The “Ugly” Truth

Do you ever ponder how much unadulterated bullshit you’re supposed to swallow on a daily basis?

It’s astonishing. From the macro:

  • Men and women are equal
  • Feminism is good
  • Masculinity is toxic
  • All ethnicities are all equally good
  • Except European Caucasians, they are the worst
  • All religions are equally good. Even the ones that say it’s ok to rape toddlers and minors
  • Chemtrails are just a conspiracy theory
  • 9/11 was the result of muslim terrorists and definitely not mossad operatives
  • Epstein killed himself and was definitely not a Mossad operative. The fact he met monthly with the head of Mossad is just a coincidence
  • Neither was Maxwell or his two daughters, including Ghiselle, in any way related to Mossad
  • Freemasons are not Satanists
  • The Catholic Church before and after 1958 and Vatican II and freemason infiltration is exactly the same church.
  • The government is the best decider of how to raise your children
  • Taxes create a better civilisation
  • IQ is just a number
  • There is no connection whatsoever between homosexuality and child sexual abuse
  • There is no pedophile agenda in the LGBT agenda
  • Anyone can have the same opportunity regardless of political affiliation or religion or ethnicity. Except heterosexual white men, they are cheating at life somehow and should be penalised
  • Your vote matters and your politicians are fairly elected.
  • All vaccines are good for you. Even the generic serums that are not actually vaccines.
  • Covid was a totally natural disease due to a bat raping a monkey in a Chinese open air market.
  • The laws are there to protect you
  • So is the police/army/navy/air force
  • There is no vastly powerful clique trying to run the world by first getting rid of their eternal mortal enemy, European Catholics followed by European nominal “Christians” in general.

To the micro… though once you understand the micro it’s all macro.

  • Fluoride in the water is good
  • Kids now are smarter than kids 200 years ago
  • Reading book is boring and outdated
  • Children running around outside in nature is dangerous

And on and on and on and on.




And you have to ask:

What is the common thread among all this.

Who wants this?

2 Responses to “The “Ugly” Truth”

  1. Wopanda says:

    Rule 1: When engineers succeed, scientists get full credit.
    Rule 2: Private-sector engineers are not qualified to theorize about anything. Ever.
    Rule 3: If engineers theorize correctly, then apply Rule 1.

  2. Clint says:

    The demons are in charge now.

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