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The WHOM – Follow up posts on Pornography as Political Brainwashing

If you have not read the immediately previous post, I suggest you do, even if you think you “already know what it’s about” from just reading the title. I assure you there are elements of that reality you have not seen or become aware of; and it’s sort of required reading before even being able to digest the next paragraph, never mind the whole post.

Imagine if a group of people has understood precisely the mechanisms of having you behave in certain ways simply by exposing you to certain information that stimulates certain urges or hard-wired response patterns in your biology, what they can do with that knowledge.

What do you think would be the very FIRST thing they do when it comes to controlling the mass-reactions of most of humanity?

If you said “protect themselves from discovery, exposure and punishment”, congratulations, you have won the prize for “not completely brainwashed yet” candidate.

That would be their first priority, and it would have several layers:

Layer One: Invisibility

Whatever the masses need to believe concerning the non-existence of such a group of people would be pushed to the forefront of social consciousness in a variety of ways. The very first way is not what you think, that is, the official ridiculing or denial of the existence of such a group. That’s four levels downs; at least.

The first way is massive distraction, which comes in many forms but we’ll just point out two, even though each of these can be split into several dozen tentacles just off the top of my head and I am sure yours.

Your worries about being able to stay healthy, pay the rent, feed your family, be able to survive are the best and preferred distractors. As long as you are spending all your energy doing that and just struggling to stay above water, you’re not going to be thinking about how fiat money works, or who is running things, or why, or be able to hear any metaphysical explanations of anything, or figure out how to get or build free-energy devices, and so on.

If you are not struggling to survive (and who isn’t nowadays), the next level is the entertainment distractors. Binge-watching TV and film while you grow increasingly fat and sedentary (being fed literal poisons instead of actual food, to make you even more stunned and docile and brain-fogged). Needing to have the latest shiny object, smartphone, car, etc. Or looking “cool” so you can finally score that contraception popping hottie that has porn-star looks and behaviour your “friends” can envy and make you feel superior over. Even the more serious among us, may be distracted by supposedly “worthwhile” endeavours like becoming wealthy through your work (for status, toys, and other material goods and services), or famous (for social recognition, and wealth), even if it might be for winning a gold medal at the Olympics (if you still believe such an organisation is in any way egalitarian and based on the principles of good sportsmanship).

That’s only two levels of invisibility and they capture well over 90% of the human population on Earth.

The third level is Anonymity. These people and their various gatherings and groupings and factions prefer to remain anonymous. If someone is famous and well known, you can be relatively certain of two things:

  • On some level they must have been complicit
  • They are almost certainly not the show-runners

Take Elon Musk. Supposedly the wealthiest man on Earth? Well that’s nonsense, because who has ever really counted what the Rothschilds or Rockefeller empires come to? Well actually one man has tried , and even by the most conservative of calculations, by comparison, Elon Musk is as broke as you or I.

Even so, consider this:

Do you have any idea who those 91 are? How many can you name right away? A half dozen? Maybe ten? And that’s just Americans.

But the group of people who controls the masses… to you REALLY think they care about national borders? Or that such things apply to them? You are aware that every country on Earth has various requirements for citizenship and in each instance, one of those requirements is that you can literally BUY your citizenship if you pay enough money for it? Not that they need to have the citizenship to do whatever they want anyway.

So now you have seen only three of the first four layers of their invisibility and only now at the fourth level (and we are really talking macro-levels here, because we have not gone into any granularity at all concerning any one of the above layers, especially the first one, where additional laws, taxes and regulations make the simple running of day-to-day life already close to impossible) have we reached the ridicule and deny level.

If you did not accept the prevailing narrative of a BUNCH of things, including news stories on the daily and instead took your own eyes and common sense to make a judgement, like for example saying that none of the three buildings that collapsed on their own footprint during 9/11 were taken down by planes, especially building seven, which got hit by nothing, but collapsed on its own footprint in freewill, exactly like controlled demolitions do, well… you must be a CRAAAAZZZYY “Conspiracy Theorist” then. You tin-foil hat wearing weirdo. And if your perfectly factual, logical, well reasoned argument on things like say the number of bodies that could ever be found concerning a world recognised event, or the evidence for certain things that “everyone knows” really did happen, doesn’t actually seem to exist, and you begin to get any kind of traction… well… if you are lucky enough to not have a fatal accident, you can be ridiculed by the global mass media and if that doesn’t work enough, you can become party to horrific crimes that can be proven by your propensity for watching or having on your internet connected computers, child-pornography. And so on… Which leads us to the second layer in which these people protect themself from discovery in the first place…

Layer Two: Force

As I have always said from a very young age, having grown up with firearms: When the S really HTF, the most valuable metal is copper-jacketed lead.

Fiat money is just a communal delusion, gold and silver are an agreed value exchange method that has retained its intrinsic agreed value for literally millennia, but nothing compares to bullets out of a gun (and today drones, artillery and intercontinental hypersonic missiles).

If you begin to do anything that might affect the self-appointed masters of humanity, in any meaningful fashion, and if the initial intimidation, blackmail, or buyouts don’t work, the next step is your removal by force. Whether by a supposed “natural” or “accidental” death, or by droning you, shooting you, making it look like “regular crime” or whatever, a group that has managed to remain practically invisible while pulling the strings of how society (d)evolves is hardly going to have any qualms about removing anything or anyone that might upset their elite status. To these people, the rest of humanity is as their cattle and sheep to be fleeced and controlled much as a farmer controls his domesticated farm animals (although with considerable less humanity than the average farmer).

Once you begin to delve into this aspect of their methods of preventing anyone from figuring out exactly who they are, and exactly what they do, which would VERY quickly lead to a mass of humanity literally ripping these monstrous creatures from their ivory thrones and probably hanging them from the nearest lamppost, it will not be long before you ask yourself WHY they do it. But that will be for the next post. Here, remember, we are still trying to identify the WHO.

Now, as with the first layer of protection, this second layer has multiple sub-layers, because we are not just talking about them offing the lone genius that figures out how to build cars that run on water (it’s been done multiple times in the last four or five years), or disappearing someone that exposes the crimes of the Clintons, the Epsteins and the Sean Coombs of this world. We are also including things like the War in Ukraine, and the creating conditions that will spark wars where the cattle will murder each other and do atrocities on each other, while the puppet-masters gain even more wealth, power and control from the conflict, making money on both sides of the deal. In fact, if you begin to look at the reasons behind almost any conflict that has taken place in the history of mankind, contrary to popular belief, only about 7% of wars had anything to do with religion, and more than half of those were perpetrated by Islam. The remaining 93% are almost invariably to do with wealth and acquisition of land (wealth) and control of natural resources. And since these “people” who create the conditions for these wars understand the real nature of wealth, their focus is not so much on FIAT money, but on land and natural resources.

Remember that FIAT money is essentially a fiction they have sold to the rest of us who must slave for the crumbs of it, while the actual money itself is created from thin air by these puppet-masters, and diverted (by various and convoluted means usually, but also transparently directly when you understand the mechanisms they put in place) to their supporters, and shock troops.

Occasionally, perhaps, if the world is lucky, one of their manservants, be it possibly Putin or possibly Elon or Donald, to a certain degree may rebel and upset the apple cart a little.

However, troublesome as these people might be, they do not ever really challenge the status quo of the real vampires at the top. What happens instead is that within the top vampires, as in all houses of evil, there is hardly any co-operation. Each top vampire wants to be THE top vampire and so on. So the various factions of vampires fight with each other and use these “champions” as the proxy leaders of the masses. Sometimes a few of these “champions” switch faction and the little people like you and me remain enthralled by the new “saviour” that will surely make things better.

If you are any kind of student of history, you will know that the story of humanity is pretty much the story of how a tiny group of people hold the power of life and death over millions (now billions) and do pretty much whatever they want all the time. Over centuries, a little of the tiny, shreds of the crumbs, of the farts of the fleas that feed on the crumbs, trickle down to the average person in the form of some temporary and apparent “improvement” of justice. A particularly good book in this regard, is the unexpected personal history of Ranulph Fiennes, the world renowned explorer Mad Dogs and Englishmen . If you read that book, because it is a contraction of a lot of English history in a few pages, it becomes obvious that the process of history is basically the story of these absolutely horrid people with huge power, going about their lives like some of the ancient Gods from Greek and Roman mythology, pursuing their endless quest for power, riches and control, and using the majority of humanity as their foot soldiers if not footstools. Any betterment of conditions for the average person is a kind of side effect that happens mostly by accident rather than any wish to elevate the human condition per se .

The singular exception to this state of affairs in human history has been the Catholic Church. From about the year 33 AD to 1958 AD it exerted the most positive effect on humanity that have ever been seen, to the exclusion of any other empire, ideology or religious belief, none of which come even remotely close to the effects and results that Catholicism brought to humanity.

Unfortunately, certainly since the mid 1700s, the group that has devoted themselves to the control of humanity for literally millennia, has been extremely focused and active in infiltrating and destroying the Catholic Church from within, and over the last 250 years or so, have managed to be extremely successful at it. So much so, that on the 28th of October 1958, the first of a presently unbroken line of Satanists has in fact usurped, and illegally and invalidly sat on the throne of Peter, pretending to be Popes and thus fooling and diverting the greater number of people into believing they and their endless heresies —first encoded in the 16 documents of Vatican II but since spread far and wide in myriad ways— are somehow valid dogma of Catholicism, when the exact opposite is true. As a result, the degradation of humanity has proceeded at a furiously fast pace. And it could be argued that aside from the various financial power-plays, at least one of the entire reasons for WWI and its continuation in WWII was the very weakening and eventual destruction of Catholicism. A plan that had been put together already some 500 years ago by the fake and possibly ethnically Jewish “monk” Martin Luther.

But if one begins to look into history quite deeply, and then begins to note certain patterns, and behaviours on a large scale, with a bird’s eye view of things, then they will relatively quickly come into the third layer of protection…

Level Three: (Im)Plausible Deniability

If you start to look into the financial causes of WWI, the perpetrators of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the financiers of WWII and of Hitler too, and then you begin to also note who the originators of freemasonry and the illuminati, or carbonari sects and such things are, you may come to the conclusion that certainly at least some elements of the people who call themselves Jews, be involved.

And yet, these are the only people that literally laws have been made so that they cannot be criticised. You really don’t need to believe me on this. Look it up. In case the current mass murder of men, women and children non-combatant to the tune of tens of thousands, and the displacement of. couple of million human beings currently happening in Gaza and surrounds is not enough.

Now, even just reading this, the average person, even rational and logical, will begin to feel aa certain level of unease. “Blaming the Jews” has been linked to all sort of apparently completely taboo ideas such as holocaust denial, or a persecution of perfectly innocent people due to some deeply held racism for reasons that apparently have nothing to do with reality.

It is a fact that no competent historian even in Israel will ever say that actually six million Jews were killed in concentration camps, or indeed were killed in total during WWII. It is a fact because even the official plaque at Auschwitz used to read that “four million jews were executed here” but in 1992 or so it was reduced to “two million jews” and today it reads something like “approximately 900,000 people died here, most of them Jews”. So a t minimum we seem to have lost 3 million “deaths” that supposedly happened in the holocaust. And that’s not me saying it. That is the official count that is being attributed to Auschwitz alone. And in fact, in my country, denial that the Holocaust took place is punishable by a criminal indictment with penalties of jail and fines. I am not sure if this extends to the denial of the six-million figure, since even historian from the holocaust museum in Israel agree this figure is “symbolic”, but in any case, let me officially state that I fully believe a holocaust happened. That is, regardless of numbers actually killed, displaced, or whatever, Jews were certainly treated badly, during WWII by at least certain elements of the German military machine. Fine, no problem admitting that. But why is it a crime if someone wanted to deny that and it is not a crime to deny that Jews were responsible for far more many deaths than six million, when it came to Germans’s AFTER the war, with a death toll of about an estimated 10 million or so, that we can actually pretty much verify happened, even if no one seems to talk about what happened to Germans AFTER the war, and who came up with this starvation plan? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am happy that we can talk about what the Jews themselves did both before and after the war. Or at least, we can talk about the atrocities they committed against non Jews throughout history. At least for now, because perhaps soon this will also result in jail terms and fines, but presently at least, one could look into why the Jews have been chased out of 109 countries a grand total of some 1004 times. Again, don’t take my word for it. Look it up. While you can, bcaue a LOT of this information is fast being disappeared even from archive servers. I mean, my entire original blog from may 2022 to more recently is not even available on wayback machine. But I’m sure it’s just a Cohen-cidence.

And this is to say nothing of the millions that were killed in Russia prior, during and after WWII, by people who ran things and controlled the reins of power. Once you look into these people and their ethnicities, you may become even more uncomfortable. After all, despite the fact the ideologies these people invented have resulted in the death of over 100 million people in just the last 80 years (not counting abortion, otherwise the number goes to several hundred millions), these ideas are being pushed today as “what’s best and most fair for all”. Yes, we are of course, talking about the most murderous ideology that humanity has ever seen: Communism, which is the father of the even more bloodthirsty ideology of Feminism, that through the “sex revolution” and “equality” and destruction of the “outdated” concept of the nuclear family is today causing some 73 million deaths EVERY YEAR, by abortion. Which the cowardly, evil and absolutely monstrous French authorities have now passed a law that will fine you to the tune of 100,000 euro if you state that abortion is a cause of death. because according to them the baby in the belly is not a “living creature”. It is, of course, absolutely Satanic, but the fact that the French people have not risen up en masse to remove by physical force the people who pass such laws from their thrones of power, demonstrates the very effectiveness that the puppet-master have achieved concerning human acquiescence to their satanic rules.

I do agree a little that abortion should not be classified as a “death” though. I mean it is, but it really needs to be classified first and foremost as MURDER. Because that is what it is, of course. And no, I did not always think of it this way and I too had drunk the lies and nonsense concerning feminism, abortion and so on. I too was 50% part of four abortions that women I was with had over the years. And that stain is one I cannot wash off nor will I deny when my day of judgment comes. I get it. And I mention it here so that any female readers (if I even have any at this point) that simply assume I am some kind of male chauvinist pig that “cannot possibly understand” perhaps, if they still have a tiny shred of logic still functioning in their emotionally driven brains, may begin to realise mine is not a judgment and accusation of YOU specifically. It is a RIGHTFUL judgement of all of us, me included, who have been hoodwinked and lied to and manipulated and brainwashed to the point that we at any point could ever believe that tearing a baby out of the womb by literally ripping it apart limb from limb was not an act of murder.

But now you need to ask:

Who came up with these ideas? Where do they originate from? Who pushes the nonsensical and non-reality based theories of communism, feminism, transgenderism, homosexuality, equality, diversity and immigration, and all the other clown world staples?

Who funds these movements?

And when you start to look at that, you may then ask yourself:

Wow… why is no one talking about this? Why isn’t the mass media telling us? Why are the education boards across the planet not telling us these important details?

Who finances these things?

You may then begin to look at who pushes for trannies shaking their balls in front of toddlers under the guise of “equality, inclusion and sex education”. And then you may look at who funds such “educational” pushes. And you may begin to notice a pattern that a certain ethnicity seems to be VERY over-represented in:

Control of mass media

Control of entertainment media

Control of financial mechanisms, like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of International Settlement

And if you begin to maybe discuss these things with people, you quickly learn that you immediately become automatically labelled as a Conspiracy Theorist. Though that is sort of loosing effectiveness since people like me have literally been right about every single “conspiracy theory” we subscribed to and have the written evidence and the factual proof to demonstrate it for over 30 years. So if that is not enough, well, you certainly must be a vicious racist, bigot and hateful person. You know, the type of absolutely evil person that might just incite hatred towards totally innocent people that have done nothing wrong at all. And they did nothing wrong at all over the centuries, right back from 55BC to the present day over a thousand times in over 109 countries.

Some groups of people apparently just have really uncommon bad luck. And pointing out that it might have anything MORE to do with it than bad luck, like say, their own actions, behaviours and activities, simply means you are obviously a deluded, evil and racist bigot.

So, regardless of any evidence or facts you might come up with concerning the activities of these people that want to control the rest of humanity, even if you get past the invisibility shield, and survive the force shield, you run into the rhetoric shield that unfortunately is possibly even more effective than the invisibility shield. The average human today is no more able to control his emotions and make rational decisions based on facts instead of their feelings than the average chimp. And possibly less so.

Keep in mind that of course, each of these three levels of protection has multiple facts and they also intertwine into each other. In short, the protective shielding that such a group pf people has is truly formidable, and don’t forget that they also literally control the very concept and creation of wealth. Which can project all of these various shields towards you at levels of intensity that you cannot even imagine, and I pray you never have to find out.

And here then concludes the WHO for now, and yes, you may have to do a little research to be sure, because hey, I don’t want you to claim I put ideas in your head that are not valid in any way. So while I may have pointed you in various directions, if you want the details, you will have to follow the heavy and obvious clues I gave you and maybe, say, read up on who runs the Bank of International Settlement and what it actually is and what it actually does (it will blow your mind if you bother to do so, and literally blow the lid off pretty much everything in one go). Or you may want to investigate how Hollywood came about and what it takes to “make it” in that industry, and who runs it almost exclusively. I’m just saying… don’t take my word for anything. Find out. Know for yourself.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

One Response to “The WHOM – Follow up posts on Pornography as Political Brainwashing”

  1. […] on from this post and the one it mentions , you need to consider some rather disturbing conclusions one necessarily comes to if math […]

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