Some of you who keep up with my blog will be aware of various individuals that supposedly “homestead” which is the Americanism for live off the land and/or your large or small non-commercial farm as the case may be.
By non-commercial I mean simply that it’s not part of some conglomerate, and that you do the farm work yourself.
The romantic idea is that you can live off the land while admiring beautiful sunsets in the evening and having lazy morning coffee on your terrace, overlooking your self-sustaining, off grid, garden of Eden. All while you film your House and Home perfect lifestyle in HD quality video and picture perfect rustic chic attire.
The reality is that if you have a regular family it’s not quite that way.
I’m going to give you a few scenarios, from “easiest” to “advanced” levels of difficulty.
1. The lone cowboy setup.
If you ever watched the really bad series Fear the Walking Dead, then you know there are several episodes a few seasons in where this lonely cowboy who has awesome six-gun skills, lives alone off-grid (spoiler alerts). But then he meets a woman (the actress from Dharma and Greg, older but still attractive) and of course, in the end, he dies. Because women.
Before that however, he is shown to live very comfortably in a tiny cabin, powering his needs with a small windmill.
Now, assuming your needs are very modest, (he didn’t use computers, phones or TV and his electric needs seemed to be limited to maybe a small washing machine and some lights) you might get away with as little as say 1kw of energy on demand. That lets you run a small kettle or hand drill or possibly a small washing machine. Individually that is. Not all together.
And that set up would already cost you several thousand dollars/euros/loads of crates of ammo/bison pelts, or whatever currency eventually becomes valid after the inevitable economic collapse. And depending on your location would not be enough. Also, it’s very unlikely that a single small windmill would be enough unless you live in some kind of natural wind tunnel.
And while solar works, it’s not cheap and again, depending on where, and your climate the difference can be huge between summer and winter. But… all that said, if you START OUT with off-grid as your priority, it can be possible.
However… until it becomes actually a non-crime to shoot the zombies that roam the Earth, you also need to deal with local bureaucracy. And depending on the country you live in and local regulations, a BUNCH of reasonable things might not just be regulated, but even outright illegal. In many places in the USA for example, you are not allowed to harvest rainwater. Which sounds crazy to me but is real.
But let’s say you have got over these hurdles of having enough power and enough clean water for your needs (and these two factors are NOT a small thing, believe me) now comes the living off the land part.
And here is the part I personally would prefer in an ideal world (that’s just me though, maybe): all else being equal, if it were possible, I would prefer to live where I can create all or at least most of my food by hunting, fishing and gathering. Yes. Yes I would.
Farming is not really my thing. It’s hard work, and maybe if you’re good at it it’s easier and more regularly fruitful than hunting, but… I KNOW how to hunt. I’m good at it. I’m a pretty crappy farmer and not particularly interested in it, though I see and respect immensely those people who not only are good at it, but enjoy it.
There is no accounting for taste, as my Roman compatriot ancestors used to say, and some people have a natural affinity to be farmers. But, call it genetic self-selection, epigenetics, or whatever, but I come from a traceable line of men who excelled at hunting, fighting, exploring and adventuring, on their own terms as much as possible, that goes back over 800 verifiable years. We’ve never been good at sitting still in one place and calmly planting potatoes or gathering olives. When we did stay still in one place it was usually in a fortress from which we would defend our peasants, defeat our enemies or launch war parties or even crusades on distant lands.
So, that might just be me, but be that as it may, farming is more widely acceptable and available than hunting for all your food in most parts of the world and certainly in all of Europe and the less rural parts of the Americas and even Africa, not are wild animals as plentiful in much of the Asian continent. So farming it is.
Well, to feed even just a couple you need to be able to plant and harvest a variety of crops in enough quantity to be able to store enough of it to last you the year, whether to feed yourself, your livestock, or a combination of both.
That requires quite a bit of land just for crops, fruit trees and what have you. And it still won’t be enough, which means that you will need at least some chickens, maybe goats or even larger farm animals, and they need to be fed, so either you have large areas of pasture, or, you need to feed them some of the crops you plant. Or you need to have enough surplus crops you can sell them and earn enough to feed your family and animals.
The activity of feeding yourself and your animals will occupy every spare bit of time you have and if you have some bad weather will still not be enough.
The reason farming worked was because communities of people came together and shared the workload.
Let me explain. As a single man living in your one man off-grid cabin, your food requirements are much lower than if you have to feed a family of wife and five children, as I do, and even then it would be tough. But easier. But when you bring in women and children, the only realistic way to do it is for the men to organise themselves and distribute tasks. 5 men can do a lot more per capita than one man alone. The specialisation of skills and distribution of tasks increases the efficiency by multiples at are more than the mere sum of the parts.
If you have to till the field yourself, build a greenhouse, plant and water all the plants, protect them from parasites and wild animals and the weather, harvest and store or conserve them all by yourself, I think most modern men with almost the zero knowledge of the farming processes they have, are more likely to die of starvation in year one or two than to thrive.
And that is as a one man show. Add in a few small children and a wife and your ability to feed them all off the land off grid purely from farming, becomes truly daunting.
A tractor become essential. But they also need maintenance and fuel. Which are costs and processes that also require a functioning infrastructure.
In short, the point becomes that, although the lone cowboy setup os the easiest, it naturally leads you to understand the need for community.
2. The small tribe setup.
This is where either a largeish family or small group where you have between 2-4 adult males and a similar or usually larger number of dependents, that is either small children or women and young boys that are not particularly useful at farm work. While this setup is logistically more complicated than the lone cowboy setup, it has a generally better chance of producing more food as well as take care of all the incidental stuff that invariably comes up.
Because even of you buy a place that already is picture perfect, the animal fencing will need maintaining, the wood stockpile for heating in winter needs cutting and stacking, the various “trouble-free” off-grid solutions will require adjusting, tinkering, expanding —when they don’t need outright fixing— any produce you do harvest needs storing, canning, cooking, or however you might conserve it for the rest of the year. And the million other things you haven’t necessarily allowed for or know about that you will need to improve, fix, educate yourself on, and so on. Having more than one man to address both the recurring issues as well as the incidental ones, that can alternate each other at various times makes for a huge boost in efficiency and, perhaps even more important for the average man, a huge boost in morale.
Few things are as soul-crushing as planning your day’s work only to have it regularly scuppered by the many incidental issues that happen on a farm, not to mention the ones that happen even more regularly if instead of the small tribe setup you have the…
3. The large but young family setup.
This is where a single family only has one or maybe two men in it but about 2-4 dependants per man in it. It is the setup I am personally most familiar with having 5 children and a wife and only period or occasional help from my friends who are still making plans to move here and turn our little community into a small tribe setup. While the two older girls can sometimes help with smaller tasks, these tend to be inside the home rather than out in the field and are mostly a help to the woman in the home, but not without a similar investment in time of other nature. Clothes and dishes all need regular washing, drying and so on, the home —especially older farmhouses or large cabins— needs regular dusting and cleaning, and this is only made worse if you do not have enough electrical power to run domestic appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and any power tools you need to fix up or improve incidental things.
To this you need to add the time and care required to look after the smaller children, and with 3 of them under age 4, it becomes quite the task for the wife. Which in turn means the husband is for the most part left to his own devices when it comes to the rest of the farm work. If and when one of you, or even worse, both, get sick or injured, the workload required simply to get by can be overwhelming.
If you don’t have a very strong relationship what feels like intense pressure, often of a somewhat lonely nature, since the man is out working the farm and the woman is in taking care of the children, it will strain you both to quite possibly a breaking point. Especially if one or both of you have not had a realistic idea about the time and effort it takes to live this way.
In this respect, traditional Catholic (sedevacantist) life is very helpful since we marry until death do us part. Although, for Churchian versions of “catholicism” it might just increase the murder rate!
If you decide to homeschool, the issue becomes initially even worse, though over time it actually becomes easier as the older children begin to help with chores as well as the teaching of their younger brothers and sister by a sort of sibling osmosis that is natural among children.
Although I jest about the murder rate, it can be difficult for a woman if she is not clear on the long term goals from the start and doesn’t have a fully committed approach to her family and the Catholic religion. We have seen this first hand with secular couples with plenty of money, children in school and a good setup struggle to deal with the realities of farm life, while we know almost penniless couples with 6 children, all under 11 or so, who homeschool, that are a real joy to see and despite the difficulties are truly happy families with extremely well-adjusted, smart and imaginative children.
The religious aspect for this kind of setup is probably where you see most of all how pivotally important it is. While the religious aspect is also fundamental in all the other setups, it is not as blatantly obvious to see unless you are living it honestly; in which case, as you work in the field, you’ll often find yourself meditating on the efficacy of prayer, the wisdom of Catholic dogma, the miracle of Holy Mass, confession, and how it helps and sustains you in ways you would never have guessed at in decades of secular contemplation.
Catholicism, the real, dogmatic, “hardcore” sedevacantist version, is —contrary to ALL the propaganda against it you have been taught from birth— not hard at all. Not a burden. It is, as is written in the Bible, an easy “burden” to carry. It literally makes life easier, more beautiful and your family happier and saner.
This is not something I expect anyone to simply take my word for, you need to experience some things for yourself before you can understand them. However, if you simply use your powers of observation and logic, you will notice that religiously homogenous groups are very coherent and resilient to modern assaults on their family units. This is true even in those religions that frankly, have rather large flaws in them, like the Amish or Islam or Mormonism, although, in many of those religions there are aspects of insularity and even abuse that are not part of Catholicism proper. While Catholics are dogmatically not to pray in the temples of pagans, heretics, schismatics, and heathens, or in conjunction with their heathen prayers, they are not instructed to shun contact with such people. On the contrary, we are told to spread the good news even to irritating atheists, and not by forcing our beliefs and faith on them, but by conversing with them when they wish to do so, and more importantly, by leading by example.
Similarly, the Catholic principles of marriage are quite demonstrably the best way to ensure a balanced family life that is harmonious and truly, deeply, in tune with reality, which beings a peace and serenity that materialistic secularism simply can’t compete with.
A strong, healthy, family unit is the basis of any civil, just society, and no religion on Earth compares in terms of quality of life and civilisation produced when measured alongside real, traditional Catholicism (which today means sedevacantism). The role of the man and the woman in Catholicism are not plagued by that rigidity and inflexibility present in the fake versions of “christianity” expounded by 40,000 denominations of protestantism, which either pedestalise women in an unhealthy, feminist, believe-all-women-all-the-time nonsensical position, or, conversely, place them in a subjugate position as little more than a maid and sex slave with no right to an opinion.
In Catholicism, the role of the woman is respected and represented and venerated most of all in remembering the behaviour of St. Mary, the mother of Jesus. And while it is true that the man is the patriarchal head of the household, his role is equivalent to that of Jesus towards his flock, that is, to lead and instruct; gently and calmly, and patiently and lovingly, though also firmly and decisively when required, but ultimately, at heart, in a spirit of self-sacrifice than can, and when needed should, go all the way to literally giving your life for you wife and children, if it comes to it.
Women are not relegated to a role of second class citizen, in a Catholic household. They are celebrated and appreciated for their role of mothers, wives, nurturing feminine power and joy they bring to the family and home, while not being allowed to ride roughshod over their husbands with the excuse of being women and thus above reproach or fault.
In a classic Catholic society, a rapist would have a difficult time surviving his atrocious transgression at the hands of the Catholic men who become aware of his having raped any woman, but a woman falsely accusing a man of rape would certainly be ostracised by literally everyone in such a society, with very little chance of her behaviour ever being forgotten by anyone and her insertion into society probably being limited to a life of penance, as would be the case for similar crimes by anyone, male or female.
If I have strayed a little into broader aspects of Catholicism and their effects on society at large, it is only because in the large but young family setup it is the most fundamental aspect that will be most practically helpful to face all the various adversity you will encounter.
But let it not be said that despite the difficulty, such a setup is not rewarding. In terms of providing all the food you need for your family, this is probably the most difficult setup, even with a tractor and good earth, it will be long days throughout the year to be fully self-sufficient. But the rewards of seeing your family grow, and become increasingly capable, able and most of all, free of the mental rot of the world, is incomparable in terms of the sense of fulfilment and satisfaction it gives.
The next step up in terms of difficulty then is…
4. The proper Catholic community setup.
While the actual feeding from the land of all the members of it is almost undoubtedly easier in this setup, since specialisation will make things easier by orders of magnitude, new issues will crop up, and once again, the religious aspect will be fundamental in the success or failure of such a community in the long term.
Coherent, homogenous communities with shared belief systems are demonstrably more resilient in time than the supposed ideal “diversity is our strength” fiction that has been fostered on all of us from birth over the last 80 years or so. Even clearly unhealthy cults like the branch davidians, jonestown cultists and so on are able to keep together even up to and including mass suicide.
Now, obviously, mass suicide is not “the way” and one can argue that multi-wife groups such as mormons have serious flaws with things like child abuse, yet the general point of cohesion by religion is undeniable. All that is left is to differentiate between religions and their overall success in time. The Amish in America have been reasonably successful, but they are clearly very insular, and lately, this has resulted in an increasingly confrontational effect with the dark powers of the satanic federal government. Which is easier to do for the satanists since most people see the Amish as these harmless oddities that are, however, not really any concern of theirs.
A Catholic community is both insular in the sense that its members know, support and help each other regardless of personal differences, but it is also integrated in the world and moves among it respecting those secular laws that align with or at least don’t directly contradict fundamental Catholic dogma. Ultimately, as Catholics expand and begin to take over governmental functions, they can better integrate their community with the most successful, harmonious, civilising process that humanity has ever seen, that is, the Catholicising of pagans, heretics, atheists and heathens simply by a process of effective creation of safe, serene societies of high trust.
At this point, the bigger problems will be initially the interpersonal relationships. While as Catholics the dogma is uniform and as such the divergence in religious practice is extremely minimal or nil (the opposite of any protestant setup) the human frailties will begin to come to the fore, and more worryingly and damaging, the infiltrations. The most insidious being the ones that are genuinely (or at least appear to be) due to an excess of Catholic charity. Allowing that Una Cum mass guy i to the community. Tolerating this or that Novus Orco priest because he’s such a nice man. Letting a nice atheist couple join in as though they were fully Catholic couple into all the various community efforts and activities. And then, before long, you have homosexual parades with naked transvestites telling you your five year old should have gender reassignment surgery. And instead of such a freak being institutionalised you’re arrested for merely suggesting he’s a mentally unstable danger to children everywhere.
Catholic community needs Catholic leadership, and Catholic leadership comes in two formats:
The Spiritual, which is the highest order. With priests leading the community in terms of their spiritual work, day to day reverence and weekly mass. Bishops above them organising the parishes and presiding over larger community issues while also participating in and providing various sacraments, such as the perpetuation of holy orders and so on and ultimately, culminating in the Pope (which we have not had a valid one since 9th October 1958, hence sedevacantism).
And the practical, which traditionally was represented by the nobility, with a larger hierarchy than the spiritual but just as regimented from a military point of view. Kings Princes, marquises, counts, barons and so on.
And the various laypeople, regardless of their station, be they peasants or kings, all aware of their duties and responsibilities to each other and the wider community. The military or shall we say practical branch of Catholicism subject to the clergy, but also acting as a check against the very clergy they are subjugate to if and when this becomes heretical or unjust.
It is a fine balance, and human flaws will invariably present challenges, but it is, overall, a system whose weakest point is only the permission of infiltration of destructive ideologies. Catholic communities have created the safes, most just, most beautiful, most civilised countries on Earth. And they have done so all around the planet. The relatively recent huge damage to actual Catholicism, the usurpation of the Papacy by satanic freemasons and so on has only occurred in the last 70 years or so, though, of course, the attacks have been ongoing from the start. But it was only the result of the relaxation of the Catholic military or lay arm of the Church Militant, that we got to the pervasive fakery, destruction, and degeneracy of the fake “catholic” Novus Ordo. We should have dragged out the homosexual, Freemasonic, child rapists, that had infiltrated the Church right away and put them to their deserved punishments right away. Bit we did not. We tolerated these infiltrators and as a result their trojan horses unleashed hell on Earth, as we see today. So this will be the challenge. To return to the correct balance of proper Catholic leadership that will never compromise on allowing deviancy to enter our midsts.
The biggest challenge will, paradoxically, not be keeping the deviants out. It will be to have enough people understand their place in the scheme of things and accept the equivalent of monarchy (ideally by an equal measure of meritocracy and piety) to replace the failed, insidious, perverse concept that “democracy” is a good thing. It is nothing of the sort.
Democracy is to civilisation the perfect analogy to the satanic freemason pedophile infiltrating your immediate family.
It is designed to give the ILLUSION of relative personal freedom (aimed overwhelmingly at mostly sexual degeneracy) while in reality, the people who decide everything remain completely occulted by the puppets we call presidents, senators, mayors and governors that they put in place to supposedly rule us as we have “voted” for.
5. Theoretical diverse communities.
It is unlikely that if you have no affinity for Catholicism, or at least some curiosity for it, that you will have read this far, but if you have, and are shaking your head in some protestant induced incredulity, or a Hindu or Muslim, or Buddhist induced one, the fact remains that you have undeniable proof of the fact that Catholicism has endured for some two thousand years (not the longest of all religions, but close) and produced the best societies on Earth bar none. Sure, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism have all produced societies, but they are NOT as pleasant, effective or functional to live in as Catholic ones. The only partial exceptions might be Japanese Shintoism and Zen Buddhism, but Buddhism has proven to be ineffective at protecting itself from even aggressive assault, never mind subterfugeous infiltration. And Japanese Shintoism is only able to provide a safe society by that very same process of almost total isolation and rejection of any cultural infiltration that we should take note of. And while some of us might be quite comfortable in a zen shintoist society, it is not what is most suitable for western Europeans.
This, of course, now leaves the slight gap of perceived light for the American version of the Eastern “Orthodox” which is really more of a subset of screeching autists than actual Eastern Orthodox. I have never really had a theological argument with actual Russian or Greek Orthodox, be it laymen or priests. We just sort of glance at each other with a slight curling of one corner of the mouth, an arched eyebrow of disapproval at each other’s respectively assumed schismatism, and carry on in our way.
But the American Autist “Orthodox” is at pains to try and hijack history, reality and scripture, to try to point out how THEY are the real Church. You know, despite the Filioque being obviously Catholic in the New Testament to anyone capable of reading, the betrayal of the Orthodox at EVERY turn of the Crusades and of the Catholics who came to save them, (and did so some 40 years AFTER the Orthodox defected!), their absolute inability to show any valid Apostolic Continuity, particularly in the Russian branch, and their denial of the fact that there were always Popes for over a thousand years and everyone understood that their decision was the final arbiter of any disputes.
So, in conclusion, not only are the alternatives to Catholicism simply not able to measure up to the communities created by the Catholic religion, but the theoretical multi-religious, diverse ones have now been conclusively proven to be untenable and little more than an excuse to infiltrate and destroy the communities that Catholicism has and did create, and that will do so again.
Final Thoughts
As we have looked at e progression from lone cowboy setup to fully Catholic large community, the problems have changed from having enough time, power and clean water to feed your immediate family to how to prevent infiltration and general community degeneration by a lackadaisical approach to dogma.
As some problem diminish, new ones appear. This is the nature of life on Earth.
If you have understood this core point, then, you MIGHT begin to appreciate a few concepts I will simply list here, add a few notes and hopefully let you ponder on your own in the context of how these truths are intrinsic of reality and well represented in Catholicism specifically:
1. Why the Church here on Earth is called the Church Militant.
Because we are in an endless war with the enemy, Satan, his demons and their possessed or willing servants in human form as well as the possibly simply evil things that may or may not have a supernatural basis.
2. Why the American concept that “happiness” is a worthwhile, sensible, or even achievable goal is an essential perversion of reality.
If you think life is all about being happy as much as possible, you are going to have a terribly sad existence. See point 1 above. That is where you are. In the middle of a war on a planet ruled by an eternal spirit of evil, degeneracy and lies. Your purpose here is not to be “happy”. It is to do your duty as a soldier in combat. In the doing of that, there is honour, satisfaction, and yes, even true, genuine happiness, but there is also suffering, sacrifice, heartache and death. Such is war. Fight it dutifully like a man. Identify the enemy, help your comrades in arms and root out all the i filtrating spies. That is how you live a worthwhile and noble existence.
3. Why the American concept of “free speech”, is moronic, and particularly “absolutists” in this regard, are completely retarded, have no understanding of reality whatsoever, and are weakminded, brainwashed fools.
Is that upsetting you? Good. It’s about time someone woke you up.
No speech, anywhere, in the entire history of the human race has ever been, nor will it ever be in the future, free. And even more importantly, it should never be so.
Do you think in heaven you can swear like a sailor and use the word “motherfucker” at will?
Do you think you should be able to?
Do you think if you were healthy and pure you would want to?
And let me not use my standard example of a pedophile coming to your front door and telling you he is looking forward to raping your children at the earliest opportunity.
The idiotic “absolutist” at that point says something like: “oh well but then he is stating his intent of committing a crime!” Or “that’s not political speech!” Or some equally moronic non-argument.
In a just, polite, and Catholic society, of course, such a person would immediately be jailed for life, and if the father of the threatened children were to immediately bury him in the backyard in a shallow grave, a jury of his peers would be lenient, charitable and understanding, possibly limiting his punishment to a few hours of community service. Or handing him a small pension and a medal for his service to society, you know, depending on the details.
4. Why your LARPING at being a “Christian” of any denomination, is meaningless time-wasting as contemptible as watching “reality” TV.
Unless you know in your heart that you’re willing to die rather than deny Jesus Christ as the King of Kings, your “christianity” is only a veneer of Churchianity. And Churchianty does not create functioning civilisations. Why was Shitoist Zen able to create a functioning society? Or Chinese Taoism? Or Islamic Fundamentalism? Or Pagan Rome? Or Pagan Sparta?
Because each of those civilisations were composed of men willing to choose death over life without adherence to the ideology and codes of behaviour of their culture and religion.
The difference is that Catholicism created a civilisation that is undeniably superior in terms of efficiency, justice for all, and respect for the individual than any of those other alternatives mentioned above. The exceptions might be in terms of beauty, which is at least a little subjective anyway. I do find Japanese art and architecture and landscaping beautiful, as I do certain aspects of Roman art or engineering, but one can appreciate beauty in more than just one’s culturally specific forms.
Lastly then, to close the circle, remember that if you are spending your days watching “homesteaders” that pass several hours a day streaming about the minutiae of their life while they tell you how you should move to the country so you can feed your family by hieing the ground and raising cattle, it’s a little more complicated than that. You can get a more realistic sense of things by following The Kurganate videos on my YouTube channel here, or at least watching real farmers who don’t gloss over the hard work. If you can spend 4 hours a day live-streaming you’re certainly not doing your own farm work.
So I hope this post gives you a bit more perspective and helps you prepare better if you do want to make the change from whatever you’re doing now, to idillic off-grid farmer.
It is definitely the right choice for me and my family, but make sure it is for you and yours before jumping in with both feet and a blindfold of faith in some guy on YouTube who says some things you might agree with.
The Truth About Farming
Some of you who keep up with my blog will be aware of various individuals that supposedly “homestead” which is the Americanism for live off the land and/or your large or small non-commercial farm as the case may be.
By non-commercial I mean simply that it’s not part of some conglomerate, and that you do the farm work yourself.
The romantic idea is that you can live off the land while admiring beautiful sunsets in the evening and having lazy morning coffee on your terrace, overlooking your self-sustaining, off grid, garden of Eden. All while you film your House and Home perfect lifestyle in HD quality video and picture perfect rustic chic attire.
The reality is that if you have a regular family it’s not quite that way.
I’m going to give you a few scenarios, from “easiest” to “advanced” levels of difficulty.
1. The lone cowboy setup.
If you ever watched the really bad series Fear the Walking Dead, then you know there are several episodes a few seasons in where this lonely cowboy who has awesome six-gun skills, lives alone off-grid (spoiler alerts). But then he meets a woman (the actress from Dharma and Greg, older but still attractive) and of course, in the end, he dies. Because women.
Before that however, he is shown to live very comfortably in a tiny cabin, powering his needs with a small windmill.
Now, assuming your needs are very modest, (he didn’t use computers, phones or TV and his electric needs seemed to be limited to maybe a small washing machine and some lights) you might get away with as little as say 1kw of energy on demand. That lets you run a small kettle or hand drill or possibly a small washing machine. Individually that is. Not all together.
And that set up would already cost you several thousand dollars/euros/loads of crates of ammo/bison pelts, or whatever currency eventually becomes valid after the inevitable economic collapse. And depending on your location would not be enough. Also, it’s very unlikely that a single small windmill would be enough unless you live in some kind of natural wind tunnel.
And while solar works, it’s not cheap and again, depending on where, and your climate the difference can be huge between summer and winter. But… all that said, if you START OUT with off-grid as your priority, it can be possible.
However… until it becomes actually a non-crime to shoot the zombies that roam the Earth, you also need to deal with local bureaucracy. And depending on the country you live in and local regulations, a BUNCH of reasonable things might not just be regulated, but even outright illegal. In many places in the USA for example, you are not allowed to harvest rainwater. Which sounds crazy to me but is real.
But let’s say you have got over these hurdles of having enough power and enough clean water for your needs (and these two factors are NOT a small thing, believe me) now comes the living off the land part.
And here is the part I personally would prefer in an ideal world (that’s just me though, maybe): all else being equal, if it were possible, I would prefer to live where I can create all or at least most of my food by hunting, fishing and gathering. Yes. Yes I would.
Farming is not really my thing. It’s hard work, and maybe if you’re good at it it’s easier and more regularly fruitful than hunting, but… I KNOW how to hunt. I’m good at it. I’m a pretty crappy farmer and not particularly interested in it, though I see and respect immensely those people who not only are good at it, but enjoy it.
There is no accounting for taste, as my Roman compatriot ancestors used to say, and some people have a natural affinity to be farmers. But, call it genetic self-selection, epigenetics, or whatever, but I come from a traceable line of men who excelled at hunting, fighting, exploring and adventuring, on their own terms as much as possible, that goes back over 800 verifiable years. We’ve never been good at sitting still in one place and calmly planting potatoes or gathering olives. When we did stay still in one place it was usually in a fortress from which we would defend our peasants, defeat our enemies or launch war parties or even crusades on distant lands.
So, that might just be me, but be that as it may, farming is more widely acceptable and available than hunting for all your food in most parts of the world and certainly in all of Europe and the less rural parts of the Americas and even Africa, not are wild animals as plentiful in much of the Asian continent. So farming it is.
Well, to feed even just a couple you need to be able to plant and harvest a variety of crops in enough quantity to be able to store enough of it to last you the year, whether to feed yourself, your livestock, or a combination of both.
That requires quite a bit of land just for crops, fruit trees and what have you. And it still won’t be enough, which means that you will need at least some chickens, maybe goats or even larger farm animals, and they need to be fed, so either you have large areas of pasture, or, you need to feed them some of the crops you plant. Or you need to have enough surplus crops you can sell them and earn enough to feed your family and animals.
The activity of feeding yourself and your animals will occupy every spare bit of time you have and if you have some bad weather will still not be enough.
The reason farming worked was because communities of people came together and shared the workload.
Let me explain. As a single man living in your one man off-grid cabin, your food requirements are much lower than if you have to feed a family of wife and five children, as I do, and even then it would be tough. But easier. But when you bring in women and children, the only realistic way to do it is for the men to organise themselves and distribute tasks. 5 men can do a lot more per capita than one man alone. The specialisation of skills and distribution of tasks increases the efficiency by multiples at are more than the mere sum of the parts.
If you have to till the field yourself, build a greenhouse, plant and water all the plants, protect them from parasites and wild animals and the weather, harvest and store or conserve them all by yourself, I think most modern men with almost the zero knowledge of the farming processes they have, are more likely to die of starvation in year one or two than to thrive.
And that is as a one man show. Add in a few small children and a wife and your ability to feed them all off the land off grid purely from farming, becomes truly daunting.
A tractor become essential. But they also need maintenance and fuel. Which are costs and processes that also require a functioning infrastructure.
In short, the point becomes that, although the lone cowboy setup os the easiest, it naturally leads you to understand the need for community.
2. The small tribe setup.
This is where either a largeish family or small group where you have between 2-4 adult males and a similar or usually larger number of dependents, that is either small children or women and young boys that are not particularly useful at farm work. While this setup is logistically more complicated than the lone cowboy setup, it has a generally better chance of producing more food as well as take care of all the incidental stuff that invariably comes up.
Because even of you buy a place that already is picture perfect, the animal fencing will need maintaining, the wood stockpile for heating in winter needs cutting and stacking, the various “trouble-free” off-grid solutions will require adjusting, tinkering, expanding —when they don’t need outright fixing— any produce you do harvest needs storing, canning, cooking, or however you might conserve it for the rest of the year. And the million other things you haven’t necessarily allowed for or know about that you will need to improve, fix, educate yourself on, and so on. Having more than one man to address both the recurring issues as well as the incidental ones, that can alternate each other at various times makes for a huge boost in efficiency and, perhaps even more important for the average man, a huge boost in morale.
Few things are as soul-crushing as planning your day’s work only to have it regularly scuppered by the many incidental issues that happen on a farm, not to mention the ones that happen even more regularly if instead of the small tribe setup you have the…
3. The large but young family setup.
This is where a single family only has one or maybe two men in it but about 2-4 dependants per man in it. It is the setup I am personally most familiar with having 5 children and a wife and only period or occasional help from my friends who are still making plans to move here and turn our little community into a small tribe setup. While the two older girls can sometimes help with smaller tasks, these tend to be inside the home rather than out in the field and are mostly a help to the woman in the home, but not without a similar investment in time of other nature. Clothes and dishes all need regular washing, drying and so on, the home —especially older farmhouses or large cabins— needs regular dusting and cleaning, and this is only made worse if you do not have enough electrical power to run domestic appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and any power tools you need to fix up or improve incidental things.
To this you need to add the time and care required to look after the smaller children, and with 3 of them under age 4, it becomes quite the task for the wife. Which in turn means the husband is for the most part left to his own devices when it comes to the rest of the farm work. If and when one of you, or even worse, both, get sick or injured, the workload required simply to get by can be overwhelming.
If you don’t have a very strong relationship what feels like intense pressure, often of a somewhat lonely nature, since the man is out working the farm and the woman is in taking care of the children, it will strain you both to quite possibly a breaking point. Especially if one or both of you have not had a realistic idea about the time and effort it takes to live this way.
In this respect, traditional Catholic (sedevacantist) life is very helpful since we marry until death do us part. Although, for Churchian versions of “catholicism” it might just increase the murder rate!
If you decide to homeschool, the issue becomes initially even worse, though over time it actually becomes easier as the older children begin to help with chores as well as the teaching of their younger brothers and sister by a sort of sibling osmosis that is natural among children.
Although I jest about the murder rate, it can be difficult for a woman if she is not clear on the long term goals from the start and doesn’t have a fully committed approach to her family and the Catholic religion. We have seen this first hand with secular couples with plenty of money, children in school and a good setup struggle to deal with the realities of farm life, while we know almost penniless couples with 6 children, all under 11 or so, who homeschool, that are a real joy to see and despite the difficulties are truly happy families with extremely well-adjusted, smart and imaginative children.
The religious aspect for this kind of setup is probably where you see most of all how pivotally important it is. While the religious aspect is also fundamental in all the other setups, it is not as blatantly obvious to see unless you are living it honestly; in which case, as you work in the field, you’ll often find yourself meditating on the efficacy of prayer, the wisdom of Catholic dogma, the miracle of Holy Mass, confession, and how it helps and sustains you in ways you would never have guessed at in decades of secular contemplation.
Catholicism, the real, dogmatic, “hardcore” sedevacantist version, is —contrary to ALL the propaganda against it you have been taught from birth— not hard at all. Not a burden. It is, as is written in the Bible, an easy “burden” to carry. It literally makes life easier, more beautiful and your family happier and saner.
This is not something I expect anyone to simply take my word for, you need to experience some things for yourself before you can understand them. However, if you simply use your powers of observation and logic, you will notice that religiously homogenous groups are very coherent and resilient to modern assaults on their family units. This is true even in those religions that frankly, have rather large flaws in them, like the Amish or Islam or Mormonism, although, in many of those religions there are aspects of insularity and even abuse that are not part of Catholicism proper. While Catholics are dogmatically not to pray in the temples of pagans, heretics, schismatics, and heathens, or in conjunction with their heathen prayers, they are not instructed to shun contact with such people. On the contrary, we are told to spread the good news even to irritating atheists, and not by forcing our beliefs and faith on them, but by conversing with them when they wish to do so, and more importantly, by leading by example.
Similarly, the Catholic principles of marriage are quite demonstrably the best way to ensure a balanced family life that is harmonious and truly, deeply, in tune with reality, which beings a peace and serenity that materialistic secularism simply can’t compete with.
A strong, healthy, family unit is the basis of any civil, just society, and no religion on Earth compares in terms of quality of life and civilisation produced when measured alongside real, traditional Catholicism (which today means sedevacantism). The role of the man and the woman in Catholicism are not plagued by that rigidity and inflexibility present in the fake versions of “christianity” expounded by 40,000 denominations of protestantism, which either pedestalise women in an unhealthy, feminist, believe-all-women-all-the-time nonsensical position, or, conversely, place them in a subjugate position as little more than a maid and sex slave with no right to an opinion.
In Catholicism, the role of the woman is respected and represented and venerated most of all in remembering the behaviour of St. Mary, the mother of Jesus. And while it is true that the man is the patriarchal head of the household, his role is equivalent to that of Jesus towards his flock, that is, to lead and instruct; gently and calmly, and patiently and lovingly, though also firmly and decisively when required, but ultimately, at heart, in a spirit of self-sacrifice than can, and when needed should, go all the way to literally giving your life for you wife and children, if it comes to it.
Women are not relegated to a role of second class citizen, in a Catholic household. They are celebrated and appreciated for their role of mothers, wives, nurturing feminine power and joy they bring to the family and home, while not being allowed to ride roughshod over their husbands with the excuse of being women and thus above reproach or fault.
In a classic Catholic society, a rapist would have a difficult time surviving his atrocious transgression at the hands of the Catholic men who become aware of his having raped any woman, but a woman falsely accusing a man of rape would certainly be ostracised by literally everyone in such a society, with very little chance of her behaviour ever being forgotten by anyone and her insertion into society probably being limited to a life of penance, as would be the case for similar crimes by anyone, male or female.
If I have strayed a little into broader aspects of Catholicism and their effects on society at large, it is only because in the large but young family setup it is the most fundamental aspect that will be most practically helpful to face all the various adversity you will encounter.
But let it not be said that despite the difficulty, such a setup is not rewarding. In terms of providing all the food you need for your family, this is probably the most difficult setup, even with a tractor and good earth, it will be long days throughout the year to be fully self-sufficient. But the rewards of seeing your family grow, and become increasingly capable, able and most of all, free of the mental rot of the world, is incomparable in terms of the sense of fulfilment and satisfaction it gives.
The next step up in terms of difficulty then is…
4. The proper Catholic community setup.
While the actual feeding from the land of all the members of it is almost undoubtedly easier in this setup, since specialisation will make things easier by orders of magnitude, new issues will crop up, and once again, the religious aspect will be fundamental in the success or failure of such a community in the long term.
Coherent, homogenous communities with shared belief systems are demonstrably more resilient in time than the supposed ideal “diversity is our strength” fiction that has been fostered on all of us from birth over the last 80 years or so. Even clearly unhealthy cults like the branch davidians, jonestown cultists and so on are able to keep together even up to and including mass suicide.
Now, obviously, mass suicide is not “the way” and one can argue that multi-wife groups such as mormons have serious flaws with things like child abuse, yet the general point of cohesion by religion is undeniable. All that is left is to differentiate between religions and their overall success in time. The Amish in America have been reasonably successful, but they are clearly very insular, and lately, this has resulted in an increasingly confrontational effect with the dark powers of the satanic federal government. Which is easier to do for the satanists since most people see the Amish as these harmless oddities that are, however, not really any concern of theirs.
A Catholic community is both insular in the sense that its members know, support and help each other regardless of personal differences, but it is also integrated in the world and moves among it respecting those secular laws that align with or at least don’t directly contradict fundamental Catholic dogma. Ultimately, as Catholics expand and begin to take over governmental functions, they can better integrate their community with the most successful, harmonious, civilising process that humanity has ever seen, that is, the Catholicising of pagans, heretics, atheists and heathens simply by a process of effective creation of safe, serene societies of high trust.
At this point, the bigger problems will be initially the interpersonal relationships. While as Catholics the dogma is uniform and as such the divergence in religious practice is extremely minimal or nil (the opposite of any protestant setup) the human frailties will begin to come to the fore, and more worryingly and damaging, the infiltrations. The most insidious being the ones that are genuinely (or at least appear to be) due to an excess of Catholic charity. Allowing that Una Cum mass guy i to the community. Tolerating this or that Novus Orco priest because he’s such a nice man. Letting a nice atheist couple join in as though they were fully Catholic couple into all the various community efforts and activities. And then, before long, you have homosexual parades with naked transvestites telling you your five year old should have gender reassignment surgery. And instead of such a freak being institutionalised you’re arrested for merely suggesting he’s a mentally unstable danger to children everywhere.
Catholic community needs Catholic leadership, and Catholic leadership comes in two formats:
The Spiritual, which is the highest order. With priests leading the community in terms of their spiritual work, day to day reverence and weekly mass. Bishops above them organising the parishes and presiding over larger community issues while also participating in and providing various sacraments, such as the perpetuation of holy orders and so on and ultimately, culminating in the Pope (which we have not had a valid one since 9th October 1958, hence sedevacantism).
And the practical, which traditionally was represented by the nobility, with a larger hierarchy than the spiritual but just as regimented from a military point of view. Kings Princes, marquises, counts, barons and so on.
And the various laypeople, regardless of their station, be they peasants or kings, all aware of their duties and responsibilities to each other and the wider community. The military or shall we say practical branch of Catholicism subject to the clergy, but also acting as a check against the very clergy they are subjugate to if and when this becomes heretical or unjust.
It is a fine balance, and human flaws will invariably present challenges, but it is, overall, a system whose weakest point is only the permission of infiltration of destructive ideologies. Catholic communities have created the safes, most just, most beautiful, most civilised countries on Earth. And they have done so all around the planet. The relatively recent huge damage to actual Catholicism, the usurpation of the Papacy by satanic freemasons and so on has only occurred in the last 70 years or so, though, of course, the attacks have been ongoing from the start. But it was only the result of the relaxation of the Catholic military or lay arm of the Church Militant, that we got to the pervasive fakery, destruction, and degeneracy of the fake “catholic” Novus Ordo. We should have dragged out the homosexual, Freemasonic, child rapists, that had infiltrated the Church right away and put them to their deserved punishments right away. Bit we did not. We tolerated these infiltrators and as a result their trojan horses unleashed hell on Earth, as we see today. So this will be the challenge. To return to the correct balance of proper Catholic leadership that will never compromise on allowing deviancy to enter our midsts.
The biggest challenge will, paradoxically, not be keeping the deviants out. It will be to have enough people understand their place in the scheme of things and accept the equivalent of monarchy (ideally by an equal measure of meritocracy and piety) to replace the failed, insidious, perverse concept that “democracy” is a good thing. It is nothing of the sort.
Democracy is to civilisation the perfect analogy to the satanic freemason pedophile infiltrating your immediate family.
It is designed to give the ILLUSION of relative personal freedom (aimed overwhelmingly at mostly sexual degeneracy) while in reality, the people who decide everything remain completely occulted by the puppets we call presidents, senators, mayors and governors that they put in place to supposedly rule us as we have “voted” for.
5. Theoretical diverse communities.
It is unlikely that if you have no affinity for Catholicism, or at least some curiosity for it, that you will have read this far, but if you have, and are shaking your head in some protestant induced incredulity, or a Hindu or Muslim, or Buddhist induced one, the fact remains that you have undeniable proof of the fact that Catholicism has endured for some two thousand years (not the longest of all religions, but close) and produced the best societies on Earth bar none. Sure, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism have all produced societies, but they are NOT as pleasant, effective or functional to live in as Catholic ones. The only partial exceptions might be Japanese Shintoism and Zen Buddhism, but Buddhism has proven to be ineffective at protecting itself from even aggressive assault, never mind subterfugeous infiltration. And Japanese Shintoism is only able to provide a safe society by that very same process of almost total isolation and rejection of any cultural infiltration that we should take note of. And while some of us might be quite comfortable in a zen shintoist society, it is not what is most suitable for western Europeans.
This, of course, now leaves the slight gap of perceived light for the American version of the Eastern “Orthodox” which is really more of a subset of screeching autists than actual Eastern Orthodox. I have never really had a theological argument with actual Russian or Greek Orthodox, be it laymen or priests. We just sort of glance at each other with a slight curling of one corner of the mouth, an arched eyebrow of disapproval at each other’s respectively assumed schismatism, and carry on in our way.
But the American Autist “Orthodox” is at pains to try and hijack history, reality and scripture, to try to point out how THEY are the real Church. You know, despite the Filioque being obviously Catholic in the New Testament to anyone capable of reading, the betrayal of the Orthodox at EVERY turn of the Crusades and of the Catholics who came to save them, (and did so some 40 years AFTER the Orthodox defected!), their absolute inability to show any valid Apostolic Continuity, particularly in the Russian branch, and their denial of the fact that there were always Popes for over a thousand years and everyone understood that their decision was the final arbiter of any disputes.
So, in conclusion, not only are the alternatives to Catholicism simply not able to measure up to the communities created by the Catholic religion, but the theoretical multi-religious, diverse ones have now been conclusively proven to be untenable and little more than an excuse to infiltrate and destroy the communities that Catholicism has and did create, and that will do so again.
Final Thoughts
As we have looked at e progression from lone cowboy setup to fully Catholic large community, the problems have changed from having enough time, power and clean water to feed your immediate family to how to prevent infiltration and general community degeneration by a lackadaisical approach to dogma.
As some problem diminish, new ones appear. This is the nature of life on Earth.
If you have understood this core point, then, you MIGHT begin to appreciate a few concepts I will simply list here, add a few notes and hopefully let you ponder on your own in the context of how these truths are intrinsic of reality and well represented in Catholicism specifically:
1. Why the Church here on Earth is called the Church Militant.
Because we are in an endless war with the enemy, Satan, his demons and their possessed or willing servants in human form as well as the possibly simply evil things that may or may not have a supernatural basis.
2. Why the American concept that “happiness” is a worthwhile, sensible, or even achievable goal is an essential perversion of reality.
If you think life is all about being happy as much as possible, you are going to have a terribly sad existence. See point 1 above. That is where you are. In the middle of a war on a planet ruled by an eternal spirit of evil, degeneracy and lies. Your purpose here is not to be “happy”. It is to do your duty as a soldier in combat. In the doing of that, there is honour, satisfaction, and yes, even true, genuine happiness, but there is also suffering, sacrifice, heartache and death. Such is war. Fight it dutifully like a man. Identify the enemy, help your comrades in arms and root out all the i filtrating spies. That is how you live a worthwhile and noble existence.
3. Why the American concept of “free speech”, is moronic, and particularly “absolutists” in this regard, are completely retarded, have no understanding of reality whatsoever, and are weakminded, brainwashed fools.
Is that upsetting you? Good. It’s about time someone woke you up.
No speech, anywhere, in the entire history of the human race has ever been, nor will it ever be in the future, free. And even more importantly, it should never be so.
Do you think in heaven you can swear like a sailor and use the word “motherfucker” at will?
Do you think you should be able to?
Do you think if you were healthy and pure you would want to?
And let me not use my standard example of a pedophile coming to your front door and telling you he is looking forward to raping your children at the earliest opportunity.
The idiotic “absolutist” at that point says something like: “oh well but then he is stating his intent of committing a crime!” Or “that’s not political speech!” Or some equally moronic non-argument.
In a just, polite, and Catholic society, of course, such a person would immediately be jailed for life, and if the father of the threatened children were to immediately bury him in the backyard in a shallow grave, a jury of his peers would be lenient, charitable and understanding, possibly limiting his punishment to a few hours of community service. Or handing him a small pension and a medal for his service to society, you know, depending on the details.
4. Why your LARPING at being a “Christian” of any denomination, is meaningless time-wasting as contemptible as watching “reality” TV.
Unless you know in your heart that you’re willing to die rather than deny Jesus Christ as the King of Kings, your “christianity” is only a veneer of Churchianity. And Churchianty does not create functioning civilisations. Why was Shitoist Zen able to create a functioning society? Or Chinese Taoism? Or Islamic Fundamentalism? Or Pagan Rome? Or Pagan Sparta?
Because each of those civilisations were composed of men willing to choose death over life without adherence to the ideology and codes of behaviour of their culture and religion.
The difference is that Catholicism created a civilisation that is undeniably superior in terms of efficiency, justice for all, and respect for the individual than any of those other alternatives mentioned above. The exceptions might be in terms of beauty, which is at least a little subjective anyway. I do find Japanese art and architecture and landscaping beautiful, as I do certain aspects of Roman art or engineering, but one can appreciate beauty in more than just one’s culturally specific forms.
Lastly then, to close the circle, remember that if you are spending your days watching “homesteaders” that pass several hours a day streaming about the minutiae of their life while they tell you how you should move to the country so you can feed your family by hieing the ground and raising cattle, it’s a little more complicated than that. You can get a more realistic sense of things by following The Kurganate videos on my YouTube channel here, or at least watching real farmers who don’t gloss over the hard work. If you can spend 4 hours a day live-streaming you’re certainly not doing your own farm work.
So I hope this post gives you a bit more perspective and helps you prepare better if you do want to make the change from whatever you’re doing now, to idillic off-grid farmer.
It is definitely the right choice for me and my family, but make sure it is for you and yours before jumping in with both feet and a blindfold of faith in some guy on YouTube who says some things you might agree with.
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