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The Disordered Woman

Over the last few days (and years and years) I have posted various things highlighting several of the very disordered aspects of modern society. I have specifically focussed in various ways on relationships between men and women, and how these are affected by so much of the surrounding nonsense.

I have often pointed out the Satanic nature of feminism (literally, it has purely Satanic roots at all levels, no matter how seductive the initial presentation is), which, of course, upsets feminists, and may rub many women the wrong way even if they are not avowed feminists.

The measure of discomfort a woman feels on reading that feminism is a net evil in the world is directly proportional to her lack of understanding of what it means to be a woman in reality, nature and as God intended.

And if that last sentence makes you even more upset, well, it’s unlikely you will have the mental fortitude to read the rest of this post, or ever learn anything useful about correcting the ills of the world, starting with yourself, as we all must.

In fairness to women, and as I have pretty much always stated, the fault of their disordered attitudes to life, lies in great part with men. That said, however, unless women want to be thought of, treated as, and in fact be, the human equivalent of cattle without any agency whatsoever, they need to take at least some responsibility. Incidentally, I advise they do. A vast majority of men would be perfectly happy to assume women have no more agency than ruminants, but I don’t think that’s the way forward.

So, then, according to me, and a lot of thoughtful men, what is it that women are getting so wrong and should make an effort to improve?

Settle down and let me mansplain it to you. Feel free to imagine me manspreading with a cowboy hat on and a redneck accent if it helps. Hell, if it helps go ahead and really fire up your imaginations and try and imagine me with a mullet and a cigarette. Whatever works ladies, whatever works!

The pivotal error most women have been trained to do, is to stop being women. To stop being feminine, and girly, and pretty, and pleasant, and polite, and dignified, and well-dressed. Yes, in effect I am saying that the pivotal error is that they are failing to act, be and enjoy being, like a prim and proper lady straight out of a 1950’s fiction about what the future would have been like.

Allow me to present to you some imagery that may help inspire you a little to at least understand what I mean. Try and grasp the sense of what the woman in these images feels like and how she feels about herself and her place in the world. Imagine it as something eminently positive even if you have been hypnotised to believe the opposite. Imagine their smiles, whether in drawings or photographs are genuine and happy, not posed or faked. Genuinely try to grasp the sense of this, and, if you like, imagine too, what the men in their lives are and should be like for them to genuinely be that happy and content and internally free.

And in case you think those images are too “dated” for your sense of modern style, then allow me to further help you “update” them in modernistic fashion as envisioned back then too.

You see, you can transpose the imagery, you can change the setting, you can manipulate the exterior and the style, but it is the inner sense of things which is the key.

What no man wants is this:

Or God-forbid, this:

In fact, almost all men, certainly all sane, well-balanced, normal ones, being confronted with this in their home,

Will gladly and regularly put up with this:

which, by the way, is pretty normal and natural for a woman to have and be like. And occasionally, when we deserve it, and as we are humans, we all do at times, even this:

ESPECIALLY, if it is presented in this very feminine fashion, which is indirectly and sweetly, VERY direct.

Now, to the squeals of the beached whales complaining, my ears are deaf, but to those perspicacious females that noted the question above as to what the man in their life should look like and act like for them to be happy to be as mentioned above, again, perhaps some inspirational imagery is in order.

And again, the images above reflecting men, are not supposed to “inspire” a bunch of metrosexuals to take on the airs of such imagery as boxers, mountaineers, soldiers, and random adventurers so as to impress women. The whole point of such men is that they do what they do because they want to. The impressing or not of others is inconsequential to them.

And while the entrenched feminist will continue to squeal like a poked pig that such patriarchal oppression is endemic of rape-culture and toxic masculinity and blah, blah, blah, who cares… it will be essentially because deep down in their core, like the hole at the centre of the Gamma male’s soul, entrenched feminists have a similar eternal void of self, and deep, deep down know they will never be able to snag, keep and be loved truly by such a man. So, just like the gamma male, they rage. And their rage tries to burn down all men, all pretty, feminine women and all nuclear families.

But every woman who has not yet succumbed to totalitarian feminism, deep down, knows she would love to be with such a stereotypical manly man. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. And truly, actual manly men, are happy to treat their wives as their princesses as long as they in turn treat them as their kings. It is a mutual admiration society founded in genuine care for the other above our own concerns.

That is not to say the manly man will not screw up from time to time. Or that the feminine woman will not. Humans ALL screw up. But that is not reason enough to give up on them. God didn’t. Jesus let himself be scoured, spat upon and nailed to a cross while wholly innocent in order not to give up on us. So… be kind to each other.

And as we are only human, and not like Jesus, it is perfectly acceptable to completely avoid feminists, not engage with them, not have sex with them, and most certainly not marry or have children with them. And it is equally perfectly acceptable for women to similarly avoid “male” metrosexual “feminist-allies”, and their spineless, manipulative, weak, PUA ways.

What no woman wants, in keeping with the imagery above for what men do not want, is the gamma male:

Ultimately, cliched as it is, the natural order of things is probably most expressed by Tarzan and Jane.

And the 1981 version of the film with Bo Derek as Jane remains one of the better versions. If memory serves, the point where Tarzan meets Jane and sniffs her is very well done. I think it was the 1981 film version, but it’s possible it may have been the 1999 version with Christopher Lambert as Tarzan.

The man being a quasi savage is fine. Dealing with the world, especially if one understands the reality of things, often resembles something not unlike a fight with wild animals (with apologies to all wild animals who do not deserve to be compared to the parasitic classes of human bureaucrats that infest our lives today), but it is the very femininity of his woman that softens his ways with her, and it is his caring and protective masculine efforts that give her that peaceful sense of security that no matter how crazy the world gets, he will take care of her.

Today’s world has made the acting as a man almost illegal. And the acting as a woman something to be disparaged and ridiculed. The effect is most noticeable on women, as they are far more social animals than men are. But the results are destructive and create profound unhappiness in women above all. Quoting various scientific studies is near useless given that overall so-called peer reviewed studies are fake and irreproducible by over 50% of cases, however, you can find some with actual methodology that is explained (if not verified).

Here is an interesting graph that measures overall self-reported happiness (of both men and women) against perceived freedom. From this site.

The interesting thing to note, if you search a bit and try to get a general sense of all these studies, is that general happiness took a dive for everybody starting around 1990, although the trend had been downward already. What happened in 1990? Well, political correctness really started up quite prominently and feminism began its ascendance on steroids.

The world has made it quite difficult for a man to single handedly go and work and provide for a numerous family of a wife and several children.

And equally difficult for a woman to be a home-maker and housewife without being criticised by her (less happy) “peers” for being a spineless doormat, subjugated to the always evil and perverted desires of her male oppressor (aka husband).

The answer needs to be in a certain evolutionary step women need to take and it needs to be a step they understand and choose for themselves.

Just like men had to learn to somewhat curb their temperament. Because challenging a rude waiter, or a slow one, to a death duel with your sixgun or samurai sword apparently is “rude”. And then they went completely overboard correcting in the other direction and outright banning the challenge to a duel as being all “illegal” and “murder-y”, go figure.

Well, anyway, women need to now make the evolutionary step that realises that the opinions of other women, especially, but other people, in general, are pointless to worry about or lose sleep over. My post on who your critics most often are, is as valid for women as it is for men. Perhaps even more so (with respect to the who).

If it is rare for an efficient and capable man to be your avowed critic (unless you in fact are, mostly an oxygen thief) when it comes to women, even if they are efficient and capable, they are generally worse than men at gaslighting each other as well as critiquing you unfairly or wholly based on their own failings (usually not to your face though). So in that respect at least, the advice given in that post, is valid for women too.

Biologically, it is objectively harder for a woman to be objective than a man. That is just a fact of nature, and trying to deny it is pointless and counter-productive. Because hormones are real and a thing. Nevertheless, assuming that because of it rationality and good logic are therefore impossible, is a lie. Just as men had to evolve to not let their own hormonally driven instincts direct their actions, so now women need to learn the same lesson.

And remember, always, always, always:

Women are not the enemy. Men are not the enemy. The lies and the liars who speak them are the enemy. And you should give them no quarter and no mercy. Expose them, reject them, and have nothing to do with them.

Safeguard the roles nature intended for us and learn them anew if you must (as most of us have to), supporting each other as you do so and learn together. There is no human unit, group, or community, more important, more necessary, more valid, than the nuclear family composed of one man, one woman and their children. All the rest is shadows and lies and meaningless details in the face of that truth.

So come together and know: You have been lied to. Rediscover. Rebuild. Learn. Marry, for life, make children, and reject the world’s lies and fake “rewards”.

Is it easy? No. Of course not. Your own family, especially if you had boomer parents, is probably riddled with divorce, lack of funds, and dysfunctionality at a core level. That’s the reality. So YOU be the start.

You’re like a rootless couple of shipwrecks on a hostile alien planet. You need to first of all get together, realise you need to make your partnership, your marriage, be the core of everything. Without that, you will not survive. Then do all the things that need doing so your children will be able to start off their lives in a tradition that is worthwhile, healthy and gives them the chance to create a solid footing for their own children.

Make that future bright and real, no matter what difficulties you need to face.

Vintage illustration of a futuristic American family on vacation, with the father driving his wife and two kids in a flying saucer instead of a car, 1950s. (Illustration by GraphicaArtis/Getty Images)

And ignore the human wreckage and misshapen mutants that try and tell you you’re wrong, a racist, some kind of supremacist this or that, a hater, an evil, evil, EEEEBIL (yes with a B) toxic male or spineless female.

They, after all, are evolutionary dead ends. The blind frogs that can’t swim that nature experiments with by the thousands just to have them die off in a genetic cul-de-sac.

Forge ahead and take a picture of the freaks, so you can leave a warning in your photo-album for your grandkids.

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One Response to “The Disordered Woman”

  1. Ron Tomlinson says:

    Great selection of pictures. Thanks!

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