As those of you who can read without straining your index finger and drooling on yourselves know, commenting on my blog has to follow certain basic rules in order to not get the commenter launched into the eternal pit of despair known as the spam filter.
You get no warnings, no second chances. Break the rules and you’re instantly and forever relegated to the spam folder.
The number of idiotic or spammy comments I get is huge by the way. Especially considering my readership is relatively tiny.
That said, sometimes I get a comment so spectacularly idiotic I have to share it with you, so you can appreciate just how advanced the zombie apocalypse is.
And I am inclined to take him at his word. His family name smack of that sort if Waspy Protestant quagmire of incest and genetic retardation, not to mention lack of imagination in naming. At any rate, here is the full glory of his comment. His comment is quoted in the foggy mess of his mind with background grey.
Are Sedevanticist Catholics the same as Vatican II Catholics?
Right there, we have clear proof that this will be some sort of specimen to be treasured.
The entire post was precisely to explain —in short words— that only sedevacantists are actual Catholics. Novus Orco are Satanists (the clergy) or at best lazy and ignorant churchians (the fooled lay people). That sentence is like asking “Are the American astronauts on the international space station the same as the Khoi-San astronauts in the Kalahari desert?”
It’s so retarded it makes one wonder if this is an actual human being or a badly designed AI interface.
All Protestants are not the same as all Catholics are not.
And he persists… Yes, we know, all Protestants are unique snowflakes of unbridled stupidity, unsurpassed ignorance and historical idiocy that can be seen from space.
But as far as Catholics go, yes, we are all the same in one respect: we ALL believe in the infallible magisterium of the Church. It is literally what makes us Catholic. And you can’t call yourself or be recognised as a Catholic unless you do too.
Notice how his Protestantism is so deeply ingrained, he literally cannot even conceive of a monolithic religion like Catholicism. It’s all more Church “denominations” than Hindu Gods, and each Protestant “pastor” a brand new road that splits into infinity.
So statements that Protestantism is too blame for the acceptance of LGBT are not accurate.
Ummm. No. It is entirely accurate. Even the Satanically invaded and usurped fake “Catholic” Church still can’t openly condone faggotry, lesbianism, and sexual degeneracy of even more twisted kinds openly. That’s because the real Catholic Church has 2,000 years of stating unequivocally that such things are mortal sins. It is only as a result of the secularisation of Christianity (ie Catholicism, since Catholicism is Christianity) that LGBT-Pedos started to come out of the closet. And then tried to rapidly force normal people into it instead. Contraception was universally rightly thought of as sinful in Christendom until Protties came along. Ditto divorce. And now, of course, in Freemasonic created America abortion is considered “family planning”.
Oh and it’s *to* not “too”.
In America the SCOTUS is to blame and its all Catholuc and Jewish. Never was a Prot on this court my entire lifetime until supposedly now, with that black whore claiming some obscure African supposedly Protestant church.
No. The Supreme Court of the US did not force protestant churches to wave rainbow flags, have tranny “bishops”, female “pastors”, and flamingly gay “elders”. Nor to accept gay “marriage”. Nor can any human power force such things on you if you are actually a Christian. Ie Catholic.
And you’re also lying. Only recently have SCOTUS appointees even been nominally “catholic”. They have all been Protestants before. See here. I mean I knew that without even having to look for a source, why didn’t you? Oh, right, you’re retarded. And there are still Protestants on it today.
But here is a bit of history for you:
“Of the 101 men appointed to the Supreme Court in this period 90 were Protestants, the vast majority being affiliated with mainline churches.
In contrast, there were just six Catholics, starting withRobert Taney, appointed by President Andrew Jackson in 1836.”
The Protestants who embraced LGBT first were those closest to the Catholic church, liturgical, who were strangely effected by Vatican II reforms, specifically who used the Roman lectionary and downgraded to the Vatican II Revised Common Lectionary. For instance, Episcopalians.
Your absurd comment is now starting to delve deeply into the delusional, since literally no one, and especially not me, is going to try and grade which heretic sects of Protestantism are more heretic when graded on a curve against the heretical Novus Ordo fake “catholic” church.
Protestanta who do not use lectionaries or have written down liturgy resisted even up until covid and only started falling around that time, if at all becauae some are still strong,
So according to you Covid made Protestant Churches gay. Well. It’s a novel theory at least. Oh and possibly the ability to read too. Got it.
There are traditionalist holdout Protestant groups kind of like Sedevanticism
No. No there are not. Because there literally is not a single Protestant “church” that will commit to writing what defines one to be a Christian specifically, exhaustively, and in detail. And EVERY “branch” of Protestantism has it as foundational that each man can and should interpret the Bible himself. Since, after all, that is the defining characteristic of Protestantism. It’s literally Satanic. The only rule you all have is “Interpreth as thou will”.
althoughthe issue that divides them from the larger denomination they came from is not a pope.
No, I’m sure it’s not. It’s more about whether Aunt Beryl agrees with drinking grape juice only, like Je-ea-sus did, while Uncle Billy speaks in tongues to brother Jim who is snake handling a rattler to prove his faith. And how they all disagree with Bobby the Mormon who believes his prophet read golden sheets from an angel that came out of a tuba hat. Although both Uncle Billy, and Brother Jim Would sure love to have a few more sister wives themselves.
It may still have to do with worship, i.e. groups that reject moves by the larger denomination to bring in women preachers or instrumental music or sappy contemporary praise nonsense that sexualizes Jesus.
Sexualises Jesus. Ok then. Hadn’t heard that one yet, but there is always denomination number 40,001 just around the corner.
And so ends the mercifully short saga of Jerome Herrington III. Now you know why my spam folder is a deep, deep trench.
The State and IQ of Protestant Commentators
As those of you who can read without straining your index finger and drooling on yourselves know, commenting on my blog has to follow certain basic rules in order to not get the commenter launched into the eternal pit of despair known as the spam filter.
You get no warnings, no second chances. Break the rules and you’re instantly and forever relegated to the spam folder.
The number of idiotic or spammy comments I get is huge by the way. Especially considering my readership is relatively tiny.
That said, sometimes I get a comment so spectacularly idiotic I have to share it with you, so you can appreciate just how advanced the zombie apocalypse is.
This one was left on my last post, the open letter to Andrew Torba and all Churchians, by a guy who calls himself Jerome Herrington III.
And I am inclined to take him at his word. His family name smack of that sort if Waspy Protestant quagmire of incest and genetic retardation, not to mention lack of imagination in naming. At any rate, here is the full glory of his comment. His comment is quoted in the foggy mess of his mind with background grey.
Right there, we have clear proof that this will be some sort of specimen to be treasured.
The entire post was precisely to explain —in short words— that only sedevacantists are actual Catholics. Novus Orco are Satanists (the clergy) or at best lazy and ignorant churchians (the fooled lay people). That sentence is like asking “Are the American astronauts on the international space station the same as the Khoi-San astronauts in the Kalahari desert?”
It’s so retarded it makes one wonder if this is an actual human being or a badly designed AI interface.
And he persists… Yes, we know, all Protestants are unique snowflakes of unbridled stupidity, unsurpassed ignorance and historical idiocy that can be seen from space.
But as far as Catholics go, yes, we are all the same in one respect: we ALL believe in the infallible magisterium of the Church. It is literally what makes us Catholic. And you can’t call yourself or be recognised as a Catholic unless you do too.
Notice how his Protestantism is so deeply ingrained, he literally cannot even conceive of a monolithic religion like Catholicism. It’s all more Church “denominations” than Hindu Gods, and each Protestant “pastor” a brand new road that splits into infinity.
Ummm. No. It is entirely accurate. Even the Satanically invaded and usurped fake “Catholic” Church still can’t openly condone faggotry, lesbianism, and sexual degeneracy of even more twisted kinds openly. That’s because the real Catholic Church has 2,000 years of stating unequivocally that such things are mortal sins. It is only as a result of the secularisation of Christianity (ie Catholicism, since Catholicism is Christianity) that LGBT-Pedos started to come out of the closet. And then tried to rapidly force normal people into it instead. Contraception was universally rightly thought of as sinful in Christendom until Protties came along. Ditto divorce. And now, of course, in Freemasonic created America abortion is considered “family planning”.
Oh and it’s *to* not “too”.
No. The Supreme Court of the US did not force protestant churches to wave rainbow flags, have tranny “bishops”, female “pastors”, and flamingly gay “elders”. Nor to accept gay “marriage”. Nor can any human power force such things on you if you are actually a Christian. Ie Catholic.
And you’re also lying. Only recently have SCOTUS appointees even been nominally “catholic”. They have all been Protestants before. See here. I mean I knew that without even having to look for a source, why didn’t you? Oh, right, you’re retarded. And there are still Protestants on it today.
But here is a bit of history for you:
“Of the 101 men appointed to the Supreme Court in this period 90 were Protestants, the vast majority being affiliated with mainline churches.
In contrast, there were just six Catholics, starting with Robert Taney, appointed by President Andrew Jackson in 1836.”
Your absurd comment is now starting to delve deeply into the delusional, since literally no one, and especially not me, is going to try and grade which heretic sects of Protestantism are more heretic when graded on a curve against the heretical Novus Ordo fake “catholic” church.
So according to you Covid made Protestant Churches gay. Well. It’s a novel theory at least. Oh and possibly the ability to read too. Got it.
No. No there are not. Because there literally is not a single Protestant “church” that will commit to writing what defines one to be a Christian specifically, exhaustively, and in detail. And EVERY “branch” of Protestantism has it as foundational that each man can and should interpret the Bible himself. Since, after all, that is the defining characteristic of Protestantism. It’s literally Satanic. The only rule you all have is “Interpreth as thou will”.
No, I’m sure it’s not. It’s more about whether Aunt Beryl agrees with drinking grape juice only, like Je-ea-sus did, while Uncle Billy speaks in tongues to brother Jim who is snake handling a rattler to prove his faith. And how they all disagree with Bobby the Mormon who believes his prophet read golden sheets from an angel that came out of a tuba hat. Although both Uncle Billy, and Brother Jim Would sure love to have a few more sister wives themselves.
Sexualises Jesus. Ok then. Hadn’t heard that one yet, but there is always denomination number 40,001 just around the corner.
And so ends the mercifully short saga of Jerome Herrington III. Now you know why my spam folder is a deep, deep trench.
Inside a volcano.
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