SJWs LOVE to make everything political. In fact it is their credo: The personal IS the political. In other words, they just can’t leave people alone to think, read, enjoy or believe as they wish.
You need to think as they do or be sent off to the gulags if not the death camps.
After all, remember that it is always the socialist ideologies that have the highest bodycounts. Nazis are evil scum of course, being socialists (that’s what Nazi stands for don’t you know, my young, clueless millennials) but they came nowhere near killing as many people as the communists.
Man-made utopias just seem to always be just one more dead body away from perfection.
Please DO submit any SJWs who fit the criteria to the list, by sending it in to [email protected]
After all, we are civilised men, not undisciplined SJW hordes.
Besides, the SJWs should be grateful, we’re merely giving more exposure to their ideologies and making sure ANY prospective employers are aware of their deep concern for social justice issues and the fact that they are incapable of leaving people alone to think as they wish, but will instead subjugate any kind of work ethic to first and foremost “fighting for social justice”.
I am sure it will be invaluable for those organisations that, rejecting the gross capitalistic urge to make profits, wish to fill themselves to the gills with people as are evidenced on the SJW list instead.
No doubt, Social Justice Warriors everywhere are pleased to be on the list and eagerly await employment letters from the highest bidders. Hopefully they are holding their breath as they wait.
This is a thing of beauty.
SJWs LOVE to make everything political. In fact it is their credo: The personal IS the political. In other words, they just can’t leave people alone to think, read, enjoy or believe as they wish.
You need to think as they do or be sent off to the gulags if not the death camps.
After all, remember that it is always the socialist ideologies that have the highest bodycounts. Nazis are evil scum of course, being socialists (that’s what Nazi stands for don’t you know, my young, clueless millennials) but they came nowhere near killing as many people as the communists.
Man-made utopias just seem to always be just one more dead body away from perfection.
Please DO submit any SJWs who fit the criteria to the list, by sending it in to [email protected]
After all, we are civilised men, not undisciplined SJW hordes.
Besides, the SJWs should be grateful, we’re merely giving more exposure to their ideologies and making sure ANY prospective employers are aware of their deep concern for social justice issues and the fact that they are incapable of leaving people alone to think as they wish, but will instead subjugate any kind of work ethic to first and foremost “fighting for social justice”.
I am sure it will be invaluable for those organisations that, rejecting the gross capitalistic urge to make profits, wish to fill themselves to the gills with people as are evidenced on the SJW list instead.
No doubt, Social Justice Warriors everywhere are pleased to be on the list and eagerly await employment letters from the highest bidders. Hopefully they are holding their breath as they wait.
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