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The Importance of Becoming Effective

Please bear with me a little. In order to explain something that may well be the most important concept you might ever take in, I need to make it relatable to something you can verify for yourself, which is basically me and my life insofar as you can be aware of it as an online reader. If you already know me personally, feel free to skip this part and go to the next bold heading below.

Anyone who reads my original blog (link is also in the header of this one as it is still going and we are trying to integrate it with Substack) or my previous one (now abandoned) or has followed me online for years or knows me personally will be aware that I have absolutely zero interest in leading anyone.

However, they will also be aware that I have actually led people (almost exclusively men) in a variety of fields, martial arts, which I taught for some time in two different styles, (Shotokan Karate and the Russian Systema) at different times, including a “breaking” from power structures within those hierarchies when they became of dubious ethics (usually linked to money) and they became focused on things other than the purity of the martial system being taught.

I also held various positions of at least partial and at times almost total leadership in various fields of the construction industry, having managed sites from a young age, and later even teams of quantity surveyors.

I have also, unwittingly for the most part, “led” a lot of people back to actual, real, original Christianity, which today is only found in Catholics that are 1958 Sedevacantists of the Totalist position, all other versions of “Christianity” either being a departure from the truth to some degree or other (eg. the Eastern Schismatics whose theology literally inverts what the Bible quite clearly states, as well as having been traitorous backstabbers many, many, many times, not having spread or defended the faith in any adequate way when compared to Catholicism, and have reneged on multiple agreements of faith and so on during the centuries).

On this last point, I have no delusions of either grandeur nor effectiveness. While I wrote the books , made the videos , and created avenues of learning on many different topics that though completely separate, when seen together make more sense of the human condition than frankly, anyone else’s work I have come across— I believe that any conversion that may have been prompted by my writing or work is ultimately the work of God, and I am just an incidental aspect of that path, so any “glory” is His, not mine. I am of course happy to be a useful instrument, but, in my heart of hearts, that is really all I feel I am in this respect. Any accolades or “glory” I might get would be the ones given to me by others, and not anything I seek or even look forward to. I do get regular emails thanking me from some aspect of my work, and I am very grateful for them, as they let me know I am on the right track, and it’s nice to know I may have been useful for someone.

Of course the people who buy paid memberships here even though my substack is completely open, definitely help me materially and also emotionally and spiritually. It’s always nice to be appreciated, but it has never been why I do what I do, write what I write, and live as I live.

As for effectiveness, I have no delusion that I will change the world. My aim is merely to change enough of my immediate surroundings that it will give my children a chance to be free of the dystopian pedovores currently running the world. At least in my little corner of the planet, I hope a viable city-state develops that will become too much trouble, or too strong to attack directly, and that my progeny and their friends are completely inured against the infiltration of rot that has taken over everything from the Church to the universities, every facet of government and education, and so on.

Why do I tell you this?

Because my point is that you can verify for yourself if you just read enough of my writings that what I wrote above is true. My only aim is to help YOU open your eyes to the world as it is (and it’s fucking far more horrible than you imagine, unfortunately) but not for any personal gain. Not for some sadistic pleasure in seeing you despair, nor because I have any interest in having a cult of personality follow me. I only have one aim:

First of all, the Truth above all. The Highest Truth at all times. Because everything else is secondary to that.

Secondly, yes, I do have an aim, but it is only that enough of you open your eyes and create communities of resistance and rebellion and complete reversal of the current zeitgeist of demonic pedophile that are running this planet, for the most part.

I would LOVE for a bunch of 1958 totalist sedevacantist zealots to all flock to this part of the world and buy up all the property around me and form our own city state in earnest. It’s frankly what I plan to have happen in the next decade or two or three or however long I have left.

That is indeed my aim, sure; but even if you will never even visit Europe and you form a community of zealotous Lutherans (heretics all!) and yet you manage to fight off the pedovores well, then more power to you, even if I think your entire clan is wrong about God and will ultimately end up in Hell.

In fact, there is such a group already: Orania , in the South African Karoo. When they started in the mid to late 1990s I thought it would go nowhere. Thirty years later they are a thriving and effective community. Do I agree with their NG Kerk Protestant retarded theology? No. Do I like their Orcish and equally retarded language of Afrikaans? No. Do I think for the most part they are not exactly geniuses? Yup.


Do I respect them? Absolutely.

Would I be rude or not follow their rules if I ever visited their place? Never.

Would I make fun of them in some disparaging way even here on my blog? No.

They may not be my people. They may not be my cup of tea, as my English wife might say, but I am absolutely certain I can and do respect them more than most people on this planet, and I would absolutely abide by their rules if I ever were among them, and I would apologise for my brain’s refusal to learn their language. Nor is there any hypocrisy in any of this on my part. I also truly believe that at least some of them, if they got to know me, as much as they would think I am a salt-cock, pagan-Catholic, not quite white, olive-nigger, they too would respect me and be quite happy to stand next to me in the proverbial foxhole, as much as I would be proud and consider myself lucky to be standing next to them.

So my point here is simple: Yes, I absolutely believe Catholicism IS the only one true religion. And YES it was absolutely infiltrated and subverted by Satanists since the 1700s and they have created the Satanic Novus Orco Church which fools a majority of ignorant and lazy Catholics, so the only ones left that are properly Catholic are the 1958 Sedevacantists that know all the impostors after Pope Pious XII were not even Catholics, never mind Popes. And YES, Protestantism is the work of the devil and the secularisation of actual Christianity. And YES, Sedeprivationism is a BAD error and leads nowhere good and eventually only to the same Satanic Novus Orco Church being “redeemed” which is impossible. And YES I ONLY want 1958 Sedevacantists to become part of my eventual Kurganate . YES to all of that.

But I want YOU to make it too. I want YOU to wake up too. I want YOU to see things as they are too. And I don’t care if you hate my guts and want to create your own outpost of free people far, far, away from me. Go for it. I hope you win. You don’t need to send me money or make me your guru, or believe or agree with me on everything, or even most things. I hardly agree with anyone about most things anyway. I am an ornery bastard, and I don’t even like people in general much at all, because most of them are cowardly, weak, petty, stupid and selfish rats with the shrivelled hearts of pestilent mites.

But as long as your irritating, weak, flawed, erroneous, and petty ass is far away from me, in truth, I truly do love you; and I wish the absolute best for you and your children and loved ones. Truly I do, I am not just saying it. I certainly also DO wish you were smarter, not such a weak-ass, coward and idiot. Because if you were better you too would be a 1958 Sedevacantist, because you’d be able to figure it out yourself since you’d be smart and not lazy; and able to do logic; and base your view of life on objective facts instead of your ephemeral emotions. Of course, I wish all that too, but the important point is: I will never hold it personally against you that you are not.

I truly love you like a brother and hope you make it.

We are all flawed, and me too and in many ways that God only knows, so please don’t think I judge you in any spiritual sense. Of course, here on Earth, on the material world, if you come break my balls on my terms on my land, apocalypse in full swing, I might shoot you in the face. But be sure I would say a Hail Mary over your corpse before I dispose of it too, and will hold no animosity towards you and your soul.

It’s important you know that, because the next part I write about is really maybe the most important thing you might ever read in your life, and if you actually learn it, it may change your life radically, and for the better (which hardly ever means “easier” just so you know).

The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Learn

Notice I say LEARN. Not read. Because you can read it all and intellectualise it and sing its praises, and write songs to it… but… actually not learn it at all.

Intellectualising and pontificating is NOT the same as knowing and doing. In fact even knowing is not really knowing until there has been sufficient and repeatedly successful doing of it based on that knowing.

Realise that first. Then read the rest below and do whatever you need to do to LEARN IT.

Know (things) Yourself

This is the central theme of my book on Systema , the most effective martial art I have ever practiced and taught, and covered there in far more extensive fashion, but the point remains that until you become an actual independent thinker, able to reason things out from first principles on the basis of being able to reason correctly (that is, by the use of logic, setting aside your emotions and biases, as much as anyone can, and at least be aware of the ones you are not yet capable of doing so with), you will remain an automaton. A guided zombie. Raised on the “beliefs” instilled in your great-grand-parents, and eventually to you via your parents, siblings, classmates, friends and family, from birth. Almost none of the things you believe are things you have personally looked into objectively yourself.

If you had, for a start, your religion would almost certainly change drastically. At a minimum. The exception would be if you are already a 1958 totalist Sedevacantist Catholic.

So what do I mean?

I mean you have been lied to about everything. Short of maybe basic mathematics and SOME science, and if you actually know what it is, the use of the scientific method (very few people actually have any idea of what this REALLY is and how it actually works, and even fewer have any concept of its inherent limitations), almost everything else you have been told is badly flawed in major ways. And I include the “hard” sciences like Physics, and Electronics in this. And certainly Biology, Medicine, and Chemistry. Never mind the “soft” and almost pseudo-science subjects like psychology, psychiatry, and so on.

If you have not spent years digging up odd scientists who actually operated more as engineers (engineering is the only science you can really trust, because whatever the theory says, if you can get it to work in practice, then… the theory is irrelevant even if it said it was “impossible” ). 1

Your FIRST point of inquiry should be the understanding of formal and informal logic.

The basics of logic are simple, but the iterations of it become more and more refined, and yet, remain consistent and true, because we live in a Universe where objective reality (however confusing or unknowable it may at times appear to us) is indeed how it works. A simple extract from any site that defines the three laws of logic will give something along these line:

There are three fundamental laws of logic. Suppose P is any indicative sentence, say, “It is raining.”

The law of identity: P is P.
The law of noncontradiction: P is not non-P.
The law of the excluded middle: Either P or non-P.

The law of identity says that if a statement such as “It is raining” is true, then the statement is true. More generally, it says that the statement P is the same thing as itself and its different from everyhting else. Applied to all realty, the law of identity says that everything is itself and not something else.

The law of noncontradiction says that a statement such as “It is raining” cannot be both true and false in the same sense. Of course it could be raining in Missouri and not raining in Arizona, but the principle says that it cannot be raining and not raining at the same time in the same place.

The law of the excluded middle says that a statement such as “It is raining” is either true or false. There is no other alternative.

Just being aware of this and living this way, immediately puts the lie to a LOT of Clown World.

A man is a man.

A man is not a woman.

A man cannot get pregnant.

Basic? Yes. Obvious? Yes, to anyone even remotely sane. Important? You bet. If you can’t keep the basics founded on reality then your life and everything related to it is going to get increasingly chaotic and disrupted.

The next thing you may want to look out for is lengthy and lofty “explanations” of life by people professing to be using the “deep thoughts” of various grand-philosophers.

The reality is that the ancient philosophers of Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and Marcus Aurelius, are still generally superior to most “modern” philosophers who in some cases are, and were, complete retards.

Nietzsche for example was a lifelong incel (involuntary celibate, i.e. incapable of getting laid for love, money or fame, because his personality was so radioactive to women), who died of syphilis, which apparently also rendered him insane, though I think I could make the case he was off his rocker long before the disease settled it.

Schopenhauer was a similarly afflicted goblin of nasty character as well as repulsive exterior, and even his own mother found him unpleasant. Yet, for some reason best known to themselves, a lot of people have been convinced these two guys were some kind of geniuses (I mean they were GERMAN FFS!) I assume it’s because almost no one has read the absolute bullshit and nonsense they wrote, particularly with respect to the females of the human species.

Machiavelli is considered a military and political genius, but almost no one is aware that after he wrote The Prince, a general in the army challenged him to be able to so much as get a platoon of men to march around a square. There was no trick. The commands were explained to him clearly and simply, and yet good old Niccolo couldn’t issue coherent enough orders to get a bunch of disciplined men to march on the perimeter of a square.

Clausewitz is a better and more practical philosopher than any of the above and his little book On War, is a mere tiny fraction of the vast volumes of trees the other three above wasted in their writings.

But no one knows. No one reads. No one learns for themselves.

Hitting a human sized target at 1.5 kilometres with a .300 Winchester Magnum rifle is supposed to be something only the best snipers can do. But with a month of training and some basic ability or talent to begin with, I think most men can make that shot in relatively good weather conditions most of the time.

Special Ops guys are supposed to be the best of the best, but I have trained and known several, and some of them I don’t even rate as particularly good. One guy died falling from a rock face on a hill that my father and I had hunted and climbed various times, shotguns in hand and no safety ropes to speak of. Of course accidents happen and I do not mean to speak ill of the dead, but our family, composed of twelve or thirteen year old me, my younger brother, my mother, my dad and a friend of his, beat a team of South African military men that used to play paintball matches together after having served together. And it wasn’t coincidence. I had evaluated their military tactics as basic, and ineffective against a determined enemy that wasn’t scared of them from the start.

So often in life I have been told what is or is not possible, only to discover for myself that most people who give advice haven’t got a clue about much of anything. After a while, you begin to learn who speaks just out of ego and who speaks only when necessary and out of personal experience.

This applies to every field, in every job or career or human effort in anything.

Given the above, I hope you at least take a few days to look into Catholic 1958 Totalist Sedevacantism. If only because I read the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, countless books on Zen, Taoism, Daoism, Hinduism, and some other stuff too. And I have infiltrated several personality cults at various times, as well as different “Churches” just to see and study all sorts of weirdness people will throw themselves behind, including “gurus” of absolutely corrupt moral character, from alleged pedophiles (Sai Baba) and sexual assaulters (Amma the hugging saints), to brainwashing freaks like the Scientolgists, and others. And after 43 years of basic Zen-agnosticism, I found my way to a philosophy and model of reality that is simply vastly superior and answers far more questions than any other system I ever looked into.

I had discarded “Catholicism” early on, because what I was told was Catholicism, and what I experienced as Catholicism in the brief encounters I had with it, was in fact the result of impostors infiltrating and perverting and utterly INVERTING the truth of Catholicism and presenting THAT twisted lie as if it was Catholicism.

Once I looked at it again, and more properly this time, and started to read and study the patristic fathers and the ancient writings they put down even before the Bible was put together, it became clear that actual Catholicism has nothing to do with what Bergoglio and his retinue of homosexuals, drug addicts, pedophiles, fraudsters and Satanists pretend is the “Catholic Church”.

But even if you do not research Catholicism proper, PLEASE, learn to think for yourself. Check the things you have been told.

And when something seems just too perfect, or too clean, or too simple an explanation… well… look into it.

Was EVERY single Nazi an evil monster? Did six million Jews actually get gassed?

Did the Jewish Bolsheviks not kill almost ten times that number? And did Communist regimes the world over not kill millions too? Was Pinochet really the “bad guy”?

Did a Jewish plan after WWII actually kill over 10 million non combatant German civilians through mostly starvation? Did you ever read about that part anywhere?

Did WWI really start because some prince got shot in Yugoslavia?

Was Mother Theresa really a good person? Is the Dalai Lama? And is he funded by the CIA? Is antigravity technology really just science fiction? Who was Thomas Townsend Brown? Did the Nazi Bell exist? What was it? What was operation Argus? Or Operation Highjump?

You can play this game for years and the more you find out, the more you realise two things:

  1. If aliens exist, this planet MUST be interdicted. We are too stupid, too vicious, too chaotic to be allowed to play around unchecked with antigravity devices. To that extent then, we must be living on a sort of prison planet.
  2. The main coin of the realm is lies. Which fits with the Catholic belief that at least on this Earth (and possibly the entire material Universe) we are under the Dominion of the Prince of Lies.

Knowing that, you may want to explore a few of the links I put up above and figure out a few things; like say, about prayer and how it actually works . Who Jesus was. What God is. And so on.

Because above all, if you ever DO become the type that wants to think and know things for himself, the foundation of everything you do, should, as much as humanly possible, be based on the best model for reality you can find.

So I hope you look carefully at Catholicism. I have not found anything that even comes remotely close to explain the reality of our Universe. And it also has a couple of millennia of proven history that it has inevitably always generally improved life for the humans that adopted it as their way of life.

In any case, your ultimate belief about the Universe is fundamental, and will colour everything you think, believe and do, so choose wisely.

Only once you have a model of reality that is very good, can you begin to become properly effective. What do I mean by that?

I mean that money and wealth and power is not enough. You also need integrity, and congruency with your model of reality and belief system in it.

Wha you will find online, and on Substack too, is a bunch of guys who write a good story, but ultimately, what they are selling (often actually selling as they will have private posts for paid members only, unlike here) is just a distraction. Nonsensical theories that have zero application in the real world.

The Tree of Woe guy pontificates about better systems of government and “practical” approaches to law and order while pretending to have served in the military in some “active” capacity that turns out to have been a lie. And it is clear he pontificate sin ignorance, because until you have faced an armed mob in a thin line, and there isn’t any police, or army or anyone else that’s going to save your ass, and lived through that, or faced off against looters and held your ground and your stuff, and so on, you really don’t know jack-shit about the realities of law and order in a society that has broken down or is at war. And your theories are worth less than wind.

John Carter of Mars is a nice enough man, and he writes some interesting stuff, to be sure, but again, he is a theorist. None of his writings could be said to be practical. At most he might inspire you by reporting on this or that event or describing a PART of a theory that sounds nice.

The Johann Kurtz from Becoming Noble substack, which I briefly thought might actually be a doer, just published a nonsensical piece about how meritocracy is not a good thing, where, along with his “argument” selectively picking just this or that piece of fact, seen just through a specific direction, he tries to make the case that a society driven by meritocracy is not a good thing. But he hasn’t got a clue about the reality of what he speaks. I have lived in societies where more or less, meritocracy does get you somewhere (even the UK does this to an extent) and ones where it does nothing (Italy has plenty of very capable people, who can get nowhere, because my country is nest of networked relationships that stretches from getting a decent cup of coffee, to whether you will be fined by the tax man for some imaginary infraction or left alone to do whatever you want if you know the right people, and trust me, it sucks). I know that lack of meritocracy in a place like Africa condemns hundreds of thousands, or millions to indescribable poverty and injustice, and meritocracy can make a whole nation wealthy and prosperous. A benign dictator like Malawi had was a boon for his people. Remove him because was a “dictator” and suddenly you have connected morons becoming “professors” at the university where his citizens used to be able to quote Shakespeare and do physics and chemistry, who now light fires in the middle of the lounge because they have no clue what a stove is. I am not making this up. But good old Johann, who clearly can spin a good story and has a huge readership, writes drivel like this:

Meritocracy necessitates and idealizes the destruction of traditional boundaries. This began with the attack on class structures, but after the moral primacy of ‘merit’ is accepted, it must also be conceded that other structures which impede the centering of ‘merit’ should be questioned: national borders, gender divides, insular communities, and prejudices of all kinds.

The seeds of meritocratic thought arose in the West with the broader Enlightenment, which held that the scientific process – with its advocacy of quantification and objectivity – could be turned upon politics and human affairs more generally, in order to progress society towards utopia.

He sets up a complete straw man where if for some reason you put effectiveness above say, birthright class structure, for some reason this should also mean you now believe nations should not exist or have borders, women can be men, people no longer have the right to associate with who they wish in the groups they wish to be in, and all of a sudden we are all super-communists. It’s bullshit. And Johann is not a stupid guy, so all I can assume is that either he is a bullshitter and a fraud who writes whatever will get him the most paid subscribers, regardless of truth or fiction, or he is an arrogant prick who may even believe some of the stupid shit he tries to sell to you. The man supposedly has done well for himself in monetary terms in a high tech and high responsibility job. And he apparently did so by being a good boy and following all the rules to aim for such a career and life. And sure, if you are a soulless robot, or if you are just not that bright and really need to line all your ducks up to make a good life for yourself it’s a good strategy. And I certainly don’t mean to imply anyone should live as I have, which was basically as a character from an RPG game who decides to go “adventuring”. But frankly, anything I put my mind to I did well at. And sure, if I had followed his plan I would probably be a lot better off financially, but my soul would have shrivelled and I would be ignorant of reality to a far greater extent than I would ever be comfortable with.

The point here is not to crap on all the other Substackers, and make myself out to be some hero, but the reality and objective fact of the matter is that while you are obviously free to spend your time reading whatever you like, certain information only goes you the illusion of learning something worthwhile, which in reality is just a mirage.

How hard is it to understand that effectiveness at any given task or process is superior to adherence to some inefficient and completely artificial hierarchy? And I know of what I speak. I ran building sites using men that were efficient but that no one else wanted to use because they didn’t speak English well, or weren’t Irish like the company owners, or didn’t get drunk at lunch with the “old boys” on the site, Or were Russian, or whatever. And my sites outperformed everyone else’s sites in the entire firm. Meritocracy works. And anyone who says otherwise has simply never lived in the real world where what you actually get physically done counts. And in an economic crash and zombieland scenario, I’ll take the effective guy who understands how to put up fences, shoot instinctively and grow crops and dig a well, over some aristocrat wanna-be who pontificates about class structure. Besides which, buddy, I actually AM nobility. We have the family crest and history to prove it that goes back 800 years. And in my experience, ACTUAL Nobility, unlike you pretend wanna-bees who write blogs about “becoming noble” has no problem getting their hands dirty with the lowest of peasants. Because the term “Noblesse Oblige” actually means something to those of us who understand what it actually means, which is, that if we supposedly are “better” (at least here on Earth, by our station granted to us in this world by the Good Grace of God) then it is incumbent upon us, to the best of our limited ability, to be our brother’s keeper.

As for his other sentence about the Enlightenment, and trying to tie meritocracy to the works that Satanists spent centuries to achieve, is historically ignorant to a stunning degree. Catholic monks invented the scientific method, and they did so centuries before the Satanic instigators of the French Revolution and the creation of the first Freemasonic country in the world (the USA, in case you were not aware).

Science proceeded along hand in hand with Catholicism and Christianity for centuries, and it is only the lies of the Satanic freemasons and indeed the Illuminati of the Enlightenment that have pretended to rewrite history and make a lie of it.

The buildings and feats of Engineering throughout Catholic Europe are a testament to the reality of how history actually played out. Venice alone, my city, is a living testament to feats of engineering that in some cases we are still struggling to recover. The Cathedrals and buildings created remain feats beyond our current ability to imagine, and indeed repeat in some cases. Galileo was placed under house arrest because he was an unpleasant little shit for the most part, and not as claimed for his being such a smart-not (TM) he figured out the Moon moves (which was not unknown before him). The Ancients did not think the Earth was plat. That took the CIA and a bunch of American retards to even become a thing, and that is TODAY. The Ancient greeks not only knew it was a sphere, but because they could do math and think, had even approximated its circumference. Columbus called the red Indians “Indian” because he thought he’d gone all the way round and landed in India, which makes it obvious he too knew it was a sphere.

Einstein was a plagiarist, a sex pervert of incestuous leaning and a disgusting father and husband who abandoned his first wife and son to crushing poverty. Martin Luther King was a rapist and plagiarist and now it’s FINALLY being made public, and Lee Harvey Oswald never shot JFK and anyone who ever thought he had is an idiot who has probably never shot a rifle in his life.

Again, reader, my point is not to show you how “smart” I am and how stupid everyone else is, and yes it is a fact I tend to be about 20 to 30 years ahead of most everyone else in terms of figuring out how things really work, but that’s not the point. The point I want you to be the kind of guy (or girl) who makes it. Who finds their own way over the tsunami of lies and murderous intent they have in for us and finds a way to build a castle on a rock that holds them off and eventually we take them out for good and have our children free to roam the Earth and live their lives without being brain-chipped, monitored 24/7 and controlled in terms of every aspect of their life. I want them riding the range with their six-guns and rifles in the saddle and no care about digital “money” or vaccines, or having to register your DNA in order to grow your own potatoes.

And that is what I write for and I am not theorising anything. I moved to a rural area, and am learning to become a farmer day by day and it’s not easy and it takes a lot of different skills, which I try and tell you about as I can when I have a little time.

But first of all buddy, friend, guy I’ll never meet but I hope you do well… First of all, above everything else, man… you REALLY need to learn to”

  1. Think. And,
  2. Think for yourself.

Everyone likes to believe they do that. I assure you that over 90% of people reading this do not. And the people reading this are the cream of the crop, trust me. I don’t write “filler” and my “long-form” is beyond the average fruit-fly like attention span. And my run on sentences would make a writer from the 1800s proud, but the average millennial gets lost and has to have an emergency latte to cope with them.

So… I sincerely hope you look into logic. Then that you jettison mainstream media and history and if you really want a boost, sign up to Kurgan TV or my YT channel , or read some of my books , but even if you don’t please, do learn to think for yourself.

May your efforts leads you and your loved ones, and the rest of us too, closer to freedom from the rulers of this fallen Earth.


Incidentally, very prominent “scientists” at the time of the Wright brothers, wrote pompous articles about how plane flight was clearly impossible, complete with formulas and so on to “prove it.” This pattern is not unique in actual scientific (engineering) progress. In fact it is the most usual path. The theory of some engineering feat that some lone “crazy guy” supposedly did is ridiculed, denied as even possible, attacked “scientifically” and then, eventually turns out the”crazy guy” was right. Thank God for “crazy guys” like Nikola Tesla. And while he was perhaps the most important, he is by no means the only one. Plenty of others exist. Searl, Aspden, Kozyrev, Burkheardt, and many others.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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