Look, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing per se against Americans in general. Each nation has their good and bad sides, but the Americans have the unenviable “first” of being a nation that was created by Freemasons, both internally (the various “founding fathers” and presidents up to the present day) and externally (the money for the rebellion came from France, bankrupting it and getting the King and his consort behaved for listening to the “advice” of their closest advisors.
And being vastly wealthy, and with a system of legality that is absolutely Satanic, with a mere veneer of “law and order” it is only natural that the average American is completely oblivious of the financial origins of their war of independence, of the fact Freemasons are actually Satanists, not “brotherhood of man good guys”, and that they are fed a constant drip of lies in the media and poison in their food and medical “care”.
My previous post wasn’t really even about Catholicism, but rather the very CONCEPT of humane, correct, logica, just , justice. And of course the morons all felt they had found the cart to attack with flaming idiocy while they ululated insanity and loserman vibes.
So they got banned permanently. I’m not a big warning guy, or ask questions first type. And the couple of comments that were not banned and remain leave the impression of there having been serious head trauma in both those authors’ pasts.
It’s amusing because the commenters literally demonstrate they have no idea what the point of the post is. They ass-u-me that it’s me just saying Catholics are better than everyone else, and it isn’t that at all. In this case I was simply saying the CONCEPT and the REALITY of how Roman Law works is BETTER that the concept and reality of pretty much all other systems we have tried under the sun.
So let me be clear, that is what I was saying.
I will now here add, that since Roman Law is indeed the supreme legal system for Human beings, the Catholic Church, naturally, adapted it and improved the original version from the Pagan Romans, adding in a few concepts of baseline logic the Romans had anyway but were more clearly evidenced in Catholicism, given that Divine Law if perfectly logical. And this, among the fact that the religion is true, DOES make Catholicism infinitely superior to Protestantism, of which Vatican II Novus Ordo heretical fake “Church” is just the latest iteration of the endless ruin and Satanism that anything that pretends to be “the One True Religion” inevitably is, since —like with my nickname— there can be only one.
And your “denominationless denomination” number 38,792 is just not it.
And now we can wait for the seething comments of those too stupid to read and understand that they will be banned without a second’s hesitation if you blaspheme, make strawman attacks, or lie about what was said, or just troll moronically. Disagree all you like, but DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If you make an “argument” that has already been debunked for a few centuries and then you don’t even know read the proof of that in the post itself and make some idiotic comment like “Catholics worship Mary”, well… Sayonara sunshine!
I hope I have been clear. You’re not getting banned here because it’s an eco chamber. You get banned here because you acted like an irredeemable idiot.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here