Vox makes an extremely important point in this post .
It really is the case that in the roughly 35 years I read newspapers, every single time that any article that I actually knew the details of, not once was the truth of the matter actually reported. Some of these stories were front page news too. What can I say, I’ve had an interesting life.
The point remains the same: consider EVERYTHING you see reported on mainstream media as if it was being shouted at you by that one kid in class that is a complete drama queen AND a pathological liar AND a tragic fantasist. Then add skepticism.
The same goes for anything even remotely resembling “settled science” I wrote here about the reality that no vaccine, none, and not just in the US, has ever gone under any scientific safety procedures.
But it goes well beyond this. It applies to history too. History you are “sure and certain about” because it was inculcated into you at a very young age. Now, even before you make ANY generic assumptions, just consider for a moment if only two of those things I mention might be very different from what you have been told. For example, the idea that antigravity technology doesn’t exist (it does) and say, the ending of WW2 (to say nothing of its actual causes and reality of events during it).
Just on those two points, my Overlords of Mars trilogy , collated in one book, Nazi Moon , becomes quite a bit more interesting than just cool science fiction.
But aside my writing, please, for the love of all that is good, your own health and even more so that of your children, do yourself a favour and take the key advice I gave everyone in another of my books Systema: The Russian Martial System , and that is:
know (for) yourself.
There really is no substitute.
You think vaccines (any of them) are safe and effective? Fine, go look for the tests done on it. The hard data, not what was “reported” by some journalist in some magazine or newspaper about it. The clinical studies with the numbers and methodologies in them. You won’t find any. Because none were ever made. In Italy for example you will find that the minister of health, in a big show of telling everyone they would order safety tests to be done on vaccines, to prove their safety once and for all, in 1992, has done no such thing.
In fact, in Italy they made, thanks to an evil bitch called Lorenzin, on the usual orders from the USA, about ten vaccines “compulsory” for children to attend school. Which, of course is illegal, and if you don’t have them done, they fine you. After which your child just goes to school without vaccine and fine paid.
Which is NOT the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to write to the health services when you get the letter and ask them for the vaccine safety tests the government said would be done. After that they leave you alone.
You see? It’s all a sick game of trying to make you kill yourself by taking their lies as truth. And it plays out in pretty much every field you care to look at, but especially so in two important fields: health/pharmaceuticals/medicines and food.
Oh, and of course on the reasons for war(s) and the “reality” and “fairness” of fiat money. That last one really is a doozy once you look into it properly.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here