The enemy only has ONE PLAY.

That is it. One. So would you PLEASE pay attention?!?

The enemy always, always, ALWAYS plays BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN. That’s it.

That is the entirety of his strategy.

American Revolution. Bankers and Freemason’s war. Funded by French money that resulted in the death of their king and queen and created the first freemasonic country in the world. World War I. Bankers and Freemason’s War. Aim was to destroy the remaining royal houses. Why? Because the royal houses were originally assumed to be ruling by God’s divine choice in picking such kings and queens. And the secular arm of the Church Militant is led by nobility, hence royal houses. They couldn’t infiltrate and damage the Church very seriously if not by first removing their bodyguards, so to speak.

World War II. A Banker’s war if ever there was one. Read the three small books of Antony Sutton: Hitler and Wall Street. No one has ever been able to refute anything he wrote.

Vatican II. Jewish, Freemason, Protestant and “Orthodox” assault on the Catholic Church. 16 documents 15 of which are filled with direct heresy and one of which states the other 15 are to be spread across the Earth. The inversion of what used to be the Catholic Church.

Left vs. Right. That’s it. Argue about whether you should be ok with LGBTPedo nonsense in primary schools or just in highschool. In pride parades or just in gay “marriage”.

Republicans or Democrats. Labour or Tory. Blah, blah, blah.

Don’t you get it yet?

All the fake “Catholics” pretending to be critical of Bergoglio and very “traditional”, are ALL fake and gay. Milo the Freemason. Nikky Fuentes the gay latino. Ye the black American black Hebrew now oh so scandalous “antisemite”.

America First. Maga hats. Hillary and Bill.

Do you not get it yet?

They literally told everyone over 200 years ago that their ploy is to always control both sides and win either way.

Why do you think the thugs that are government get together and decide what “laws” YOU need to live by that they are exempt from?

Why do you think Hillary and Bill are not in jail as the mass murderers they are?

Why do you think Macron the Oedipus complex guy and his cronies forced genetic serums on the French people with a vengeance and yet he himself and his cronies never took it themselves?

Do you not get it yet? You are being PLAYED.


So stop supporting either “side” make your own side. What are you willing to go to the wall for?

Family? friends? Sure. But it’s not enough. They do divide those. Look at the covid scamdemic. Families split apart.

So what else?

What is the ONE thing they have ALWAYS fought against? Who has ALWAYS called them out?

There is only one answer to that:

The real, One, Holy, Apostolic, Catholic —and in this day and age— Sedevacantist, Church.

Why do you think they spent 300 years meticulously planning its assault and infiltration with communists, pedophiles, freemasons and deceivers? (Don’t take my word for it, their own repentant servants admitted it. See Bella Dodd, see L’eletta del Dragone, and others) Why do you think they don’t care at all about any of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism? Or about the Copts? Or even about the so-called Eastern “Orthodox”?

Why do you think the most pernicious and insidious infiltrations, lies and attacks have always been against the Catholic Church?

Why do you think the Vatican, that hive of pedophile, satanic scum commissioned journalists to write screeds against sedevacantism but not against Lutheranism, which they in fact celebrated? As they did placing a literal statue of Moloch at the colosseum, a stone’s throw from the Vatican?

Why do you think they make overtures of friendly communal “worship” to Jews, Muslims, Protestants and “Orthodox” but react like vampires when shown the cross as soon as sedevacantism is mentioned?

Think. Think, oh my lost, quasi-godless friend.

Think. And if you want to check my work, go ahead, read Believe! Or RTCC, or both and try and find error with anything I wrote. Both books have plenty of references, so it should be easy for you to prove me wrong if I am.

“Oh but I hate the Catholic Church… they can’t be the One because…”

Save it. I was there before you and for most of my life. I despised “Catholicism” with a passion.

Because what I THOUGHT was Catholicism wasn’t.

You don’t KNOW what Catholicism is. You have been lied about it since birth. If you DO find out, WHEN you do, you will become a sedevacantist Catholic.

It requires you are able to reason and do logic and change your mind based on facts though.

And Aristotle told us long ago, such people are the minority.

That’s ok. The Bible tells us we actual Christians are a minority too.

What are you willing to go to the wall for?

I know what I am willing to do it for.



And if need be, my ORIGINAL country too. Which needs to rise again from the sea, as it does and always did.

What about you, friend?

Are you a Catholic too? Because Jesus was pretty clear about there being only ONE body (Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:4-6; John 17:21; Matthew 16:18; Acts 9:2 and generally the whole of the New Testament) and about there only being TWO sides (Matthew 12:30).

Not 40,001 “bodies” and a multitude of facets of relativity of sides. Much less one that sprung up 1488 years after the resurrection of Christ and some 1100 years after the Bible was put together. And certainly not a “body” that was headed by —or stemmed later from him— a fat German that modified the very Bible he said should be the ONLY reference frame (ignoring the fact that the Bible didn’t exist as one body of work until some 300 years after Christ ascended and was put together by TRADITION) who lusted after nuns and was fond of propagating the idea of raping maids if wives were not ready to put out, and who called reason, literally, “the whore of the devil”.

And you see, you really need to have been raised in that sort of confused chaotic mess of Protestant confusion and “indivi-duh-al choice” to not see the fact that the enemies of God only have ONE play.

One. That’s it. And it is always the same. Control both narratives.

When you see it, it becomes impossible to unsee.

And then if you look a little harder, study a little more, you’ll find there is a group of people who do NOT yield. They do NOT falter. They stick together even when they have different ideas, different personalities, different approaches to life.


They have ONE Holy Mass. In Latin. As it has been since the beginning.

One set of rules, written down so it can’t be argued and changed and opined on. The Code of Canon Law of 1917, which is the most vetted document on Earth, since 26,000 documents that spanned two millennia were examined in order to produce it and ensure no rules of the Catholic Church were ever contradicted or invalidated each other. A document which has remained unchanged even after 40 years of review by clergy except for one tiny modification to one part of one code, by Pope Pious XII himself.

We have a serious, dignified process of worship, where Jesus Christ and His sacrifice is central, not us, not the priest. Him. And we bend our knee. No spinning dervishes, Jesus is my boyfriend rock songs, no LGBT flags anywhere, and our priests call out the heresy, the lies the fake clergy and the fake Popes with aplomb and regularity.

And we have reason. And logic. And Faith. And the willingness to fight whatever fight comes our way. As our ancestors did every time they were called to, and defended Christendom against all intruders.

Which is why even laymen among us will call out the fake clergy pretending to be Catholic. Because it is the duty of every Catholic to point out heretics, impostors, satanists and the enemy, wherever we see them.

Life is difficult to process and it’s hard to know who or how to fight when you either think there are many sides or are not even aware if there are sides. Life is really a lot easier when you know you are either a Catholic and thus a Christian. Or you are not.

Oh I know. It offends your liberal sensibilities. How arrogant eh? Either you are Catholic or you are not even a Christian. How dare I, eh?

Yeah. Either 2 plus 2 is 4, or you can’t do math.

How arrogant eh?

How divisive. How non-inclusive.

What lack of diversity and transgenderism! How dare I?

Right. How much sewage would you like in your ice cream, along with your false Churchianity, sir?

The truth might hurt your delicate ego, but it’s NOT hard to see. Not hard to understand. The only thing standing in your way are the lies you have been raised with, and your own ego.

The choice is yours. Either see, believe and accept the truth, and refuse to play the enemy’s game, or keep on believing whichever side of their two-card monty you have set yourself on. And lose every time.

They only have ONE play. That’s it.

And all you need to do to win is see it. And choose.

Oh yeah, and fight. But that will come naturally once you see the unvarnished, real, truth.

2 Responses to “The enemy only has ONE PLAY.”

  1. Unseen says:

    Not a coincidence that the Long March started in the church 100+ years ago.

    • G says:

      It started in earnest well before 100 years ago. In one form or other it never stopped from year zero on, but in terms of directed freemason attacks intended to bring the Church down, it began in earnest in the 1700s.

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