Those who have followed various Internet sites will be aware of Deagel Corporation. This shadowy entity became internet infamous for predicting some huge reductions in populations of various countries. the site has since been taken down, but it is archived and this is where I got the data below. I then copied it into an excel spreadsheet and did some of my own calculations.
If you want an overview of the Deagel Corp and their depopulation agenda/data presentation, there is an article here that talks about them and some of these issues, however, not in the specifics I will go into here. In my post, I have no interest in “debunking” the numbers, or Deagel Corp etc. In other words, I have taken the values as given and then I have applied some calculations to them and am going to interpret that data with current events as we find them today and see what it might all mean.
If you want to check my work, you can go directly to the Deagel archived page here, of the depopulation forecast for 2025 when compared to 2017 and verify it for yourself.
All I did is take the numbers for population only, ignoring the GDP, military expenditure and everything else. In short, I am only looking at a figure that is going to be difficult to hide: The number of corpses that are going to be turning up pretty soon.
My excel sheet is screeshotted in full is below, in alphabetical order, unlike the one at the archived Deagel page.
The analysis is below the images.
This is very interesting for a number of reasons, even if we are to delve no deeper (which we will).
The first number column shows population numbers predicted for 2025 and the second one the actual population numbers in 2017.
Numbers in red indicate a REDUCTION of Population from the 2017 value by the 2025 predicted date.
Numbers in green indicate and INCREASE of Population from the 2017 value by the 2025 predicted date.
We can clearly assume that the whole scamdemic was a population reduction effort, as anyone with two functioning brain cells can conclude by now, even if only from the FACT that the genetic serums had to be created and readied years in advance, for which, by the way, there has been plenty of evidence, including payments in advance of 2019 for them, etc etc (go find it yourself, the internet is there for you to use it, not just ask for a “source” and there are plenty of sources).
There is one more depopulation number that is not shown in the table, and that is that from 2017 to 2021 at least, presumably, the world kept producing babies more or less as it always had and this should, on average, have resulted in a further 310 million people, which, if our totals are almost half a billion less, means we need to add those 310 million to the death toll, so the actual total reduction is not 479 million, as shown above, but more like 790 million. And that’s only from 2017 to 2021. Because in theory, we need to project the effect of mass deaths, sterilisation, or whatever else the “elite” have planned for us, that would have resulted in negative population growth also from 2021 to 2025, which is another 4 year interval, and so we can say with certainty that the number would be at the very least another 310 million, but probably closer to 400 million. So, absent their “interventions” it’s safe to say that at least 1.1 billion people, and probably quite a few million more than that, will have been killed or prevented from coming into existence between 2017 and 2025.
Without doing any further analysis we can already get a sense that this is pretty much in line with the results of the genetic serum shots they have been passing off as a “vaccine”. It is, of course, a monstrous degree of mass murder that is unmatched by anything in human history, but from a diabolical perspective, it makes sense.
If the die off was much higher or faster than this, the catastrophic results would be absolutely impossible to hide. Since there is a level of fractal abstraction to these kinds of issues, to put things in perspective, assume that you go from a group of 7 and a half people (say seven full time workers and one part time worker) which is projected to go to 8 and a half in 8 years time. But instead it goes from almost 8 after four years, back down to 7 people only over the next four years. Sure it’s harder, but the grind is gradual and spread out over four years. Four years during which they brought in a bunch of new oppressive rules that you are now used to. You gotta check in on time, show your papers, your food has been reduced, other people are on the government handouts eating government cheese once every three days, so you’re grateful you can still work 14 hour days instead of the ten it used to be, for 2/3 pay, so you can supplement your daily government cheese with the occasional reconstituted “chocolate” bar mixed with tasty cricket flour.
Yeah, Bob, the temp worker, sort of disappeared, and Jane died suddenly, but it was just a hard half decade. You don’t have time to think things through in detail. You need to fill in your 14 hours, 6 days a week or you will not be able to get that extra “chocolate” bar.
You especially can’t notice so much since the general level of service of everything, but particularly hospitals, healthcare, doctors, food production, food quality, and general standard of living is also gradually collapsing, overstretched and just harder to get at a level that used to be considered normal, but that now requires expensive private care to be met.
So that’s just for starters.
The Races
If you paid attention, you will note that I also added an ethnicity component to each country in my schedule. Obviously this is not perfect, as you will see I have some EuroArab types, a denomination that is called “Mix” and I also used the somewhat disparaging term of “Sudaca” for the generic Mestizos found in South America. Nevertheless I put Argentina as “Euro” because it has a higher percentage of Europeanoids. Oh and if you take offence at my invented terms, well, cry me a river. Send me video so I can laugh at you too.
I have split the ethnicities into 10 groups and then did some analysis to see whether I would find anything that indicated a severe slant toward the Kalergi Plan, which I had already noticed anecdotally from the simple fact that African countries are nowhere near as “vaccinated” as European ones, and ditto India.
If you clicked on the link above, you’ll see that Wikipedia considers the Kalergi Plan as:
“…a far-right, anti-semitic, white nationalist conspiracy theory which claims that Austrian-Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi concocted a plot to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration.”
Given wikipedia’s demonstrated biases and the last three years, we can probably assume that the Kalergi Plan is a fact on that basis alone. It’s also very interesting to note that it is considered an anti-semitic plan. Why on Earth would that be? Kalergi was Austrian-Japanese. Oh, wait… who else relentlessly pushes an agenda of wiping out the race of white people to which they only pretend to belong to when it suits them? Ah, yes…
And a less polite version below.
But let’s just look at the actual numbers, what do they tell us?
In an overall reduction of almost 479 million people, 472 million of those are white Europeans. And the largest increase is in the three population types that could best be described as the Eloi of H.G. Wells The Time Machine fame. Brownish, semi-oriental looking, with some caucasoid traits. Funnily enough, much like a suntanned Richard Kalergi himself would have looked.
Those of you who pay attention will also note that I have specifically isolated Israel as the only Jewish population. Again, this is not perfect, because a lot of Jews live outside of Israel. Those who pay attention will see that the reduction of Jews is huge. More than 50%. As such, it is natural to think that the Jews as a people, probably have nothing to do with the covid depopulation agenda. And I tend to agree with that. Because we know from history that the Jewish Elite are perfectly willing and able to sacrifice the lower class Jews in order to fulfil the “holocaust” requirement (burnt offering) And in fact, the six million victims figure was cited many times long before World War II even started. Again, there is plenty of proof of this, go find it, it’s an interesting research topic, I assure you. And here is just a starter, with lots of references you can then investigate directly yourself without trusting the information presented at this link.
As for the goyim becoming the slaves of the Jews, various very famous rabbis have stated this publicly on many occasions, along with a vicious hatred of white European Christians, so, again, do your own research, it’s not difficult to find even videos where the Rabbis in question spell this out.
All this is to say that while normal, relatively secular Jews will probably be also very heavily victimised, that is not to say that many of the “elite” that want to enact this plan are not, in fact, Jewish. And indeed generally over-represented among those who are supposedly pushing this agenda forward.
But is this what the Deagel data and prediction seems to indicate? I think so. If over 4 million Jews were to die in Israel alone, we can assume that the less than 2 million required for the total of 6 million would probably be found in the 472 million that should affect white people, since many Jews live in these countries, particularly the USA and the UK, but also other countries in Europe.
Whatever the details of the plan, if we accept the Deagel Corp numbers as a decent approximation/projection of whatever nefarious plans were laid back in the early 2010 and certainly also long before that, and updated to at least 2017, then, what we can at the very least see without doubt is that the caucasian population has been targeted to a degree that is unmatched by any other ethnic group aside form the Jews themselves.
Israel is certainly a very highly “vaccinated” country, however, we also had some statistics showing that the die-off in Israel is nowhere near as high, statistically speaking, as in other nations with similar levels of “vaccine” uptake. What this means in terms of the numbers for Israel, is open to question.
Perhaps the Elite want to kill six million Jews to hit the magic number that will bring their messiah.
Perhaps the Jews in Israel have all got saline in most cases and in fact will be absolutely fine and the number shown is precisely to throw people off the scent of the actual conspiracy that has taken place, making the Jews look as the most victimised.
These opinions and ideas are obviously open to speculation and I profess no specific data to think of them in one way or another, but at least you can see that caucasians are definitely targeted if the Deagel numbers are in any way realistic, and the brown Asian/Oriental populations are being preserved (comparatively speaking, since there is still a reduction if you take into consideration the supposed growth over the period).
The Military Intelligence Depopulation Numbers
Those who have followed various Internet sites will be aware of Deagel Corporation. This shadowy entity became internet infamous for predicting some huge reductions in populations of various countries. the site has since been taken down, but it is archived and this is where I got the data below. I then copied it into an excel spreadsheet and did some of my own calculations.
If you want an overview of the Deagel Corp and their depopulation agenda/data presentation, there is an article here that talks about them and some of these issues, however, not in the specifics I will go into here. In my post, I have no interest in “debunking” the numbers, or Deagel Corp etc. In other words, I have taken the values as given and then I have applied some calculations to them and am going to interpret that data with current events as we find them today and see what it might all mean.
If you want to check my work, you can go directly to the Deagel archived page here, of the depopulation forecast for 2025 when compared to 2017 and verify it for yourself.
All I did is take the numbers for population only, ignoring the GDP, military expenditure and everything else. In short, I am only looking at a figure that is going to be difficult to hide: The number of corpses that are going to be turning up pretty soon.
My excel sheet is screeshotted in full is below, in alphabetical order, unlike the one at the archived Deagel page.
The analysis is below the images.
This is very interesting for a number of reasons, even if we are to delve no deeper (which we will).
The first number column shows population numbers predicted for 2025 and the second one the actual population numbers in 2017.
Numbers in red indicate a REDUCTION of Population from the 2017 value by the 2025 predicted date.
Numbers in green indicate and INCREASE of Population from the 2017 value by the 2025 predicted date.
We can clearly assume that the whole scamdemic was a population reduction effort, as anyone with two functioning brain cells can conclude by now, even if only from the FACT that the genetic serums had to be created and readied years in advance, for which, by the way, there has been plenty of evidence, including payments in advance of 2019 for them, etc etc (go find it yourself, the internet is there for you to use it, not just ask for a “source” and there are plenty of sources).
There is one more depopulation number that is not shown in the table, and that is that from 2017 to 2021 at least, presumably, the world kept producing babies more or less as it always had and this should, on average, have resulted in a further 310 million people, which, if our totals are almost half a billion less, means we need to add those 310 million to the death toll, so the actual total reduction is not 479 million, as shown above, but more like 790 million. And that’s only from 2017 to 2021. Because in theory, we need to project the effect of mass deaths, sterilisation, or whatever else the “elite” have planned for us, that would have resulted in negative population growth also from 2021 to 2025, which is another 4 year interval, and so we can say with certainty that the number would be at the very least another 310 million, but probably closer to 400 million. So, absent their “interventions” it’s safe to say that at least 1.1 billion people, and probably quite a few million more than that, will have been killed or prevented from coming into existence between 2017 and 2025.
Without doing any further analysis we can already get a sense that this is pretty much in line with the results of the genetic serum shots they have been passing off as a “vaccine”. It is, of course, a monstrous degree of mass murder that is unmatched by anything in human history, but from a diabolical perspective, it makes sense.
If the die off was much higher or faster than this, the catastrophic results would be absolutely impossible to hide. Since there is a level of fractal abstraction to these kinds of issues, to put things in perspective, assume that you go from a group of 7 and a half people (say seven full time workers and one part time worker) which is projected to go to 8 and a half in 8 years time. But instead it goes from almost 8 after four years, back down to 7 people only over the next four years. Sure it’s harder, but the grind is gradual and spread out over four years. Four years during which they brought in a bunch of new oppressive rules that you are now used to. You gotta check in on time, show your papers, your food has been reduced, other people are on the government handouts eating government cheese once every three days, so you’re grateful you can still work 14 hour days instead of the ten it used to be, for 2/3 pay, so you can supplement your daily government cheese with the occasional reconstituted “chocolate” bar mixed with tasty cricket flour.
Yeah, Bob, the temp worker, sort of disappeared, and Jane died suddenly, but it was just a hard half decade. You don’t have time to think things through in detail. You need to fill in your 14 hours, 6 days a week or you will not be able to get that extra “chocolate” bar.
You especially can’t notice so much since the general level of service of everything, but particularly hospitals, healthcare, doctors, food production, food quality, and general standard of living is also gradually collapsing, overstretched and just harder to get at a level that used to be considered normal, but that now requires expensive private care to be met.
So that’s just for starters.
The Races
If you paid attention, you will note that I also added an ethnicity component to each country in my schedule. Obviously this is not perfect, as you will see I have some EuroArab types, a denomination that is called “Mix” and I also used the somewhat disparaging term of “Sudaca” for the generic Mestizos found in South America. Nevertheless I put Argentina as “Euro” because it has a higher percentage of Europeanoids. Oh and if you take offence at my invented terms, well, cry me a river. Send me video so I can laugh at you too.
I have split the ethnicities into 10 groups and then did some analysis to see whether I would find anything that indicated a severe slant toward the Kalergi Plan, which I had already noticed anecdotally from the simple fact that African countries are nowhere near as “vaccinated” as European ones, and ditto India.
If you clicked on the link above, you’ll see that Wikipedia considers the Kalergi Plan as:
“…a far-right, anti-semitic, white nationalist conspiracy theory which claims that Austrian-Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi concocted a plot to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration.”
Given wikipedia’s demonstrated biases and the last three years, we can probably assume that the Kalergi Plan is a fact on that basis alone. It’s also very interesting to note that it is considered an anti-semitic plan. Why on Earth would that be? Kalergi was Austrian-Japanese. Oh, wait… who else relentlessly pushes an agenda of wiping out the race of white people to which they only pretend to belong to when it suits them? Ah, yes…
And a less polite version below.
But let’s just look at the actual numbers, what do they tell us?
In an overall reduction of almost 479 million people, 472 million of those are white Europeans. And the largest increase is in the three population types that could best be described as the Eloi of H.G. Wells The Time Machine fame. Brownish, semi-oriental looking, with some caucasoid traits. Funnily enough, much like a suntanned Richard Kalergi himself would have looked.
Those of you who pay attention will also note that I have specifically isolated Israel as the only Jewish population. Again, this is not perfect, because a lot of Jews live outside of Israel. Those who pay attention will see that the reduction of Jews is huge. More than 50%. As such, it is natural to think that the Jews as a people, probably have nothing to do with the covid depopulation agenda. And I tend to agree with that. Because we know from history that the Jewish Elite are perfectly willing and able to sacrifice the lower class Jews in order to fulfil the “holocaust” requirement (burnt offering) And in fact, the six million victims figure was cited many times long before World War II even started. Again, there is plenty of proof of this, go find it, it’s an interesting research topic, I assure you. And here is just a starter, with lots of references you can then investigate directly yourself without trusting the information presented at this link.
The Talmudic Jewish Religion, believes that a “burnt offering” of six million Jews is required in order for the Messiah to arrive, after which the Jews will become the masters of the world and we goyim will be their slaves. Here is a link to the first part of that with a folio reference within the Talmud too.
As for the goyim becoming the slaves of the Jews, various very famous rabbis have stated this publicly on many occasions, along with a vicious hatred of white European Christians, so, again, do your own research, it’s not difficult to find even videos where the Rabbis in question spell this out.
All this is to say that while normal, relatively secular Jews will probably be also very heavily victimised, that is not to say that many of the “elite” that want to enact this plan are not, in fact, Jewish. And indeed generally over-represented among those who are supposedly pushing this agenda forward.
But is this what the Deagel data and prediction seems to indicate? I think so. If over 4 million Jews were to die in Israel alone, we can assume that the less than 2 million required for the total of 6 million would probably be found in the 472 million that should affect white people, since many Jews live in these countries, particularly the USA and the UK, but also other countries in Europe.
Whatever the details of the plan, if we accept the Deagel Corp numbers as a decent approximation/projection of whatever nefarious plans were laid back in the early 2010 and certainly also long before that, and updated to at least 2017, then, what we can at the very least see without doubt is that the caucasian population has been targeted to a degree that is unmatched by any other ethnic group aside form the Jews themselves.
Israel is certainly a very highly “vaccinated” country, however, we also had some statistics showing that the die-off in Israel is nowhere near as high, statistically speaking, as in other nations with similar levels of “vaccine” uptake. What this means in terms of the numbers for Israel, is open to question.
Perhaps the Elite want to kill six million Jews to hit the magic number that will bring their messiah.
Perhaps the Jews in Israel have all got saline in most cases and in fact will be absolutely fine and the number shown is precisely to throw people off the scent of the actual conspiracy that has taken place, making the Jews look as the most victimised.
These opinions and ideas are obviously open to speculation and I profess no specific data to think of them in one way or another, but at least you can see that caucasians are definitely targeted if the Deagel numbers are in any way realistic, and the brown Asian/Oriental populations are being preserved (comparatively speaking, since there is still a reduction if you take into consideration the supposed growth over the period).
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Tags: agenda 2030, depopulation, jews, talmudic religion, white genocide
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