This is probably going to piss off most of my readers. Well, brace yourselves, boys and girls, after all, I am not a millionaire because I really suck at telling people lies they’d rather hear instead of cold hard facts that upset their fragile egos.
Some premises are in order before I blow your minds:
- This overview is a synergistic whole based on VALID and VERY significant statistical realities.
- Which means Not All X Are Like That is an OBVIOUS point, and being obvious needs not be mentioned. Especially in screaming, frantic, Bommer CAPS LOCK.
- While stacking statistical reality on statistical reality generally reduces the overall “certainty” of the final conclusion, that also depends on the size of the data set and the certainty of each statistical reality being stacked. The data sets here are absolutely staggeringly huge and also consistent over several centuries of time, so… kinda like: The Sun Rises in the East type of thing. Sure it might not ALWAYS have had, hypothetically, if the Moon is an alien dormant spaceship placed there by Annunnaki, or a meteor hit the Earth long ago and changed a lot of its astronomical properties, or… theoretically, if it might happen yet… you see where I am going with this.
- The historical realities I will mention are probably not all known to you and you may very well be skeptical about them, please do your own research and realise google and most search engines are quite compromised on pretty much anything involving the Jews, Freemasons, and so on. That said, don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourselves. If you want a general reference book that has a LOT of the murkier stuff already proven beyond doubt, along with references and so on, you can read my Reclaiming the Catholic Church. It’s 530 pages, but not a single person I know that has read it has said it is in any way boring. But otherwise, do your own work. I will not spend weeks providing links etc to every premise detailed below. I will add enough general information to give you a starting point and then if you want to refute what I am saying, please, unless you want to be banned without any warning whatever (and permanently because I just spam you and never look back) read the rules for commenting here. Intellectual honesty is not optional. Neither is the dialectic form of argument. You can add rhetoric at will to it, but the point must be solidly founded on dialectic. Sophistry of any kind is an immediate ban too.
Right Then. Let us begin, so that you may learn where and what the real root of pretty much all evil on our planet today comes from and is based on. In order to do so, we need to be aware of several things.
Here is the TL;DR version:
Know the History of Evil
The History of it of course, goes back right to the very creation of mankind, but here, today, we will concern ourselves only with the last 500 years or so of it.
Protestantism is not Christianity
- Martin Luther was probably a Jewish hit-man, with the task of literally trying to destroy Catholicism. He changed the Bible that had been used for over 1500 years by literally everyone, denied the Papacy which, again, literally everyone for over 1,000 years accepted as it was, and then, totally illogically, said the Bible was the ONLY source of doctrine or theology, when:
- The Bible itself refers to traditions outside of it
- He changed the Bible to begin with, so we must suppose that he meant the Martin Bible, as opposed to the one that…
- Oh, yeah, CATHOLICS put together, some 300 years after Jesus ascended, using…
- OOOPPSSS…oral and written tradition to decide what went in and what was left out of the actual Bible. Yeaahhh kinda embarrassing for the whole Sola Scriptura thing.
- Oh an also tried to remove James entirely from the Bible and add the word “alone” after the words “justified by faith”. Yeaahhh kinda embarrassing for the whole Sola Fide thing.
- Over 40,000 denominations of Protestantism exist today, and that’s being generous since literally, the entire premise of Protestantism is that each man should interpret the Bible by himself, so in reality there are some 700 million versions and more. A ridiculous situation that clearly goes against the Biblical instructions to be one Church united, to not accept any teachings that are not apostolic ally approved and so on.
- Since anyone can be a Protestant “pastor” there is absolutely no Apostolic succession and literally no difference in “teachings” from one Protestant “pastor” or a Wiccan or a reader of Harry Potter, since, literally, the only rule Protestantism has is the demonic: “Interpreth as thou wilt”. They literally have no firm standards at all and as such can’t even call each other heretic, because they all are.
- The lies spread by Protestants about Catholicism and the Catholic Church are literally endless, but even honest Protestants are at least somewhat aware of this. See Rodney Stark and Rod Bennett.
Protestantism created Freemasonry
There really is no way around this at all.
- King James, a flamboyantly gay man, a fact that was known then and somewhat hidden now, except that his love letters to hi various male lovers are published, so there really is no doubt, started Freemasonry with their temples, black masses, sodomitical and sacrilegious orgies and so on. He also commissioned the King’s James Bible, which is also known as the Freemasonic Bible. It contains over 33,000 “errors” of translation to reduce the importance and place of Mary, the Holy Spirit and Jesus too. And was taken from the version of the “Bible” that had been edited by the literal Pharisees that hated Jesus, and had him killed by the Romans.
Freemasonry is Satanic
Again, there really is no way around this. This is not the only 5 hour long video, on the topic, and though slightly irritating in presentation format, if you get over the first few minutes and move to the factual stuff that is presented and undeniable, you will find it impossible to deny. There are several such videos. And books. Go research on your own.
Freemasonry, Illuminati, Carbonari, Rosicrucians, their name is Legion
All of the above structures operate on three baseline principles:
- Secrecy. This is a typical aspect of gnosticism, that is heretics, Satanists and so on. They will give various excuses for why their demonic nonsense needs to remain secret, but the reality is that the internal practices after a certain level has been reached, become progressively and more obviously Satanic. Secrecy allows them to indoctrinate people for long periods of time before they “move up the ladder” so to speak, by which time, even if perhaps originally ignorant, the “student” has now been corrupted and compromised to the point that he is both indoctrinated as well as blackmail able.
- Playing both sides of the same coin. Freemasons will have people in both the extremely liberal side of an issue as well as the supposedly “conservative” side of an issue. Both sides will work at getting “true believers” to avoid the path of true Catholicism, truth, courage, honesty, and basically all the Human virtues of Western Civilisation which Catholicism propagated. Examples of such gatekeeping grifters are Emo Jones, Milo Yankmypoulos, Tay-Tay Marshall and Gay Gary “Michelle” Voris, and that’s just to name a few of the “pretend Trad Catholics”. There are many, many, many of these freemasons and their lapdogs in all spheres of life, from comic books, to the mass media (where they are a large majority), almost the entirety of the entertainment world, and of course politics of any kind.
- Reducing and undercutting as well as subverting any type of human dignity, heroic impulses, and generally the virtues that make heroes. This is covered in more detail in my book Reclaiming The Catholic Church and is a stated strategy of theirs, which is also perfectly in line with their “god” Lucifer, who, of course hates Humanity and revels in making human beings debase themselves in every way imaginable.
- It is, of course a given that they will pretend to be ANYTHING, while lying so ferociously, and unashamedly, that normal people are usually unable to grasp that anyone can really lie on that scale, and as such they often think along the lines of “Well, perhaps they are exaggerating a bit, but where there is smoke…” And yes there is fire, but not because anything they say is true, but only because in every way it is designed to make you go to Hell.
Freemasonry is responsible for the destruction of all Royal Houses in Europe
Once again, this is really not in dispute once you look into it. It does take some digging though, because they obviously don’t advertise this point much, but the documents of the Carbonari made this extremely clear, as well as the known actions of known Freemasons like Mazzini in the “unification” of Italy, and later of Europe by similar means and so on. The extermination of the Russian Tsar, etcetera. the only Royal house to “survive” is the entirely corrupted on of Windsor, where the male sons are all circumcised by a Jewish Rabbi, and have been for centuries. One might ask why, of course, but one is unlikely to get an answer.
The reason for the destruction of the Royal Houses was because since the days of Charlemagne, Kings had been thought of as Divinely ordained to be Kings. That is, NOT that a King was put there by God Himself as the rightful ruler and everyone should obey him, but rather that God allowed such men to become Kings. It was then up to such men themselves, to comport themselves in keeping with being good Catholics. As such, the populace understood that if a man was good and obeyed the Catholic rules, their lot would be lighter and easier, and if he was not, it would be darker and heavier. And indeed this was the case for centuries. The First World War was instigated in part in order to “break” the link of loyalty between peasants and the nobility. The Marxist (who was a Jew) ideas of Communism (also a Jewish concept) were supposed to destroy the social gap between the working class and aristocracy. And yet, despite the tragic loss of life in these fomented brother wars, in the main, people still accepted mostly, that they belonged to this o that social strata, and aside some possibility of movement here and there, in the main accepted it. Because once again, the concept of Royalty being a Godly ordained (albeit very human) order, resided in most people’s minds.
The Church was far too powerful to attack directly as long as the enforcing arm of the Church (lay nobility) continued to exist and command the respect of the common people. And so, the work began in earnest right away, pretty much as soon as the Freemasons and the Illuminati and the Carbonari each were “started”.
America is a Freemasonic Country and was so from the Start
The American revolution against Britain was funded by French money. French money which was “advised” to be spent thusly by the Freemasons at the court of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoniette, and had already begun to cause troublesome economic hardship right before the War of independence started in 1775.
From Wikipedia (hardly a bastion of historical truth in such matters, proving that even there these facts are not exactly refuted, even if not highlighted):
By the time of the Flour War of 1775, a series of riots (due to the high price of flour and bread) had damaged her reputation among the general public. Eventually, Marie Antoinette’s reputation was no better than that of the favourites of previous kings. Many French people were beginning to blame her for the degrading economic situation, suggesting the country’s inability to pay off its debt was the result of her wasting the crown’s money.[40] In her correspondence, Marie Antoinette’s mother, Maria Theresa, expressed concern over her daughter’s spending habits, citing the civil unrest it was beginning to cause.
The blame of the country’s economic downturn being laid at the feet of Marie Antoinette and her husband was a somewhat convenient approach to also removing the entire royal house from power, as was the main concern of Freemasonry at the time.
And the rumours persisted throughout the American Revolution to its end in 1783.
In 1783 the queen was busy with the creation of her “hamlet“, a rustic retreat built by her favoured architect, Richard Mique, according to the designs of the painter Hubert Robert.[92] Its creation, however, caused another uproar when its cost became widely known.[93][94] However, the hamlet was not an eccentricity of Marie Antoinette’s. It was en vogue at the time for nobles to have recreations of small villages on their properties. In fact, the design was copied from that of the Prince de Condé. It was also significantly smaller and less intricate than many other nobles’.[95] Around this time she accumulated a library of 5,000 books. Those on music, often dedicated to her, were the most read, though she also liked to read history.[96][97] She sponsored the arts, in particular music. Marie-Antoinette preferred to hold her musicales in the salon of her Petit appartement de la reine in the Palace of Versailles, or in the Théâtre de la Reine. She limited the audience to her intimate circle and a few musicians, among them the Chevalier de Saint-Georges. “Admitted to perform music with the Queen,”[98] Saint-Georges probably played his violin sonatas for two instruments, with Her Majesty playing the fortepiano. She also supported some scientific endeavours, encouraging and witnessing the first launch of a Montgolfière, a hot air balloon for the first time in human history; this extraordinary feat which represented a turning point in human civilization was done by Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier.
Once the matter of the American War was over, the efforts to remove the royals redoubled:
Marie Antoinette began to abandon her more carefree activities to become increasingly involved in politics in her role as Queen of France.[118] By publicly showing her attention to the education and care of her children, the queen sought to improve the dissolute image she had acquired in 1785 from the “Diamond Necklace Affair”, in which public opinion had falsely accused her of criminal participation in defrauding the jewelers Boehmer and Bassenge of the price of an expensive diamond necklace they had originally created for Madame du Barry. The main actors in the scandal were Cardinal de Rohan, Prince de Rohan-Guéméné, Great Almoner of France, and Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, Comtesse de La Motte, a descendant of an illegitimate child of Henry II of France of the House of Valois. Marie Antoinette had profoundly disliked Rohan since the time he had been the French ambassador to Vienna when she was a child. Despite his high clerical position at the Court, she never addressed a word to him. Others involved were Nicole Lequay, alias Baronne d’Oliva, a prostitute who happened to look like Marie Antoinette; Rétaux de Villette, a forger; Alessandro Cagliostro, an Italian adventurer; and the Comte de La Motte, Jeanne de Valois’ husband. Madame de La Motte tricked Rohan into buying the necklace as a gift to Marie Antoinette, for him to gain the queen’s favour.
When the affair was discovered those involved (except de La Motte and Rétaux de Villette, who both managed to flee) were arrested, tried, convicted, and either imprisoned or exiled. Madame de La Motte was sentenced for life to confinement in the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, which also served as a prison for women. Judged by the Parlement, Rohan was found innocent of any wrongdoing and allowed to leave the Bastille. Marie Antoinette, who had insisted on the arrest of the Cardinal, was dealt a heavy personal blow, as was the monarchy, and despite the fact that the guilty parties were tried and convicted, the affair proved to be extremely damaging to her reputation, which never recovered from it.[citation neede
The machinations continued not just in France but Austria and aBavaria too and by the end of 1793, both Luis XVI and Marie Antoniette had been executed by Guillotine and the monarchy had been abolished in France as of 10th August 1792.
The period of the French Revolution, from 1789 to the late 1790s also produced some of the worst crimes against Catholics since the time of Henry the VIII.
And the Freemasonic stamp of “fraternity” still echoes today in the French motto of Liberté, Ègalité, Fraternité, it’s always the same with them. Preach liberalism to be rid of the “oppressive” old “regime” and crowbar in degenearcy of every sort to weaken and demoralise the entire citizenry, then push the fable of “equality” between people, cultures, physical and intellectual abilities of vastly different capacities and possibilities, while masking it as “spiritual enlightenment” but in reality producing further corrosion of the capacity to maintain a functioning society. Not hard to do when 85 IQ semi-illiterates are now put in charge of say nuclear power plants, and you begin to have brown-outs if not total core melt-down, to select an extreme but obvious example.
IIn late August, [1789] the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen), a statement of democratic principles grounded in the philosophical and political ideas of Enlightenment thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
The document proclaimed the Assembly’s commitment to replace the ancien régime with a system based on equal opportunity, freedom of speech, popular sovereignty and representative government.
In April 1792, the newly elected Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria and Prussia, where it believed that French émigrés were building counterrevolutionary alliances; it also hoped to spread its revolutionary ideals across Europe through warfare.
On the domestic front, meanwhile, the political crisis took a radical turn when a group of insurgents led by the extremist Jacobins attacked the royal residence in Paris and arrested the king on August 10, 1792.
The following month, amid a wave of violence in which Parisian insurrectionists massacred hundreds of accused counterrevolutionaries, the Legislative Assembly was replaced by the National Convention, which proclaimed the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of the French republic.
On January 21, 1793, it sent King Louis XVI, condemned to death for high treason and crimes against the state, to the guillotine; his wife Marie-Antoinette suffered the same fate nine months later.
Notice how the intent of the Freemasons was to spread this war on the established systems of Europe throughout the land, not just France.
And the reign of Terror followed, and please note its central tenet: The abolition of Christianity. Which is and always has been the aim of Satanists throughout the ages, the Freemasons merely having been more successful than most at implementing their aims.
Reign of Terror
Following the king’s execution, war with various European powers and intense divisions within the National Convention brought the French Revolution to its most violent and turbulent phase.
In June 1793, the Jacobins seized control of the National Convention from the more moderate Girondins and instituted a series of radical measures, including the establishment of a new calendar and the eradication of Christianity.
They also unleashed the bloody Reign of Terror (la Terreur), a 10-month period in which suspected enemies of the revolution were guillotined by the thousands. Many of the killings were carried out under orders from Robespierre, who dominated the draconian Committee of Public Safety until his own execution on July 28, 1794.
Did you know? Over 17,000 people were officially tried and executed during the Reign of Terror, and an unknown number of others died in prison or without trial.
The Crimes against Catholics, including horrific mutilations and tortures of babies and children was well-documented at the time even by the perpetrators, and was honestly one of the most horrific and disgusting periods of human action that undoubtedly pleased many demons in Hell.
All of the above is merely to give a TINY bit of context to the point that America was essentially funded with French money, the use of which was then used to blame and frame the French Monarchy and cause further revolution throughout Europe along with the rapid abolition of other monarchies in Europe in quick succession.
Austria-Hungary, Prussia, Germany, Montenegro, Portugal and Russia had ALL lost their kings by the end of the First World War. You might think some 120 years or so is a long time, but not really when your machinations to change the entire world of Europe from a Catholic and orderly group of individual nations to a homogenous grey soup of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” that can then be fully controlled by the purse-masters of the world.
The remaining monarchies were abolished or made into constitutional republics by the end of the Second World War, which any historian worth anything agrees was really an extended continuation of the First World War. And the end result of all this was finally what?
The Establishment of the American Empire
It cannot be argued that America was founded by Freemasons and on Freemasonic Principles. Washington was widely known to be a Freemason and to this day, the various secret societies of Skull and Crossbones and so on are essentially Freemasons by another name. But in any case, of the 45 presidents America has had at least 15 are KNOWN to have been Freemasons without a doubt, Including the first, as already mentioned, as well as BOTH Roosevelts.
Theodore Roosevelt, who was president from 1901 to 1909, immediately followed by Taft, also a Freemason, from 1909 to 1913, and as everyone knows, the First World War’s start in 1915 was set in motion in these years, even if Woodrow Wilson was actually president during WWI, who is not known to have been a Freemason, but who is still widely thought to have been one of the worst presidents in American history. And probably still has that “honour” Since Biden clearly was not legitimately elected. Then again, who knows if Wilson was either.
We also have Franklin Roosevelt who just so happened to be president from 1933 to 1945, followed by fellow Freemason Truman until 1953, so the entire period leading up to WWII and quite a bit after it.
After WWII, by deft economic manipulations that both funded and started both wars, the American Empire was pretty much established globally.
The placing of American military bases all around the world as well the usurious practices of tentacled creatures like the IMF, the WEF, the trilateral commission and on and on and on, ensured that other states became vassals of America and were destroyed economically if they did not obey.
The establishment of the Universal Commercial Code set of rules effectively made pretty much every country on the globe a subsidiary company of the business of the United States of America. Look it up. It’s a giant rabbit hole. One I have been aware of for almost 30 years and that almost no one even has any idea about. Italy for example is STILL subjected to rules that are literally secret and not able to be seen by anyone in Italy, that were signed off after WWII and which fundamentally makes a mockery of the idea that the Italian state is in any way sovereign. That is in case you couldn’t figure it out from the over 150 American military bases placed throughout Italy. And the fact that our current prime minister, Georgie Tits, sorry, I mean Georgia Meloni, is absolutely known to have had a “master” in her 20s when she followed occult practices. And remember that having a “master” is a Freemasonic thing. And touting her as a “right-wing” leader is absolutely ridiculous and merely the posturing of the usual crack whores doing as their are told (with apologies to crack whores for using them as descriptors for journalists and the mass media), which is simply the usual Freemasonic thing of playing both sides of the fake “divide”.
With America as the powerhouse of the world, American “entertainment”, began making its way across the airwaves to literally every place on Earth. Sitcoms made in the USA are known throughout the world and if you think that doesn’t change the zeitgeist of the planet, then I have some transgender floating bridges to sell you in Shangri-La.
And all this stuff is all run by the (((usual suspects))) who, Cohen-cidentally, I am sure, are always, always, always, but only every single time, at the very root of ALL of these machinations, be their financial and economic, propaganda or “entertainment” or “news” based, and lately also “scientifically” based (don’t let me start of the incestuous plagiarist Albert Einstein and his lies, as this is long enough as it is!)
So, it can be now perhaps better understood why brown people who get the crap bombed out of them, their kids and families killed and used as training grounds for the absolute worst rejects and sad examples of “soldiers” America has produced since “generation kill”, might refer to the USA as The Great Satan.
What with their “soldiers” literally shooting peasants for sport and out of boredom in many cases, often via drones controlled from an air conditioned room tens of thousands of kilometres away, run as just any other 9 to 5 job, and this then being presented as “heroic war action”.
Pretty much regardless of whatever religion, culture, ethnicity, or IQ you may have, it’s not difficult to see why if your children or loved ones are on the receiving end of people that do what the CIA and NSA and Abu Grhaib and Guantanamo Bay “prison wardens-slash-torturers” do, you might think it’s perfectly acceptable to Strat 20kg of C4 to your chest and walk into the nearest American mall to detonate it.
So, yes. Unpleasant as it may sound, the real root of pretty much most of the evil present in our world today does originate from the USA. Which is not to say that the average American is specifically guilty of doing this.
By and large, the average American is a drug-addled fattie, stunned by GMO foods and processed crap that most animals in the wild would not dream to ingest even if starving, maleducated to the point that some Africans in small villages have a better grasp of reality, and thoroughly brainwashed into believing whatever the tell-lie-vision in their lounge, bedroom and even bathroom, tells them 24/7. In short, the average American is for the most part a victim of his handlers. True, he’s a lazy, cowardly sort, but one must understand that the brainwashing was very gradual and very well orchestrated. Think about it:
- Most American men are circumcised. The “reasoning” is that it’s supposed to be more “hygienic”. And if you believe that, you probably believe men can get pregnant, that the wage gap is real and that women can fight in a war or in the ring, just as well as men. So, figure out why this is the case. Who did it? Why? And then look into why the royal house of Windsor (that is the British Royals) all have their maps circumcised by a Rabbi even though they are not Jewish and never have been.
- They legal system is absurd and essentially allows for anything to be done. Which is why their food is unfair for animal consumption, yet is shovelled into their faces until they explode or die of the inevitable cancer it produces when you eat plastic cheese and fake foods.
- They are maleducated to believe that America is the best country in the world because they “won” WWII, “went” to the Moon, and have the most nuclear bombs (ok, had). And somehow that translated to you, Johnny, the illiterate and innumerate teenager who reads at 5 year old’s level in the Europe I grew up in, being somehow “naturally better at everything” than the other people around the world. And they really believe it. Even after reality smacks them in the head with a brick repeatedly as soon as they step out of the USA.
- The zeitgeist in America is driven by absolute terror of legal-warfare, that is being sued in one form or another, and making enough money (mostly to buy creature comforts that help rot your brain, but also to protect yourself from the legal-warfare). The concept of family may still exist in a few cousin-marring hillbillies or rednecks, but even if so is essentially limited to specific families or very small groups.
- Their religion is a splintered heretical mess that resembles actual Christianity about as well as the modern day incels who LARP at being “Pagan warriors” represent the original actual Vikings and Norsemen (aside from the eating of semen in copious quantities I mean).
- Money, and fame are the real American Gods, regardless of whatever veneer of “humanity” they plaster over themselves. And those few genuine people left who don’t think that way are not only a tiny minority today (as they are in most nations thanks to the American zeitgeist being exported) but are also completely ostracised from mainstream American reality.
I don’t blame the average American citizen any more than I blame the average Mexican or Italian or Chinese. But first and foremost, I really wish every single American (and Mexican, and Italian and Chinese) remained in his own country, and kept all of his ideologies, programmes and military in their own fucking country too.
Of course, the Average American has about as much say in where his government places American military bases as I do about Georgia Meloni’s letting boat after boat after boat of invaders land on the shores of Italy, which is to say, pretty much zero right now. And that’s because the average American has zero representation, because the entire system is rigged and the people who actually run the US government are mostly foreigners and their puppets.
And if you still have to ask who that is today, when you notice what the American government and deep state does, who it supports beyond any reason, and who it will jail you and cancel you and punish you for criticising or even just not wanting to deal with, well… If you STILL haven’t figured it out, I can’t help you. Just go back to your Netflix series.
But not to leave you on a downward note, let me assure you that my next giant post will be on what the solutions are for this apparently unsolvable situation and what you, at an individual level can and should and must do about it.
PS: I have NOT spell-checked this and my autocorrect inevitably mangles a lot of words, aside any errors I make myself. I will correct this as time permits over the next day or two, but hopefully you get the gist.
Sadly I think what you write is true. I’ve known about a lot of this as far as Freemasons & Jews however I didn’t know a lot about the Catholic Church aspect. Ann Barnhardt has also done a lot to open my eyes.
A few weeks ago I’d emailed a local Catholic Church asking if they were Novus Ordo or Traditional. I said I wanted to go to Traditional services. They didn’t even bother to reply back. Looking further I found a website that showed Trad churches. Nothing anywhere even close by. Closest one is 3 hours drive one way.
What is your opinion on attending a church that is not traditional?
Be careful of Ann Barnhardt. She also subscribes to the novus ordo. She calls us 1958 sedevacantists, because, wouldn’t you know it, that is when Roncalli, the first of the current impostors, took over.
She calls herself a 2023 sedevacantist, but her only reason is that almost 70 years without a valid Pope is not possible. Except the Church has already had similar, and there is not one shred of evidence or canonical code, that says an interregnum can’t be longer than X number of year
Oh and I would not attend a Church that is not Catholic.
You may want to read my reclaiming the Catholic Church. It explains a lot of things in detail
[…] And if you study Christianity, you realise that Catholicism IS Christianity. It always was. Infallible Popes and everything else. And you realise the lies told about it and the eternal and relentless attacks against it from the very start. And you also begin to see how the politics and byzantine machinations of the East led them to splinter away for purely human and worldly reasons, even though they recanted their errors several times, even four centuries later at the ecumenical council in Florence. What is more, you see the fruits of Catholicism literally throughout the world. And as you continue to study you begin to realise the evil of freemasonry, Satanism and the Judaic principles behind it all. And you begin to appreciate a lot more exactly what Jesus meant in Revelation 3:9. Or how America came about and who made it as it is, and who controls it to this day. […]