May finally be starting.
Nearly 3 Trillion USD wiped off the stock market in one day.
Tel Aviv diplomats leaving Israel.
Iran saying a “decisive” response to Israel is coming in the next 24 hours
(((America))) sending warships to the middle East
It is starting to line up quite a bit.
Hypothetically, is Iran were to actually nuke Israel, as in really wipe it off the map, the Jewish bankers running America would undoubtedly try to go for global nuclear war in a fit of demonic rage, so it could get really bad.
Then again, the guys actually pulling the nuclear triggers MIGHT suddenly be struck by conscience (doubtful) either way, it is unlikely that is Israel was wiped out the global war would not intensify.
The point is that the puppeteers, whatever you believe about them and whoever your own research states they are, are not, ever, going to be removed from power by peaceful means.
Nor will they stop with their demonic agenda.
Once you DO do your own research and look into it, the conclusion that these people are operating under a spiritual, that is, religious, belief system to at compels them to act as they do is inescapable.
And that religion is “Illuminism” and their God is Lucifer, the light-bringer. And their coming of the “Messiah” is what Catholics have predicted for centuries: The Antichrist.
I was never a religious person and I thought Catholicism was absurd (because the Novus Ordo Satanic “Catholic” Church that has masqueraded as Catholic since 1958, IS absurd, AND Satanic).
It took a literal road to Damascus moment to show me God is real and God is Love. And I then spent the next 4 years obsessively educating myself on Christianity. And finally concluded real Catholicism (only espoused by Sedevacantists today) was indeed the closest and best representation of reality, and in testing it ever since, I have only had repeated, unfailing proof that it is in fact the best and truest way to interpret reality as it is.
I no more wanted Demons and Satan to be real than any other libertine still stumbling around addicted to pleasure and excitement. But reality is as it is, not as we wish it to be, and ultimately, no one will be left on the sidelines.
As our Lord explained some 2000 years ago:
Either you are with Him, or you are against Him. Those are the only two choices available. Ultimately the choice between Good or Evil is binary. Though the road to it is far from binary, the final choice is.
And you will not be spared the having to choose; because not choosing is also a choice for the darkness.
So. Pick your master, for we all have one.
I pray those of you as hard-headed as I was get your road to Damascus moment right now, and that those of you a little smarter can get there by logic and reason alone, but I pray you all get there.
God is real. So is Free Will.
You are not a puppet. You get to choose.
I hope you choose well. Sedevacantism is indeed the Way. Research it for yourself, don’t take my word for it.
[…] […]
Ultimately, it’s just about Jesus of Nazareth and the Question He asked Simon Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Then, if we’ve been Changed, learning to live like who we have been re-made to be. Grace, Mercy, and Peace to you.
The great dreaded “Antichrist” only really does ONE thing (Daniel 8:11) he ends the “continual sacrifice”, that is the Catholic Mass. Without the greatest means of God’s grace everything else happens in the normal course of events. Man goes very bad once again.
Sedevacantism goes a bit further than people understand. Christ tells us to go to Daniel to understand the Antichrist (Mathew 24). The Antichrist in Daniel chapters 8,9 is the “little horn” who proceeds from the 4 horns before him. Benedict 15, Pius 11, Pius 12, John 23 are the 4 horns (kings) before the greatest evil, who ended the Catholic Mass, Paul 6.
It is really quite simple.
It’s not simple and you’re talking nonsense. Angelo Roncalli was a Freemason and a fake Pope, so your nonsensical interpretation is retarded. Conversely, if you are equating Benedict the 15 and Pius 11 and 12 on the same plane as Roncalli, you’re also a Blasphemer as well as retarded.
Don’t comment here again on anything theological or you will be banned without any further warning.
The real road to Damascus leads to biblical Christianity, not Catholicism.
A Christian’s only authority is the Word of God= the Bible, not any Catholic doctrine., ritual, etc…
You need salvation by grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8,9. Catholicism offers a hope of salvation through good works, sacraments, belonging in the Catholic church, etc…
Like all Protestants, you are literally retarded, ignorant, and filled with unjustified pride. Catholicism IS Christianity, you utter moron. There was NO other Christianity for over a 1000 years. It was CATHOLICS, with a Pope and Bishops and the Holy Mass complete with Transubstantiation that PUT THE BIBLE TOGETHER. As for “faith alone” no, that was yet another reinvention of Luther for fat, lazy, stupid people; read James, you cretin. Oh, no, wait, you can’t because your fake “pope” Luther, who liked to have sex with nuns and rape his maids, ripped that book out of the “sola scripture” which no one should change except him apparently, 1200 years after it was put together by Catholics. God, you Protties are so utterly stupid and completely ignorant it’s more profitable to try to talk to chimps.
How fascinating that you conflate Biblical Christianity with protestantism and Luther.
Biblical Christianity existed long before Luther, long before your pope or catholic church. Catholicism is the jew perversion of Biblical Christianity as recorded in the book of Acts, over and again. Some fell for the perversion and thus birthed the catholic doctrine.
Don’t be ignorant, Biblical Christianity IS NOT protestantism.
You absolute fucking retard. It was CATHOLICS that put the Bible together, that is the SAME Catholics with Popes and Holy Mass complete with Transubstantiation and a perpetually Virgin Mary that literally COMPILED the Bible, you absolute fucking brain damaged monkey. You MORON. Read a fucking book once in a while, will you? No, wait, that’s unfair. Let’s start with you learning to tie your own shoe-laces and then see if you can mouth-out the alphabet with cue cards. Your absolute stupidity, lack of ability to literally research ANYTHING even with the entire internet at your fingertips, and the level of obstinate, wilful, total, ignorance on display is being permitted here only so others can see just what kind of retards Protestants are. Now go back to tasting the windows on the yellow bus you get carted around in.
I thought I read in the Bible about how we speak, and specifically about language. Your profanity seems rather different than how I thought a man transformed by Christ would represent himself. Must have misread …
Something about beams, something, eyes. Go convert a few hundred people, then get back to me, with your over-pious bullshit and thought-policing.
My, that was quite the tantrum. Borderline hysteria I’d say. One shouldn’t be surprised though, that approach of pathetically impotent invective coupled with ad hominen attacks is typical of all manner of cult members, such as yourself when confronted with the stark truth regarding their delusion.
Proving once again that a person cannot be reasoned out of a position acquired in the absence of reason.
Are you a tranny, or a post menopausal woman?
Tsk, Tsk, such bigotry. Let’s see what your employer thinks of your behaviour, shall we?
You are also now banned, however your last comment, though it will not show here has been saved, and sent to NIC.EDU from which you post, in order to ensure they are aware you are using their computers with their address on them to write such things to random people on the internet.
Do you see why I said you are stupid yet? Because you are.
The question that begs is — If Israel is turned into an ash heap does America gain anything by creating a second ash heap? Fact at that point what is she ‘defending’? Moral outrage? That is slim picking to burn the world over.
I could make a better case that should China invade Taiwan that the US would turn that island into an ash heap to prevent Chinese getting access to the tech embedded there.
You seem to be utterly unaware that America is owned, run by, and does the bidding of (((people))) that have rather foreign interests to that of the actual, average American.
To paraphrase another writer, “There won’t be Peace on Earth until the lat Banker is Hung with the Entrails of the last Rabbi.” It is Messianic judaism that is driving all of the Conflict in the World today, and regardless of one’s Religious Beliefs, it is the Issue that must be Dealt With, with utter Finality, before the Human Race can advance any further.
[…] Guest Post by Giuseppi Filotto […]
[…] It is a shock, I am sure you all realise, to see that “Iggy” who clearly works at NIC EDU, which is The North Idaho College of Education would use such horrific language to respond to me on this post. […]