The single biggest weakness of Western Men

If there is a silver bullet for the Western male, it is this one single weakness.

The weakness manifests in a variety of ways but is really always the same one playing out in apparently different ways but the root of the problem is always the same one.

I’m going to tell you what it is in one sentence. That’s it. One sentence. The problem is you will not believe it. Worse, you will almost NEVER act on it. Even if you grudgingly recognise it’s absolute truth, you will complacently assume it doesn’t apply to you. Sure, maybe everyone else is fooled, but not you. Nah, never you.

I have bad news. It’s you. You specifically. You reading this right now. No it’s not hyperbole. You’re the problem. You specifically and individually. How do I know? Because I have an IQ that in the most optimistic of cases is one in 10,000 and by some other standards it is one in quite a bit more than that. And yet… I too succumbed to it. More than once. And throughout my life, several times.

So it’s a sure bet you have fallen to it too. It doesn’t matter how smart or well educated you think you are. In fact, the more formal education you have had the more you are certain to be prey of this specific weakness.

That’s not my opinion, it’s a demonstrable statistical fact borne out throughout recorded history. Anyway, enough with the prologue. You ready? Here is the single biggest weakness you have:

Your unwillingness to see, understand and accept that the enemy ALWAYS plays both sides of the coin. ALWAYS. No exceptions.

Ah but, but… NO!

Shut the fuck up and LISTEN.

Why do you think I try to expose fake Catholics like Milo, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, Michelle Voris, Padre Peregrino, Don Minutella, Bergoglio and his retinue of pedophiles and on and on and on?

Why do you think Trump or Putin or Ron Paul, or, or, or, is gonna save you?

Why do you think the whole Q phenomenon is now known as Qtards?

Why do you think Ye24 and the Groypers and America First and Tulsi Gabbard, Giorgia Meloni, the fake obese “homesteader” Owen Benjamin, and, and, and, and is ALL bullshit?

“Buh… buh… it’s not… see my governor/mayor/fake priest/local conman…is really…”

No. He is not. She is not.

It’s the morale stupid.

They give you a little false hope so you will not revolt (in case the stupidification of TV, medication of big pharma, institutionalised brainwashing and reduction of attention span of big tech, feminisation, faggotisation and trannyfication of society at large somehow didn’t get you yet).

But in reality, whether the grifters are doing it for the grift, the satanist doing it for their lord and master and secular power before they burn, the greedy and power-hungry politicians doing it too but too stupid to know who their master is, the idealist idiots believing in it because they can’t imagine the level of dishonesty, evil and degeneracy that the enemy has, the churchians because they really have no idea how serious and precise Jesus was when he called them the Synagogue of Satan, or whatever other lie you tell yourself to give yourself a little hope that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, is going to fix things and save you, the reality is NO ONE is coming to save you. Most likely that includes your immediate family and your best friends. And the last three years have demonstrated that in spades.

Sad? Sure.

Tragic. Sure.

A reason to despair and take Turd-eau (Shitwater up there in Canada) up on his assisted suicide? Fuck No!

Absolutely not.

It’s time for you to get medieval.

Read up on the crusades.

Read up on the knights of Malta.

Learn some real history.

And prepare. Store up food, ammo and if you can, land. Breed and make many, many, children of your own ethnicity and culture. Move if you have to. Surround yourself with as many of your own kind and mentality as you can. Prepare for War, wherever you are, because as the old series of SF short stories used to known as, the one constant certainty throughout human history is this: THERE WILL BE WAR.

And it would be a good idea for you to learn REAL CATHOLICISM, and why the motto of the publication they put out is Nec Spe, Nec Metu.

Without Hope, Without Fear.

Which is far from a despairing attitude. It is the attitude of warriors that do not fear anything, including death, and as such have no need for hope, nor any fear, because Catholics, the real ones, the only ones left, Sedevacantist, are NOT given to a spirit of fear.

You may heretically disagree with me about the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Church, but even so, stranger, you really had best get your shit together and stop thinking anyone will save you.

Save yourself. Be the guy who saves your family and friends. Be the leader. Be the guy. Be the hero. Quietly, strongly, inexorably, inexhaustibly, with no hope, no fear, no spiritual or emotional weakness. Let your spirit always be stronger than your flesh.

I learnt that many years ago in martial arts. Broken, bleeding, scared, injured, exhausted, nothing left in the tank, but even so, if I am awake, if I am breathing, fuck you. Fuck you, I am fighting on.

Be that way. Raise your children with compassion and charity but spell out who the synagogue of satan is to them. Do not permit their brainwashing by the enemy. Teach them to read books over YouTube videos. Teach them weapons and tactics and practical things like plumbing and farming and mechanics and woodwork and steelwork. Teach them ethics and logic (you could do worse than looking at the series on the Trivium on this on Kurgan TV).

And remember: the absolute zealots who reject all the so-called “right wing”, “traditional-whatever” Churchian fakers, you might not like them, they may be too “bigoted” for your tastes. They may be too “antisemitic” for your tastes (because you’re ignorant of real history) or too “racist” for you (yet you fail to give the word a precise definition, if you did, you’d find literally EVERYONE is “racist”. Seriously, noticing differences and making value judgements is how our brains works. Unless you’re brain dead in a coma, you’re racist. You disgusting bigot, you!) They may have a religion you hate or disagree with. But guess what:

If they are unvaxxed and making children, more likely than not, their progeny will write the future. Yours will not, if it even exists.


2 Responses to “The single biggest weakness of Western Men”

  1. jerry obrien says:

    What do you think about the heretics adding the story of the woman caught in adultery to the Bible (its proven, see the NIV’s note on John 7:52, the story is not in the earliest manuscripts and even jumps around in different chapters in John AND in LUKE in the later manuscripts that have it) and how they turned Christianity into simply feminism by this vile passage? Even if you grudgingly recognise it’s absolute truth, will you complacently assume it doesn’t apply to you?

    • G says:

      You are completely wrong on it being “proven”.
      The only thing that is “proven” is that it was not in every copy of John or at that place in it.
      It is present in other copies and as such, given that the Bible was not put together until after some 300 years of Jesus’ ascension, it makes sense to me that the final version of the Bible agreed upon that matches the Septuagin too is fine.
      I have no problem with the story of the adulterous woman.
      The issue is mainly one for Protestants, because, being binary thinkers with almost no exception, means they have serious mommy issues and either pedestalise women or denigrate them. Catholicism has never had an issue with how to treat women or what their rightful place in the scheme of things is in the vast majority of cases, ditto men. And the odd exceptions, like Joan of Arc, are also perfectly allowed for.
      Feminism is yet another Protestant Anglo created beast. It’s not even a real issue yet still in most originally Catholic countries.

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