It was evident to me from a very young age that most people don’t reason well, but it’s only after the age of the Covid genocidal scam that I am truly beginning to appreciate the absolute abyss there is in even supposedly intelligent people’s perception of reality.
Almost no one would object to the idea that 2+2 is 4. Or that if a think is absolutely true, then it cannot also be absolutely false. And yet, when applied to real life situations, the vast majority of people do exactly that. It is my considered opinion that if suddenly every human being on Earth stopped acting like a hormonally challenged and drug-addled monkey, and acted logically instead, within a year we would be starting to colonise and explore our solar system and within a decade we’d be exploring other star systems.
From the most fundamental ideas most people have about reality to the minutiae of our day, most human beings deceive themselves to a spectacular degree.
Allow me to give you just a few examples.
Imagine believing in an infallible God, who, because He loves us, gives us free will (with all the evil that inevitably results in), which is all fine, but then believing he will not give you any way to know precisely how to behave in a way that is good. Or, that if He does give you a way it’s fallible and imperfect and everyone can interpret it as they like. While the refrain of the Atheists that only an evil God would let innocents suffer is in fact retarded, as I pointed out and explained in BELIEVE! in detail, the idea that He truly does love you but will not give you precise and infallible rules for your salvation for you to make us of (or not, because free will) is also just as retarded.
We ALL know only a man and a woman together can make a human being and we ALL know we all die eventually, so if humanity is to continue, normalising this relationship and protecting it is normal. And we ALL know men and women are different, but being prepared to deal with hardship, misunderstanding and the lies we are surrounded by, which have reached epic proportions, is somehow being sold as some kind of prime evil, instead of the minimum requirement for a functioning society. Men are being trained to think all women are faithless whores and women that men are all useless chumps to be used as wallets. The concepts I have put in Caveman Theory are thought by the majority of people in the West to be too brutally real and “difficult” although they have been the things that have created functioning families for millennia.
The continual push to demonise every kind of violence and saying it is NEVER justified, is, of course utter nonsense. The only reason to push such an obvious lie is to prevent anyone ELSE from using it. You’ll notice every government on Earth has zero problem using violence in order to get what the people running it want.
The “Americans” running the USA have no problem using violence down to the last Ukrainian to get what they want. The Israeli government has zero problem killing actual children and babies in order to execute the ongoing genocide that was planned from the start of their green flag October 7th assault.
These are just big picture things. Every day in a million ways people ignore basic math, obvious facts, undeniable reality, only so as to stroke their own delusional ego.
It’s macabre and retarded, and yet, it seems to be the norm on this planet. The difficulty in accepting it is the only barrier to having a relatively happy and successful life.
The Difficulty of Logic
It was evident to me from a very young age that most people don’t reason well, but it’s only after the age of the Covid genocidal scam that I am truly beginning to appreciate the absolute abyss there is in even supposedly intelligent people’s perception of reality.
Almost no one would object to the idea that 2+2 is 4. Or that if a think is absolutely true, then it cannot also be absolutely false. And yet, when applied to real life situations, the vast majority of people do exactly that. It is my considered opinion that if suddenly every human being on Earth stopped acting like a hormonally challenged and drug-addled monkey, and acted logically instead, within a year we would be starting to colonise and explore our solar system and within a decade we’d be exploring other star systems.
From the most fundamental ideas most people have about reality to the minutiae of our day, most human beings deceive themselves to a spectacular degree.
Allow me to give you just a few examples.
Imagine believing in an infallible God, who, because He loves us, gives us free will (with all the evil that inevitably results in), which is all fine, but then believing he will not give you any way to know precisely how to behave in a way that is good. Or, that if He does give you a way it’s fallible and imperfect and everyone can interpret it as they like. While the refrain of the Atheists that only an evil God would let innocents suffer is in fact retarded, as I pointed out and explained in BELIEVE! in detail, the idea that He truly does love you but will not give you precise and infallible rules for your salvation for you to make us of (or not, because free will) is also just as retarded.
We ALL know only a man and a woman together can make a human being and we ALL know we all die eventually, so if humanity is to continue, normalising this relationship and protecting it is normal. And we ALL know men and women are different, but being prepared to deal with hardship, misunderstanding and the lies we are surrounded by, which have reached epic proportions, is somehow being sold as some kind of prime evil, instead of the minimum requirement for a functioning society. Men are being trained to think all women are faithless whores and women that men are all useless chumps to be used as wallets. The concepts I have put in Caveman Theory are thought by the majority of people in the West to be too brutally real and “difficult” although they have been the things that have created functioning families for millennia.
The continual push to demonise every kind of violence and saying it is NEVER justified, is, of course utter nonsense. The only reason to push such an obvious lie is to prevent anyone ELSE from using it. You’ll notice every government on Earth has zero problem using violence in order to get what the people running it want.
The “Americans” running the USA have no problem using violence down to the last Ukrainian to get what they want. The Israeli government has zero problem killing actual children and babies in order to execute the ongoing genocide that was planned from the start of their green flag October 7th assault.
These are just big picture things. Every day in a million ways people ignore basic math, obvious facts, undeniable reality, only so as to stroke their own delusional ego.
It’s macabre and retarded, and yet, it seems to be the norm on this planet. The difficulty in accepting it is the only barrier to having a relatively happy and successful life.
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