So, Andrew Torba, of Gab fame/infamy has posted a quite coherent piece on why Jews are not Christians, have no special place in the Christian God’s plan for them since the Crucifixion of his Son, and basically anyone who says otherwise is doing the work of Satan.
It is, of course, from a Catholic perspective, like writing a few pages of words to say that water is wet.
But Torba, being a Protestant, is really only “calling out” those parts of Protestant Churchianity that equate Jews and the state of Israel —which didn’t exist until 1948— with some God-chosen people that are somehow exempt from going to Hell, even though their belief makes it a dogma that Jesus is in Hell boiling in a lake of excrement.
I mean… sure, it’s perfectly fine to call out people who believe such absurd and illogical nonsense as being… well… not Christians at all.
But it really is no different from believing other absolutely idiotic nonsense, like:
once saved always saved
Sola scriptura
Sola fide
Believing you can be saved regardless of having 40,000+ “denominations” officially but really more like 800 million, since each man is his own authority in how to interpret the Bible
Believing ALL you need to do to be saved is profess that Jesus is Lord
Believing Jesus didn’t really mean Peter would be the cornerstone of the Church even though he literally changed his name from Simon to Peter (Peter is the Anglicised form of the word for stone or rock), even though no other interpretation makes any sense whatever
Ignoring the fact that the Bible itself was put together by Catholics, with a Pope and transubstantiation and holy mass, and everyone knew it for the first 1500 years or so of the Church.
Reason being the whore of the devil, as Luther called it, and as apparently Protestants world-wide intrinsically agree, since they are incapable of using logic to recognise their belief they are Christian is nothing more than inculcated rhetoric from an early age, and not founded on anything resembling facts or reason.
Any of the other 40,000 nonsensical ideas that various Protestant sects have.
The cognitive dissonance of Protestants is truly something spectacular to behold. Like an impenetrable shield composed of illogic, hypocrisy, absurdity and lies, it shields their minds from anything even remotely resembling objective reasoning.
Personally, I doubt this form of wilful ignorance qualifies any of them for mercy under the guise of “invincible ignorance”, the quality of which for achieving salvation is really fragile and suspect in any case, to put it as mildly as possible, but it certainly does seem to be a barrier to rational thought that would make any communist dictator blush with envy.
I’ll leave you with a little graphic now, to help smooth out any ruffled feathers.
The Irony of Heretics calling out other Heretics
So, Andrew Torba, of Gab fame/infamy has posted a quite coherent piece on why Jews are not Christians, have no special place in the Christian God’s plan for them since the Crucifixion of his Son, and basically anyone who says otherwise is doing the work of Satan.
It is, of course, from a Catholic perspective, like writing a few pages of words to say that water is wet.
But Torba, being a Protestant, is really only “calling out” those parts of Protestant Churchianity that equate Jews and the state of Israel —which didn’t exist until 1948— with some God-chosen people that are somehow exempt from going to Hell, even though their belief makes it a dogma that Jesus is in Hell boiling in a lake of excrement.
I mean… sure, it’s perfectly fine to call out people who believe such absurd and illogical nonsense as being… well… not Christians at all.
But it really is no different from believing other absolutely idiotic nonsense, like:
The cognitive dissonance of Protestants is truly something spectacular to behold. Like an impenetrable shield composed of illogic, hypocrisy, absurdity and lies, it shields their minds from anything even remotely resembling objective reasoning.
Personally, I doubt this form of wilful ignorance qualifies any of them for mercy under the guise of “invincible ignorance”, the quality of which for achieving salvation is really fragile and suspect in any case, to put it as mildly as possible, but it certainly does seem to be a barrier to rational thought that would make any communist dictator blush with envy.
I’ll leave you with a little graphic now, to help smooth out any ruffled feathers.
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