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The Inevitable Path of Protesting Against God and His Church

The anglicans have just realised that their fake archbishop is a clown.

As a few among the Novus Orco are coming to realise that Bergoglio is a Devil-Clown too, after the death of Ratzi the Nazi.

Even Ann Barnhardt, most at some point realise the stupidity of her position in pretending that 1958 Sedevacantists are not correct when she herself is currently a Sedevacantist currently. She has, of course, never responded to my question of how long exactly must the chair remain empty before she too is a “crazy” sede, like us. We know that according to her “logic” it must be between 2 years since that has happened before, and something less than 59 or so at most, since she has definitely been against sedevacantists for at least 5 years and probably more like 10 or 15. So, if Bergoglio lives another ten years or fifteen years, then what, Ann? Are you a “crazy” sedevacantist too then? Come on, be honest, what is the limit line? What if the next “Pope” is some screaming faggot? We know he’ll be a freemason already, since they all are. Are you going to accept the next fake “Pope”?

The truth is that the Novus Orco are just like the Anglicans, and the Mormons, and the Baptists, and all the other 40,000 denominations of protestants: fake Christians.

There is only one True, Holy, Apostolic Church, the same one that always was there and always had Popes and reigned unopposed, is perennially attacked by gnostics, heretics and fakers, and it is the Catholic Church. And as prophesied, it is now but a remnant, as we expected it would become.

All the rest, inevitably, invariably, inexorably, eventually, fall to the side in a manner obvious even to the fooled, the ignorant and the deceived.

Such has happened to all human Churches and such will always happen to all human Churches, for no human institution can survive humans. Only the supernatural protection of Christ has maintained the continuity, infallibility and existence of the Catholic Church. Even as the Eastern schismatics still, as the Protestants, outnumber actual Christians, they begin and continue to fracture.

It is indeed true what Vox quoted of 2 Corinthians 6:14-15

Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?

Which is precisely why Catholics are not to pray with heretics and schismatics. Not in their fake temples nor have them in ours. At most, we are permitted to quietly sit by for the sake of decorum or avoiding a worse scandal, but that is it.

Do you see now:

There is no salvation outside of the (real) Catholic Church. For all else is literally fake and gay.

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