The Unbearable Weight of Stupid People

I warn you, this post will seem unnecessarily cruel, vicious and merciless. To the normies. Because that is pretty much all they will see. Nay, all they can see. What it actually is, is a tiny insight into my daily experience of dealing with normies and the process that happens in my head, pretty much at the speed that I read the comment. I don’t have to think about the process that happens and the conclusions I draw from the comment, it happens automatically. And the reason I am bothering to write this is pretty much the same reason I did this video, which helped quite a few people since it was made, who encounter similar problems. We are few, of course, but it’s nice when you can find something useful.

My own attitude, while I am writing this, contrary to what most normies would otherwise assume, is not anger or sarcasm, or disdain, but rather, one of mostly resigned tiredness at what I have encountered throughout my 53 years on this Earth. I am not actually fully resigned to it, understand, because giving up is not really part of my make-up, but let’s just say that I expect no great mass of people that suddenly get it from reading this. I am mostly doing it to put down yet another marker for posterity, maybe someone somewhere one day will read it and relate.

On this post, there was the below comment:

REPLACED GUY says:19/04/2023 AT 1:34 PM  Its not an actual dumbing down. Its that people are forced to work too much and for too little pay. And meanwhile immigrants are being imported to take their jobs too. So they don’t care much anymore. “Fire me, go ahead, I’ll just get to see the Sun. You were gonna replace me with an illegal eventually anyway. Might as well be today.” Even those who aren’t smart enough to think that response are basically there. And thus nothing works.

To Which I replied this:

G says:19/04/2023 AT 5:17 PM   (EDIT)Your response demonstrates better than I could have that the dumbing down is PRECISELY what’s happened.Look at it.
Blackpilled despondent apathy is, in your own estimation, the “smart” view.
I am guessing shoes with laces are not your thing.

And then Pearce felt the need to comment this:

PEARCE EVERSON says:19/04/2023 AT 10:01 PM   (EDIT)I don’t think this guy is “black pilled.” He’s just basically saying loyalty to a company is dead due to the company loyalty to employees being nil. People are working the bare minimum now because they know they ain’t getting a raise by working hard. You only get a raise by leaving and going somewhere else. And until they decide to do that they do the bare minimum. There’s even a term for it, “quiet quitting.” But this is in American, so maybe your anger at this obvious fact is due to it not being that way in Italy.

Let’s now look at that first comment and take you through my mental process as I read it.

Its not an actual dumbing down. Yes, it is, and your inability to notice something that has happened in a visible and rather obvious fashion for at least 30 years, tells me immediately, you are about as observant, aware, and intellectually astute as the average cow grazing in a field. And you missed an apostrophe. It might be autocorrect, it sure happens to me a lot, and big fingers on small keyboards. But in your case, I doubt it.

Its that people are forced to work too much and for too little pay. Compared to what? The 14 hour days of back-breaking work our great-grandfathers had to do in a field or in a coal mine, or in construction, or that our great-grandmothers had to do looking after a half-dozen children and a husband that worked those 14 hours? You think his life was easier and his pay so much more than yours? No, of course not, but the thought never entered your idiotic head, because that would require an IQ above room temperature. It also shows you are lazy, weak, and incapable of improving your own circumstances. you want it to be handed out to you by someone else. As if the world owed you something for your fat, lazy, almost certainly overweight ass. And you missed that apostrophe again.

And meanwhile immigrants are being imported to take their jobs too. If your job is in danger from a semi-literate Aztec that being “catholic” probably has those half-dozen kids, or an illiterate African who has no idea of how a stove operates and may in fact set a camp-fire in the lounge of a normal apartment, while slaughtering a goat in his bathtub, then, the problem is not really the immigrant. It’s you. Sure, the immigrant should stay in his own place, no doubt, but what are YOU doing about it? Are you moving your own work up the economic ladder by being smarter, faster, better? No. No you are not. You’d rather whine about the immigrant. Meanwhile, that raupefugee is working hours you would never do, for pay you think is “below your station,” and yet, you do not go for the jobs you think are your station. Why is that? Oh, right, because you’re incapable.

So they don’t care much anymore. So what? Do you think I cared about any of the companies I worked for? Do you think they paid me to “care”? You retard, they pay you to make them money. And the more you do that, the more secure your job is. I have never had a problem being hired after the first year of working in Europe. You know why? Because I always exceeded any target I was set. Including ridiculous ones that were supposed to be impossible. You think I did that because I cared about the company I worked for? Are you completely retarded? I did that because in the first place, if I am going to spend so much of my time at work, I may as well make it a success, learn all there is to and outperform everyone’s expectations. Just for my own satisfaction. And in the second place, because that is how I provide for either myself, my desires and my wishes, or, more importantly, for my family. But not you, no. You want to work less than an immigrant at the same job, be paid a lot more, and then you want the company to care deeply about you. How do you describe this type of person? Other than a massive loser that needs a kick in the ass and a few months in Russian special forces training?

“Fire me, go ahead, I’ll just get to see the Sun. You were gonna replace me with an illegal eventually anyway. Might as well be today.” Yes, I can tell, that’s the attitude of a winner you have right there.

Even those who aren’t smart enough to think that response are basically there. Oh! Wait! Cherry on the top! In order to come up with the pile of steaming shit of excuses, whining, and incompetence you just typed out, you also think that in order to do come up with that you need to be smart! Fuck me with a pogo stick; what special vat of retards to they produce you perfect morons in?

And thus nothing works. In conclusion, this is the exact attitude of the blackpiller. Which is what lead to this post.

And after all that, Pearce comes along to try and defend this poor excuse for a human being. And Pearce, I am sure, is a nice guy. Who thinks I have unfairly judged the guy who intentionally called himself REPLACED GUY. You know, as if my assessment of REPLACED GUY was off somehow. Which it isn’t. Because you see, having done clinical hypnosis for some 15 years, and, on average, being smarter than 9,999 people in any given room, I can tell quite a lot about a person from just a few words, a bit of writing or even just their facial expression without any words spoken. The only time my “radar” on this can be off (or rather, could, in the past) is when it came to an attractive, relatively intelligent woman I was interested in. I would ignore all the red flags (not that I didn’t see them, I just ignored them, intentionally, fully, and the reason for that, is a whole blog post on its own, and it relates to low, beauty and faith, but this is long enough already). I didn’t, for example, hazard a guess that REPLACED GUY probably lost his girlfriend to a swarthy skinned man. I didn’t have enough raw data to guess that with any degree of certainty, but it would not surprise me at all if that is in fact what happened.

You see, Pearce, in his innocent wish to aid both the REPLACED GUY and myself, assumed that I had rushed to judgement about REPLACED GUY. Maybe I just had not understood that REPLACED GUY was American, you see. And maybe I wasn’t aware of the corporate culture there (which they exported pretty much to everywhere, since). Pearce thought REPLACED GUY was surely a good guy and not a filthy oxygen thief with a thousand excuses and no spine.

I get it, sure. But you see Pearce, you’re wrong. It doesn’t matter what the company culture in America is. Or anywhere else. You know what matters, Pearce?


And if you have a defeatist, idiotic, whiny, “I would be a great Pagan Viking, if only…” attitude, then you are indeed an oxygen thief.

You read a post about the intentional enstupidation of the masses and your first thought is to “correct” the author. NOT by engaging the topic at hand, or adding to the discussion, or pointing out a glaring error. No. Your first thought is to PRETEND there is some error, so you can really talk about your favourite topic: Why nothing is ever your own, stupid, lazy, cowardly fault, and it’s all just everyone else’s doing.

What is one to say to this?

Should I type out a long post like this EVERY FUCKING TIME I have to deal with one of the monkeys on this would-be Planet of the Apes Earth? Or should I just quietly let it all go by and say and do nothing? Well, you’re shit out of luck on that score, because I have never really been one to let much just “go by”. Especially vicious cowardice and hypocrisy. So, what is left, is either ignore the Pearces of life completely, which is generally the most expedient of the options, and over time you begin to simply ignore almost everyone. And if you blink, you might miss one of the other 1 in 10,000 people that you could, potentially at least, have an interesting conversation with. Or, occasionally engage with them as I am doing here now. As time and inclination permits. Usually mostly as a form of self-amusement as I explore whether the Pearce of the day has any redeeming or at least interesting aspects to himself.

Or, my generally go-to-response: Give a further, caustic reply. Those who get shocked or offended, or “hurt” by my unkind words will leave and never return, which is precisely my preferred option when dealing with idiots. Let them stay forever far from me in all aspects of life. And a few, will see the reasoning behind it and perhaps be amused, or at least understand.

It’s a great filter and has served me well, but that’s not to say it still doesn’t get occasionally somewhat tedious. You can only play monkey-games with monkeys for so long before you want to just take a shower, and relax with a good book, or a pretty woman, or even, weeding the garden, if you’re agriculturally inclined, which I am not.

But until the full-blown zombie apocalypse happens, I am having to be patient with my own favourite ideas for pass-times.

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10 Responses to “The Unbearable Weight of Stupid People”

  1. John Samson says:

    One data point pattern recognition.

    The mere mention of it can be triggering.

    • G says:

      Quite. The stupid people pretty much react to that as if you were a witch and require burning at the stake.

  2. jeff rollin says:

    I would be a great Pagan Viking, if only guns didn’t exist and swords and war-axes were still the peak of military technology.

    Is that black-pilled?

    • G says:

      Well, I have a few questions for you:
      1. Do you even know anything at all about the Vikings and the practical consequences of their beliefs?
      2. Are you even remotely in shape?
      3. Are you even remotely aware of what life back then was like?

  3. Jeff Rollin says:

    You’re just avoiding the question because you don’t want to admit you are too knee-jerk-reactionary in labelling any complaint about modernity as “blackpilled.” Just becauae someone complains about some aspect of the economy doesn’t mean they are blackpilled. Blackpilled means they’ve given up. Some guy complaining he hates his job and doesn’t even care if they fire him because it will just give him a vacation before he finds another one is not “blackpilled.” And complaining that its harder to find one because of H1B visa hires (a US thing, i.e. importing Indians to take white-collar jobs) or illegal immigrants (for blue collar jobs). That’s a fact, not “blackpilled.” You are just a fossilized boomer so you can’t see.

    But the vikings will return, and they will be pagans, because vikings is killing the browns and taking their land. You might say “Catholica can do that too”; yes, because Catholicism inbided the paganism of the vikings. But that was then. Modern Catholics don’t have it in them any more than the Prots do. So when the vikings return after the collapse caused by WW3, they will be pagan. And they won’t be of youe boomer “the system is great, you’re just lazy” fossilized dinosaur denial of reality generation. And even among Sedes, whether vacantisg or privationist, manly acts are forboden and the only act allowed is praying a novena to your gynoceatic goddess. Yoy aren’t men but women. And the pagan vikings will wipe you out along with the rest of the trannies, when the vikings finally return after civilization completely collapses.

  4. jeff rollin says:

    What is paganism? One god didn’t create all the races. So pagans can kill other races. Catholics have to worship other races as the image of their one woman-god mary. Vatican II is the natural consequence of your theology. Even if you roll it back it will happen again because you believe your kween mary created all the races. Gay priests and effiminate priests is the natural consequence of mary-goddess worship. “but pagans worshipped goddeses too” the women did. men worshipped the male gods obviously. Catholicism imposes female religion on men and turns them into women. Catholicism is religious transgenderism.

  5. Adil says:

    “tells me immediately, you are about as observant, aware, and intellectually astute as the average cow grazing in a field.”

    Sir, I hardly think it’s necessary to speak about “averages” when it comes to cows, or are you implying some cows are smarter than others?

    • G says:

      If you observe them enough, occasionally, one cow, may indeed have a tiny flash of insight. It’s brief and lasts but seconds, but it can happen. Thanks for your deep interest in cows.

  6. […] See my last post on the blackpilled where this fantastic specimen decided to comment. Think of this as part 2 of The unbearable Weight of Stupid People. […]

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