As the masses of illiterates continue to grow, I thought I’d make a video on the subject of why what people think is the Catholic Church actually is very much not actually Catholic, or even Christian in any legitimate way.
The link to the document describing the heresies of Vatican 2 is here.
Ann Barnhardt’s post on Bergoglio accepting a Stang. Which he has now been seen with on multiple occassions.
Nice video. So now the question is begged, what defines a Catholic.
Also, I’m very disappointed that you didnt call anyone illiterate.
In essence a Catholic is defined by adhering to the rules of the Catholic Church as explained in various documents produced before 1958. Things like: The Bible, the various Catechisms, a particularly good one (in Italian only though) is the one by Carlo Dragone of San Pio the X. The Catechism of the Council of Trent is also decent although a little coloured by the fact it was a response to the heretic Protestants.
As for your disappointment, well… did you not read the post entry? Damned illiterates! They are everywhere.