews) through deception, subterfuge and “cleverness”
- Being very clear that the Jews are the only real humans, the rest of humanity are really just beasts of burden
- After their Messiah arrives (which coincidentally is known as the Antichrist by Catholics) each jew will have a bit more than 2700 gym as his or her personal slaves to serve them
- The life of a Gym is as nothing compared to the one of a jew and killing them, robbing them, raping them and lying to them is not a crime for a Jew.
- Raping children of age 3 or less is not considered a crime.
- Their God is the God of this world, (Satan) not the Christian God.
- Jesus Christ is thought of as the most evil of people and considered to be in Hell boiling in excrement.
I have blogged on this before , including pages from the Talmud as I am aware most people will assume I am just making this up. I wish I were. I am not however. The old blog is still getting “healed” so if not all the image show up let me know and I will update it.
In any case, there are many more outrageous and frankly evil concepts in the Talmud, but as a general rule, the above should suffice. The main take-away is that to an observant jew, non-Jews are considered at best as you might consider a farm animal that may be slaughtered at will for food. And at worst, actively hated.
Now, the usual response to this, even once the facts are placed before someone and are checked and found to be absolutely true, tends to be along the lines of:
“Well, anyway, most jews are not even aware of these things.”
Even if that were true, which I would not assume off the bat, the logic here is flawed. It’s like saying that a group of people goes around calling themselves mass-murderers, and a good number of their members behave as such, when confronted with the fact that some of their members actually behave as mass-murderers say “Oh, we don’t know anything about that! And we had no idea being a mass-murderer means you kill people!” AND in any case, even after it is pointed out to them, do they react in horror and adjust their own lives and stop calling themselves mass-murderers? Nope. And again you can see this today, and throughout their history. Recently various members of the IDF were arrested for raping innocent civilian Palestinians, (a small fraction of the accused) what happened? The citizens of Israel rioted and stormed the place where these few soldiers were being held in order to… liberate them!
Or if you have a strong stomach, you can see the interviews of the now old veterans of the previous war against the Palestinians and Lebanese and see the very Jews that took part themselves admitting the things they did gleefully.
So, once again, the point being made here is that the evidence that the Jewish ideology is essentially anti-human towards anyone not Jewish is pretty much chiselled in stone. And this is true regardless of any Jews that may not act or behave that way.
And by the laws of logic and common sense, if someone states they belong to a particular system of belief, it is incumbent upon everyone to take them at their word and presume they subscribe to those beliefs. Why else would anyone say they belong to a system of beliefs they do not actually agree with?
So as a starting point, at minimum, we MUST ascribe the religion of the jews as being at least one if not the main pillar of why they behave as they do.
And in fact, if we compare this belief system with their historical behaviour through the ages, we see that it certainly fits and explains a lot.
If we delve a little deeper we find out that this was always known about the jews up until after the Second World War.
The ancient Romans even before Christ talked about it, as did every one of the other 1004 times the jews were expelled from some region or nation.
That’s a lot of evidence that they actually behave this way and always have.
But of course, after WWII the Jews have had the Holocaust Shield, which incidentally is a multi billion (if not trillion) dollar business. Once again, don’t take my word for it. Research it yourself.
And we also know for a fact that a lot of the most horrific stories about the Holocaust have since been demonstrated to be pure fiction. Here is a particularly hilarious one that makes you wonder how anyone could ever believe such fantasy:

And here is the link (go the bottom of the page) in case you think I am making it up. How long it will last I don’t know.
His last publication seems to be in 2016 when he would have had to be 71. But one wonders how he survived the gassing that supposedly killed his mother. One can only conclude that baby Yari must have pushed his way out of the gas chamber’s wooden doors, and then milked camp goats for food —probably in the snow— to survive, while he taught himself Hebrew from a discarded and partially burnt edition of the Talmud, which he could do thanks to his always mentioned superior IQ of the Jews.
There are of course stories of how the Nazis murdered a jew every morning by placing him in a cage with an eagle and a bear who would, together, proceed to tear the unfortunate Jew limb from limb. And we shall shield our eyes from the even more horrific death that the Nazis allegedly induced by masturbation machines. And of course, we will say the deathbed confessions of several Jews that had fantastic stories of concentration camp survival, who finally admitted they never were even in any camp at all. Sometimes to the furious indignation of their relatives who had believed them all their lives.
None of this is to say that jews were not actively persecuted in Nazi Germany, of course. But only to point out that the story of that whole affairs may not be quite as you believe. The revision of the official” number of Jews killed at Auschwitz for example went from 4 million down to 2 million in the early 1990s and today stands at about 900,000 people “most of them” says the plaque, Jews. So somewhere along the line the number must have dropped from 6 to at least 3, yet no one seems to be able to do that math in public, thanks to the absolutely monstrous and total propaganda machine on this specific topic.
By the way, Yari’s fantastic story is not even unique, although the other stories of this sort are a little less bold at least. Well. A little, I said. See this one for example.
And we shall gloss over very famous hoaxes or forgeries, like the Anne Frank diary, which has now been really quite conclusively proven to be a fiction, 2 not to mention the kind of mentality you would have to have as the father of a girl that was murdered, to try and make bank on her death in such a way.
At any rate, let’s now move on, since there is hopefully enough initial starting points for an honest person to take away at least one of the Reasons of the WHY:
They believe, worship, and serve Satan.
And it really doesn’t matter if you believe in the devil or not, because the thing is… THEY DO. And they act accordingly.
The Spirit World
If you have read the links above, then you know that there must be competing factions even at the spiritual level. And if you are Catholic, then you know that on one side we have self-sacrifice (as our Lord did) as well as Just War, self-defence and the duty as a man to protect the innocent, and on the other we have Lucifer and his host of fallen angels.
Absurd as it may sound to you, raised in a totally secular society, if you bother to take the time to notice things, especially at crime scenes, you will find that there is a quite subtle yet evident, sense of the darkly numinous and that the hints at the intelligence behind the negative aspects is rather profound.
But if the Jewish bankers (but I repeat myself) have managed to remain mostly under the radar for centuries, imagine how much better the devil has done it for himself.
Ultimately the WHY is because Lucifer hates us with all of his intense malignant passion and intent.
At a merely humanistic level (but devoid of any religious belief) the WHY would seem to have to be merely about wealth and overall control of humanity. But this goal leaves much to be explained, because some of the pathways of of it are simply not worth the risk or effort. The banksters want to rule you because… they want to. And they can. And that’s about all the motivation you need in order to remain hidden in the shadows trying to control the entire human race… maybe… but would it be enough to sustain the dedication of your entire adult life to the position of say priest, only to cause gradual influence and added liberalism? It seems a bit of a stretch, since many of these things appeared only years after I was born in 1969.
If, however, you designate an eternal psychopath (that hates humanity) as having the ability to influence the actions of human beings and even groups, who worship this entity and do its bidding, then you will find that the mystery or concern with how long it takes for this creature’s plans to bear rotten fruit, suddenly vanish. It all fits.
And if you review Catholic dogma, this too will start to fit. So much so that if you are objective, it will likely make you wobble in your Generic Churchainity ™.
Now put all the pieces together, and suddenly, some evil entity that wants us dead makes quite a bit of a sense.
Feel free to disagree in the comments, as usual, though do try to stay on topic if you at all can; thanks.
J.D Unwin’s book is fascinating and worth the read, considering he had reached his conclusions based on empirical study, not mere conjecture or opinion.
See Unmasking Anne Frank , by Ikuo Suzuki. Of course, trying to find this book itself, on any online search engine is almost impossible, and of course it is not available on Amazon either. But you can read about the book here at least. And you can find it at the publisher’s site here . No doubt the publisher will be thought of as just terrible antisemites, but it is rather interesting that as usual, no one has come forward with a factual refutation of the information provided by Mr. Suzuki.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here